R graph: barplot percentages

Here are posts on R graphs, some of which are for barplots. I recently graphed a barplot with labels on the bars, so I'll post the code here. I cropped the y-axis numbers for the printed figure; from what I can tell, it takes a little more code and a lot more trouble (for me, at least) to code a plot without the left set of numbers.



This loads the Hmisc package, which has the mgp.axis command that will be used later:



This command tells R to make a set of graphs with 1 row and 0 columns (mfrow), to have margins of 6, 6, 2, and 1 for the bottom, left, top, and right (mar), and to have margins for the axes with characteristics of 0, 4, and 0, for the location of the labels, tick-mark labels, and tick marks (mgp):

par(mfrow=c(1,0), mar=c(6, 6, 2, 1), mgp=c(0,4,0))


This command enters the data for the barplot:

heritage <- c(66, 0, 71, 10, 49, 36)


This command enters the colors for the barplot bars:

colors <- c("royalblue4", "royalblue4", "cornflowerblue", "cornflowerblue", "navyblue", "navyblue")


This command enters the labels for the barplot bars, with \n indicating a new line:

names <- c("Flag reminds of\nSouthern heritage\nmore than\nwhite supremacy", "Flag reminds of\nwhite supremacy\nmore than\nSouthern heritage", "Proud of what\nthe Confederacy\nstood for", "Not proud of what\nthe Confederacy\nstood for", "What happens to\nSoutherners\naffects my life\na lot", "What happens to\nSoutherners\naffects my life\nnot very much")


This command plots a barplot of heritage with the indicated main title, no y-axis labels, from 0 to 90 on the y-axis, with horizontal labels, with colors from the "colors" set and names from the "names" set.

bp <- barplot (heritage, main="Percentage who Preferred the Georgia Flag with the Confederate Battle Emblem", ylab=NA, ylim=c(0,90), las=1, col=colors, names=names)


This command plots a y-axis (2) with the indicated labels being horizontal (las=2):

mgp.axis(2, at=c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80), las=2)

The above code is for the rightmost set of y-axis labels in the figure.


This command enters the text for the barplot bars:

labels <-c("66%\n(n=301)", "0%\n(n=131)", "71%\n(n=160)", "10%\n(n=104)", "49%\n(n=142)", "36%\n(n=122)")


This command plots the labels at the coordinates (barplot value, heritage value+ + 2):

text(bp, heritage+2, labels, cex=1, pos=3)


Full code is here.

4 Comments on “R graph: barplot percentages

  1. ggplot is good, but this is very helpful when I want to modify older code (using barplot) without re-writing the entire thing. Thank you!

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