Stronger evidence for a 0.85 coefficient differing from a 0.49 coefficient than from the number 0.49?

In "Gendered Nationalism and the 2016 US Presidential Election: How Party, Class, and Beliefs about Masculinity Shaped Voting Behavior" (Politics & Gender 2019), Melissa Deckman and Erin Cassese reported a Table 2 model that had a sample size of 750 and a predictor for college degree that had a logit coefficient of -0.57 and a standard error of 0.28, so the associated t-statistic is -0.57/28, or about -2.0, which produces a p-value of about 0.05.

The college degree coefficient fell to -0.27 when a "gendered nationalism" predictor was added to the model, and Deckman and Cassese 2019 indicated (pp. 17-18) that:

A post hoc Wald test comparing the size of the coefficients between the two models suggests that the coefficient for college was significantly reduced by the inclusion of the mediator [F(1,678) = 7.25; p < .0072]...

From what I can tell, this means that there is stronger evidence for the -0.57 coefficient differing from the -0.27 coefficient (p<0.0072) than for the -0.57 coefficient differing from zero (p≈0.05).

This type of odd result has been noticed before.


For more explanation, below are commands that can be posted into Stata to produce a similar result:

clear all
set seed 123
set obs 500
gen Y = runiform(0,10)
gen X1 = 0.01*(Y + runiform(0,10)^2)
gen X2 = 0.01*(Y + 2*runiform(0,10))
reg Y X1
egen weight = fill(1 1 1 1 1)
svyset [pw=weight]
svy: reg Y X1
estimates store X1alone
svy: reg Y X1 X2
estimates store X1paired
suest X1alone X1paired
lincom _b[X1alone:X1] - 0
di _b[X1paired:X1]
lincom _b[X1alone:X1] - 0.4910762
lincom _b[X1alone:X1] - _b[X1paired:X1]

The X1 coefficient is 0.8481948 in the "reg Y X1" model and is 0.4910762 in the "reg Y X1 X2" model. Results for the "lincom _b[X1alone:X1] - _b[X1paired:X1]" command indicate that the p-value is 0.040 for the test that the 0.8481948 coefficient differs from the 0.4910762 coefficient. But results for the "lincom _b[X1alone:X1] - 0.4910762" command indicate that the p-value is 0.383 for the test that the 0.8481948 coefficient differs from the number 0.4910762.

So, from what I can tell, there is stronger evidence that the 0.8481948 X1 coefficient differs from an imprecisely estimated coefficient that has the value of 0.4910762 than from the value of 0.4910762.


As indicated in the link above, this odd result appears attributable to the variance sum law:

Variance(X-Y) = Variance(X) + Variance(Y) - 2*Covariance(X,Y)

For the test of whether the 0.8481948 X1 coefficient differs from the 0.4910762 X1 coefficient, the formula is:

Variance(X-Y) = Variance(X) + Variance(Y) - 2*Covariance(X,Y)

But for the test of whether the -0.57 coefficient differs from zero, the formula reduces to:

Variance(X-Y) = Variance(X) + 0 - 0

For the simulated data, subtracting 2*Covariance(X,Y) reduces Variance(X-Y) more than adding the Variance(Y) increases Variance(X-Y), which explains how the p-value can be lower for comparing the two coefficients to each other than for comparing one coefficient to the value of the other coefficient.

See the code below:

suest X1alone X1paired
matrix list e(V)
di (.8481948-.4910762)/sqrt(.16695974)
di (.8481948-.4910762)/sqrt(.16695974+.14457114-2*.14071065)
test _b[X1alone:X1] = _b[X1paired:X1]

Stata output here.

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