Comments on Chalmers et al 2022 "…Libertarian concern for men's, but not women's, reproductive autonomy"

Political Psychology recently published Chalmers et al 2022 "The rights of man: Libertarian concern for men's, but not women's, reproductive autonomy". The basis for this claim about libertarians' selective concern is indicated in the abstract as:

Libertarianism was associated with opposition to abortion rights and support for men's right both to prevent women from having abortions (male veto) and to withdraw financial support for a child when women refuse to terminate the pregnancy (financial abortion).

The above passage represents a flawed inferential method that I'll explain below.


The lead author of Chalmers et al 2022 quickly responded to my request about the availability of data, code, and codebooks, with replication materials now public at the OSF site. I'll use data from Study 2 and run a simple analysis to illustrate the inferential flaw.

The only predictor that I'll use is a 0-to-6 "Libert" variable that I renamed "Libertarianism" and recoded to range from 0 to 1 for responses to the item "To what extent would you describe your political persuasion as libertarian?", with 0 for "Not at all" to 1 "Very much".


In the OLS linear regression below, the abSINGLE outcome variable has eight levels, from 0 for "Not at all" to 1 for "Very much", for an item about whether the respondent thinks that a pregnant woman should be able to obtain a legal abortion if she is single and does not want to marry the man.

The linear regression output below (N=575) indicates that, on average, respondent libertarianism is negatively correlated with support for permitting a woman to have an abortion if she is single and does not want to marry the man.

. reg abSINGLE Libertarianism
      abSINGLE |  Coef.  p-value
Libertarianism | -0.30   0.000 
     intercept |  0.89   0.000 

In the OLS linear regression below, the maleVETO outcome variable has six levels, from 0 for "Strongly disagree" to 1 for "Strongly agree", for an item about whether the respondent thinks that a woman should not be allowed to have an abortion if the man involved really wants to keep his unborn child.

The linear regression output below (N=575) indicates that, on average, respondent libertarianism is positively correlated with support for prohibiting a woman from having an abortion if the man involved really wants to keep his unborn child.

. reg maleVETO Libertarianism
      maleVETO |  Coef. p-value
Libertarianism |  0.26  0.000 
     intercept |  0.13  0.000 

So what's the flaw in combining results from these two regressions to infer that libertarians have a concern for men's reproductive autonomy but not for women's reproductive autonomy?


The flaw is that the linear regressions above include data from non-libertarians, and patterns among non-libertarians might account for the change in the sign of the coefficient on Libertarianism.

Note, for example, that, based on the OLS regression output, the predicted support among respondents highest in libertarianism will be 0.89 + -0.30, or 0.69, for women's right to an abortion on the 0-to-1 abSINGLE item, but will be 0.13 + 0.26, or 0.39, for men's right to an abortion veto on the 0-to-1 maleVETO item.

But let's forget these linear regression results, because the appropriate method for assessing whether a group is inconsistent is to analyze data only from that group. So here are respective means, for respondents at 6 on the 0-to-6 "Libert" variable (N=18):

0.45 on abSINGLE

0.49 on maleVETO

And here are respective means, for respondents at 5 or 6 on the 0-to-6 "Libert" variable (N=46):

0.53 on abSINGLE

0.42 on maleVETO

I wouldn't suggest interpreting these results to mean that libertarians are on net consistent about women's reproductive autonomy and men's reproductive autonomy or, for that matter, that libertarians favor women's reproductive autonomy over men's. But I think that the analyses illustrate the flaw in making inferences about a group based on a linear regression involving people who aren't in that group.

The Stata log file has output of my analyses above and additional analyses, but Chalmers et al 2022 had two datasets and multiple measures for key items, so the analyses aren't exhaustive.

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