------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ name: log: G:\anes 2022 pilot - intelligence plots OUTPUT.log log type: text opened on: 21 Jan 2023, 03:08:17 . do "C:\Users\ljzig\AppData\Local\Temp\STD4f50_000000.tmp" . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Stata do file for: ANES 2022 Pilot Study . ******************************************************************************************* . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Survey weights . ******************************************************************************************* . . sum weight // N = 1,500 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- weight | 1,500 1.000001 .5136512 .2984 4.4903 . svyset [pw=weight] pweight: weight VCE: linearized Single unit: missing Strata 1: SU 1: FPC 1: . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Racial groups . ******************************************************************************************* . . codebook eth rwh rbl rain ras rpi roth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ eth Profile: Hispanic ethnicity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: eth range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 242 1 Yes 1,343 2 No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rwh Profile: White ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: rwh range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,262 1 selected 323 2 not selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rbl Profile: Black or African American ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: rbl range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 211 1 selected 1,374 2 not selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rain Profile: American Indian or Alaska Native ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: rain range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 38 1 selected 1,547 2 not selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ras Profile: Asian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: ras range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 63 1 selected 1,522 2 not selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rpi Profile: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: rpi range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 5 1 selected 1,580 2 not selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ roth Profile: Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: roth range: [1,2] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 65 1 selected 1,520 2 not selected . . gen RwhiteNH = 0 . replace RwhiteNH = 1 if eth==2 & rwh==1 & rbl!=1 & rain!=1 & ras!=1 & rpi!=1 & roth!=1 (1,051 real changes made) . gen RblackNH = 0 . replace RblackNH = 1 if eth==2 & rwh!=1 & rbl==1 & rain!=1 & ras!=1 & rpi!=1 & roth!=1 (189 real changes made) . gen RasianNH = 0 . replace RasianNH = 1 if eth==2 & rwh!=1 & rbl!=1 & rain!=1 & ras==1 & rpi!=1 & roth!=1 (52 real changes made) . . tab1 RwhiteNH RblackNH RasianNH -> tabulation of RwhiteNH RwhiteNH | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 534 33.69 33.69 1 | 1,051 66.31 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of RblackNH RblackNH | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 1,396 88.08 88.08 1 | 189 11.92 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of RasianNH RasianNH | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 1,533 96.72 96.72 1 | 52 3.28 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Intelligence comparisons . ******************************************************************************************* . . codebook swhintel sblintel sasintel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ swhintel Rate intelligence - Whites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: swhintel, but 5 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-7,7] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 2 -7 No Answer 327 1 Intelligent 1 365 2 320 3 428 4 83 5 30 6 30 7 Unintelligent 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sblintel Rate intelligence - Blacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: sblintel, but 5 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-7,7] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 3 -7 No Answer 329 1 Intelligent 1 274 2 284 3 472 4 132 5 53 6 38 7 Unintelligent 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sasintel Rate intelligence - Asian-Americans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: sasintel, but 5 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-7,7] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 4 -7 No Answer 551 1 Intelligent 1 379 2 225 3 330 4 49 5 32 6 15 7 Unintelligent 7 . tab1 swhintel sblintel sasintel, mi -> tabulation of swhintel Rate intelligence - Whites | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------------+----------------------------------- No Answer | 2 0.13 0.13 Intelligent 1 | 327 20.63 20.76 2 | 365 23.03 43.79 3 | 320 20.19 63.97 4 | 428 27.00 90.98 5 | 83 5.24 96.21 6 | 30 1.89 98.11 Unintelligent 7 | 30 1.89 100.00 ------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of sblintel Rate intelligence - Blacks | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------------+----------------------------------- No Answer | 3 0.19 0.19 Intelligent 1 | 329 20.76 20.95 2 | 274 17.29 38.23 3 | 284 17.92 56.15 4 | 472 29.78 85.93 5 | 132 8.33 94.26 6 | 53 3.34 97.60 Unintelligent 7 | 38 2.40 100.00 ------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of sasintel Rate intelligence - | Asian-Americans | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------------+----------------------------------- No Answer | 4 0.25 0.25 Intelligent 1 | 551 34.76 35.02 2 | 379 23.91 58.93 3 | 225 14.20 73.12 4 | 330 20.82 93.94 5 | 49 3.09 97.03 6 | 32 2.02 99.05 Unintelligent 7 | 15 0.95 100.00 ------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . gen intelW = 7 - swhintel if swhintel>=1 & swhintel<=7 (2 missing values generated) . gen intelB = 7 - sblintel if sblintel>=1 & sblintel<=7 (3 missing values generated) . gen intelA = 7 - sasintel if sasintel>=1 & sasintel<=7 (4 missing values generated) . . tab1 intelW intelB intelA, mi -> tabulation of intelW intelW | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 30 1.89 1.89 1 | 30 1.89 3.79 2 | 83 5.24 9.02 3 | 428 27.00 36.03 4 | 320 20.19 56.21 5 | 365 23.03 79.24 6 | 327 20.63 99.87 . | 2 0.13 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of intelB intelB | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 38 2.40 2.40 1 | 53 3.34 5.74 2 | 132 8.33 14.07 3 | 472 29.78 43.85 4 | 284 17.92 61.77 5 | 274 17.29 79.05 6 | 329 20.76 99.81 . | 3 0.19 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of intelA intelA | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 15 0.95 0.95 1 | 32 2.02 2.97 2 | 49 3.09 6.06 3 | 330 20.82 26.88 4 | 225 14.20 41.07 5 | 379 23.91 64.98 6 | 551 34.76 99.75 . | 4 0.25 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . gen intelWB = 0 . replace intelWB = 1 if (intelW > intelB) & intelW!=. & intelB!=. (384 real changes made) . . gen intelAB = 0 . replace intelAB = 1 if (intelA > intelB) & intelA!=. & intelB!=. (598 real changes made) . . gen intelAW = 0 . replace intelAW = 1 if (intelA > intelW) & intelA!=. & intelW!=. (537 real changes made) . . tab1 intelWB intelAB intelAW, mi -> tabulation of intelWB intelWB | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 1,201 75.77 75.77 1 | 384 24.23 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of intelAB intelAB | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 987 62.27 62.27 1 | 598 37.73 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 -> tabulation of intelAW intelAW | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 1,048 66.12 66.12 1 | 537 33.88 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Other variables . ******************************************************************************************* . . codebook gdiffbiol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gdiffbiol Differences among racial groups - Due to biological differences between racial g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: gdiffbiol range: [-7,5] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 3 -7 No Answer 106 1 A great deal 141 2 A lot 358 3 A moderate amount 227 4 A little 750 5 Not at all . . codebook ideo5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ideo5 Profile: Ideology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type: numeric (double) label: ideo5 range: [-7,6] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/1,585 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1 -7 No Answer 171 1 Very liberal 253 2 Liberal 486 3 Moderate 342 4 Conservative 198 5 Very conservative 134 6 Not sure . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Percentages . ******************************************************************************************* . . svy: prop intelWB , level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7512195 .0126253 .7333147 .7683019 1 | .2487805 .0126253 .2316981 .2666853 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAW , level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .653339 .0139081 .6338216 .6723539 1 | .346661 .0139081 .3276461 .3661784 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6178244 .0141805 .5979893 .6372744 1 | .3821756 .0141805 .3627256 .4020107 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy: prop intelWB if gdiffbiol>=1 & gdiffbiol<=4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 792 Number of PSUs = 792 Population size = 818.7284 Design df = 791 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .6662198 .0189875 .6393981 .6920076 1 | .3337802 .0189875 .3079924 .3606019 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAW if gdiffbiol>=1 & gdiffbiol<=4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 792 Number of PSUs = 792 Population size = 818.7284 Design df = 791 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6294518 .0193642 .6022287 .6558764 1 | .3705482 .0193642 .3441236 .3977713 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAB if gdiffbiol>=1 & gdiffbiol<=4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 792 Number of PSUs = 792 Population size = 818.7284 Design df = 791 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .5716605 .0197821 .5440408 .5988409 1 | .4283395 .0197821 .4011591 .4559592 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy: prop intelWB if gdiffbiol==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 705 Number of PSUs = 705 Population size = 678.8304 Design df = 704 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .8536409 .0144541 .8324415 .8725687 1 | .1463591 .0144541 .1274313 .1675585 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAW if gdiffbiol==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 705 Number of PSUs = 705 Population size = 678.8304 Design df = 704 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6809013 .0199093 .6526843 .707852 1 | .3190987 .0199093 .292148 .3473157 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAB if gdiffbiol==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 705 Number of PSUs = 705 Population size = 678.8304 Design df = 704 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6729264 .020081 .6444979 .7001393 1 | .3270736 .020081 .2998607 .3555021 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 987 Subpop. size = 929.2576 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7543717 .0148519 .7332132 .7743685 1 | .2456283 .0148519 .2256315 .2667868 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 987 Subpop. size = 929.2576 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6797449 .0161206 .6570047 .701662 1 | .3202551 .0161206 .298338 .3429953 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 987 Subpop. size = 929.2576 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6205655 .0166907 .5971766 .6434073 1 | .3794345 .0166907 .3565927 .4028234 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RblackNH): prop intelWB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 176 Subpop. size = 181.51 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .8547446 .0281663 .8112135 .8896042 1 | .1452554 .0281663 .1103958 .1887865 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RblackNH): prop intelAW, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 176 Subpop. size = 181.51 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6670938 .0382214 .6121969 .7178018 1 | .3329062 .0382214 .2821982 .3878031 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RblackNH): prop intelAB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 176 Subpop. size = 181.51 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .7682387 .0334252 .7187411 .8113122 1 | .2317613 .0334252 .1886878 .2812589 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RasianNH): prop intelWB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 51 Subpop. size = 60.519 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .5642063 .0907145 .437074 .683423 1 | .4357937 .0907145 .316577 .562926 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RasianNH): prop intelAW, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 51 Subpop. size = 60.519 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .5204498 .0882494 .3993497 .6391934 1 | .4795502 .0882494 .3608066 .6006503 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RasianNH): prop intelAB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Subpop. no. obs = 51 Subpop. size = 60.519 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .4095871 .0843621 .2996149 .5294128 1 | .5904129 .0843621 .4705872 .7003851 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB if ideo5==1, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 161 Number of PSUs = 161 Population size = 171.8168 Subpop. no. obs = 102 Subpop. size = 102.5649 Design df = 160 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .8784097 .0345634 .8215886 .9189201 1 | .1215903 .0345634 .0810799 .1784114 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW if ideo5==1, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 161 Number of PSUs = 161 Population size = 171.8168 Subpop. no. obs = 102 Subpop. size = 102.5649 Design df = 160 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6484548 .0564346 .5665446 .7224688 1 | .3515452 .0564346 .2775312 .4334554 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB if ideo5==1, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 161 Number of PSUs = 161 Population size = 171.8168 Subpop. no. obs = 102 Subpop. size = 102.5649 Design df = 160 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6832445 .0535867 .6044826 .7527376 1 | .3167555 .0535867 .2472624 .3955174 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB if ideo5==2, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 239 Number of PSUs = 239 Population size = 216.4815 Subpop. no. obs = 153 Subpop. size = 127.7135 Design df = 238 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .8449999 .0304286 .7978826 .8827475 1 | .1550001 .0304286 .1172525 .2021174 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW if ideo5==2, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 239 Number of PSUs = 239 Population size = 216.4815 Subpop. no. obs = 153 Subpop. size = 127.7135 Design df = 238 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6912488 .039636 .6336542 .7434546 1 | .3087512 .039636 .2565454 .3663458 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB if ideo5==2, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 239 Number of PSUs = 239 Population size = 216.4815 Subpop. no. obs = 153 Subpop. size = 127.7135 Design df = 238 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .7139472 .0385045 .6576124 .7643347 1 | .2860528 .0385045 .2356653 .3423876 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB if ideo5==3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 462 Number of PSUs = 462 Population size = 471.7893 Subpop. no. obs = 280 Subpop. size = 268.4313 Design df = 461 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7527274 .0286672 .7108534 .790326 1 | .2472726 .0286672 .209674 .2891466 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW if ideo5==3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 462 Number of PSUs = 462 Population size = 471.7893 Subpop. no. obs = 280 Subpop. size = 268.4313 Design df = 461 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .7039455 .0288589 .6624078 .7423601 1 | .2960545 .0288589 .2576399 .3375922 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB if ideo5==3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 462 Number of PSUs = 462 Population size = 471.7893 Subpop. no. obs = 280 Subpop. size = 268.4313 Design df = 461 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6710134 .0298356 .6283781 .7110068 1 | .3289866 .0298356 .2889932 .3716219 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB if ideo5==4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 322 Number of PSUs = 322 Population size = 310.3421 Subpop. no. obs = 250 Subpop. size = 233.4395 Design df = 321 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .674753 .0317813 .6291824 .7172401 1 | .325247 .0317813 .2827599 .3708176 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW if ideo5==4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 322 Number of PSUs = 322 Population size = 310.3421 Subpop. no. obs = 250 Subpop. size = 233.4395 Design df = 321 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6106452 .0331477 .5637676 .655563 1 | .3893548 .0331477 .344437 .4362324 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB if ideo5==4, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 322 Number of PSUs = 322 Population size = 310.3421 Subpop. no. obs = 250 Subpop. size = 233.4395 Design df = 321 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .498608 .0337271 .4519323 .545308 1 | .501392 .0337271 .454692 .5480677 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelWB if ideo5==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 184 Number of PSUs = 184 Population size = 188.6927 Subpop. no. obs = 142 Subpop. size = 142.5038 Design df = 183 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7180307 .0402864 .658808 .7705539 1 | .2819693 .0402864 .2294461 .341192 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAW if ideo5==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 184 Number of PSUs = 184 Population size = 188.6927 Subpop. no. obs = 142 Subpop. size = 142.5038 Design df = 183 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .7386393 .0385744 .6815758 .7886477 1 | .2613607 .0385744 .2113523 .3184242 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy, subpop(RwhiteNH): prop intelAB if ideo5==5, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 184 Number of PSUs = 184 Population size = 188.6927 Subpop. no. obs = 142 Subpop. size = 142.5038 Design df = 183 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .5758267 .0439297 .5138806 .6354785 1 | .4241733 .0439297 .3645215 .4861194 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Overlaps for the waffle plot . ******************************************************************************************* . . tab intelWB intelAW | intelAW intelWB | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 832 369 | 1,201 1 | 216 168 | 384 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 1,048 537 | 1,585 . svy: tab intelWB intelAW (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 ------------------------------- | intelAW intelWB | 0 1 Total ----------+-------------------- 0 | .5152 .236 .7512 1 | .1381 .1107 .2488 | Total | .6533 .3467 1 ------------------------------- Key: cell proportion Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 21.1190 Design-based F(1, 1499) = 16.4614 P = 0.0001 . . tab intelWB intelAW if gdiffbiol>=1 & gdiffbiol<=4 | intelAW intelWB | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 378 182 | 560 1 | 162 110 | 272 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 540 292 | 832 . svy: tab intelWB intelAW if gdiffbiol>=1 & gdiffbiol<=4 (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 792 Number of PSUs = 792 Population size = 818.7284 Design df = 791 ------------------------------- | intelAW intelWB | 0 1 Total ----------+-------------------- 0 | .4338 .2325 .6662 1 | .1957 .1381 .3338 | Total | .6295 .3705 1 ------------------------------- Key: cell proportion Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 3.1687 Design-based F(1, 791) = 2.4678 P = 0.1166 . . prop intelWB , level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,585 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7577287 .010762 .7425042 .7723291 1 | .2422713 .010762 .2276709 .2574958 -------------------------------------------------------------- . prop intelAW , level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,585 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6611987 .0118884 .6445336 .6774735 1 | .3388013 .0118884 .3225265 .3554664 -------------------------------------------------------------- . prop intelAB, level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,585 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6227129 .0121749 .6056982 .6394305 1 | .3772871 .0121749 .3605695 .3943018 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . prop intelWB if weight!=., level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .756 .0110895 .7403061 .7710388 1 | .244 .0110895 .2289612 .2596939 -------------------------------------------------------------- . prop intelAW if weight!=., level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .6593333 .0122369 .6421766 .6760824 1 | .3406667 .0122369 .3239176 .3578234 -------------------------------------------------------------- . prop intelAB if weight!=., level(83.4) Proportion estimation Number of obs = 1,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB | 0 | .6226667 .0125154 .6051718 .6398477 1 | .3773333 .0125154 .3601523 .3948282 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . svy: prop intelWB, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB | 0 | .7512195 .0126253 .7333147 .7683019 1 | .2487805 .0126253 .2316981 .2666853 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAW, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW | 0 | .653339 .0139081 .6338216 .6723539 1 | .346661 .0139081 .3276461 .3661784 -------------------------------------------------------------- . . ******************************************************************************************* . ** Extra analysis . ******************************************************************************************* . . gen intelWB3 = 99 if weight!=. (85 missing values generated) . replace intelWB3 = 3 if (intelW > intelB) & intelW!=. & intelB!=. (384 real changes made) . replace intelWB3 = 1 if (intelW < intelB) & intelW!=. & intelB!=. (204 real changes made) . replace intelWB3 = 2 if (intelW == intelB) & intelW!=. & intelB!=. (994 real changes made) . tab intelWB3, mi intelWB3 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 204 12.87 12.87 2 | 994 62.71 75.58 3 | 384 24.23 99.81 99 | 3 0.19 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . gen intelAB3 = 99 if weight!=. (85 missing values generated) . replace intelAB3 = 3 if (intelA > intelB) & intelA!=. & intelB!=. (598 real changes made) . replace intelAB3 = 1 if (intelA < intelB) & intelA!=. & intelB!=. (107 real changes made) . replace intelAB3 = 2 if (intelA == intelB) & intelA!=. & intelB!=. (876 real changes made) . tab intelAB3, mi intelAB3 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 107 6.75 6.75 2 | 876 55.27 62.02 3 | 598 37.73 99.75 99 | 4 0.25 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . gen intelAW3 = 99 if weight!=. (85 missing values generated) . replace intelAW3 = 3 if (intelA > intelW) & intelA!=. & intelW!=. (537 real changes made) . replace intelAW3 = 1 if (intelA < intelW) & intelA!=. & intelW!=. (140 real changes made) . replace intelAW3 = 2 if (intelA == intelW) & intelA!=. & intelW!=. (904 real changes made) . tab intelAW3, mi intelAW3 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 140 8.83 8.83 2 | 904 57.03 65.87 3 | 537 33.88 99.75 99 | 4 0.25 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,585 100.00 . . svy: prop intelWB3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelWB3 | 1 | .133112 .0098965 .1199848 .1474346 2 | .6164773 .0141531 .5966834 .6358926 3 | .2487805 .0126253 .2316981 .2666853 99 | .0016302 .001031 .0006783 .003913 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAB3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAB3 | 1 | .0761709 .0077309 .0661247 .0876002 2 | .5394486 .0144957 .5193065 .5594627 3 | .3821756 .0141805 .3627256 .4020107 99 | .0022049 .0011801 .0010497 .0046256 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: prop intelAW3, level(83.4) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,500 Number of PSUs = 1,500 Population size = 1,500.002 Design df = 1,499 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion Std. Err. [83.4% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ intelAW3 | 1 | .0971682 .0087192 .085737 .1099402 2 | .5539659 .0144708 .5338345 .5739219 3 | .346661 .0139081 .3276461 .3661784 99 | .0022049 .0011801 .0010497 .0046256 -------------------------------------------------------------- . end of do-file . log close name: log: G:\anes 2022 pilot - intelligence plots OUTPUT.log log type: text closed on: 21 Jan 2023, 03:08:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------