* See here: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/C8AAVB * Use the dataset CCES14_UMA_OUTPUT_Aug2015_vmMay2022.dta * First run the code in the WhatsinaNamereplicationdofileMay2022.do file. * Check about missingness sum skindvpre black latino asian nativeamerican other female age education partyid ideology DMV nflsophindex sportsint sportsmediaatt nativeracialresentment washfan PercentNative * Distribution of responses to the measures of resentment against Native Americans tab UMA344A UMA344B, mi tab1 UMA344A UMA344B, mi * Consistently positive responses about Native Americans tab UMA344A UMA344B if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) di 582/1500 // 38.8% positive for both * Negative responses about Native Americans tab UMA344A UMA344B if (UMA344A==4 | UMA344A==5) | (UMA344B==1 | UMA344B==2), mi di 294/1500 // 19.6% negative for at least one tab UMA344A UMA344B if (UMA344A==4 | UMA344A==5) & (UMA344B==1 | UMA344B==2), mi di 84/1500 // 19.6% negative for at least one * Footnote codebook UMA339 recode UMA339 (4/5=1) (1/3=0), gen(disOFF) tab UMA339 disOFF, mi svyset [pw=weight] prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) // positive both svy: prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) // positive both codebook UMA345_1 prop disOFF if UMA345_1==100 svy: prop disOFF if UMA345_1==100 prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) & UMA345_1==100 svy: prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) & UMA345_1==100 prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 ) & ( UMA344B==5) & UMA345_1==100 svy: prop disOFF if (UMA344A==1 ) & ( UMA344B==5) & UMA345_1==100 * Building the measure of resentment against Native Americans codebook UMA344A recode UMA344A (6=.), gen(rr1) replace rr1 = rr1 - 1 codebook UMA344B recode UMA344B (6=.), gen(rr2) replace rr2 = 5 - rr2 sum rr1 rr2 gen nativeRRall = rr1 + rr2 tab nativeRRall sum nativeRRall gen nativeRRall01 = (nativeRRall - r(min))/(r(max)-r(min)) sum nativeRRall01 * Check against Sharrow et al. svy: reg skindvpre black latino asian nativeamerican other female age education correctpartyid7 ideology DMV nflsophindex sportsint sportsmediaatt nativeRRall01 washfan PercentNative * Regression with the full sample reg skindvpre black latino asian nativeamerican other female age education correctpartyid7 ideology DMV nflsophindex sportsint sportsmediaatt nativeRRall01 washfan PercentNative reg skindvpre nativeRRall01 * Regression removing consistently positive responses about Native Americans drop if (UMA344A==1 | UMA344A==2) & (UMA344B==4 | UMA344B==5) gen nativeRRnop = rr1 + rr2 tab nativeRRnop sum nativeRRnop gen nativeRRnop01 = (nativeRRnop - r(min))/(r(max)-r(min)) sum nativeRRnop01 tab UMA344A UMA344B if nativeRRnop01!=. tab UMA344A UMA344B if nativeRRnop01==0 tab UMA344A UMA344B if nativeRRnop01==1 reg skindvpre black latino asian nativeamerican other female age education correctpartyid7 ideology DMV nflsophindex sportsint sportsmediaatt nativeRRnop01 washfan PercentNative reg skindvpre nativeRRnop01