** Load version 2 of the Skinner-Dorkenoo et al 2022 Study 2 data from: ** https://osf.io/3tx6f/?view_only=c8155ae67c7640189efcefeb6c8aaec6 ** Delete the open-ended columns AI and DV so that the CSV file is imported correctly. ** Code empathy tab1 empathy_1 empathy_2 empathy_3 egen emp = rowmean( empathy_1 empathy_2 empathy_3) tab emp ** Code experimental conditions tab1 article_nonsys article_sys article_con gen cond = . replace cond=1 if article_nonsys!=. replace cond=2 if article_sys!=. replace cond=3 if article_con!=. label define cond 1 "Disparities" 2 "Persistent" 3 "Control" label values cond cond tab cond ** Check for race codebook race ** Analyses without post-treatment control: reg emp ib3.cond if finished==1, robust margins, at(cond=(1(1)3)) reg emp ib3.cond if finished==1 & race==1, robust margins, at(cond=(1(1)3)) ** Analyses with post-treatment control: egen sys = rowmean( systemic_disp_1 systemic_disp_2 systemic_disp_3 systemic_disp_4 systemic_disp_5 systemic_disp_6) reg emp ib3.cond sys if finished==1, robust margins, at(cond=(1(1)3)) reg emp ib3.cond sys if finished==1 & race==1, robust margins, at(cond=(1(1)3)) ** Did the treatment affect the "sys" measure? reg sys ib3.cond if finished==1, robust reg sys ib3.cond if finished==1 & race==1, robust