* [1] Codebook codebook q14 female treatment2 q31_1 q31_2 q31_3 q31_4 * [2] Replicate Model 1 Table S3 from Gillooly et al 2021 recode q14 (1=5 "A great deal") (2=4 "A lot") (3=3 "A moderate amount") (4=2 "A little") (5=1 "Not at all"), gen(q14recode) tab q14recode gen quant = (q31_1 + q31_2) / 2 gen qual = (q31_3 + q31_4) / 2 ologit q14recode i.treatment2##i.female quant qual * [3] Remove the post-treatment controls ologit q14recode i.treatment2##i.female * [4] Limit the analysis to male respondents to test for the "backlash" ologit q14recode treatment2 if female==0 ologit q14recode treatment2 if female==0, robust reg q14recode treatment2 if female==0 reg q14recode treatment2 if female==0, robust tab q14recode recode q14recode (1/3=0 "Low") (4/5=1 "High"), gen(q14binary) tab q14binary tab q14binary treatment2 if female==0, chi2 prtest q14binary if female==0, by(treatment2) * [5] Check whether any individual controls were sufficient to reduce the p-value ologit q14recode treatment2 q31_1 if female==0, robust // * ologit q14recode treatment2 q31_2 if female==0, robust ologit q14recode treatment2 q31_3 if female==0, robust ologit q14recode treatment2 q31_4 if female==0, robust * [6] Did the treatment affect responses to items used in the controls, among male respondents? ologit q31_1 treatment2 if female==0, robust ologit q31_2 treatment2 if female==0, robust ologit q31_3 treatment2 if female==0, robust ologit q31_4 treatment2 if female==0, robust