******************************************************************************************************************************* * Documentation for Reproduction of * Blog post * L.J Zigerell * Stata version 11 ******************************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************************************* set mem 500m set more off use13 "E:anes 2012 time series\anes_timeseries_2012_dta\anes_timeseries_2012.dta", clear tab wave_completions keep if wave_completions == 1 // keep only respondents who were in pre-election and post-election survey ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Racial groups ******************************************************************************************************************************* tab dem_raceeth gen black = dem_raceeth recode black (-9/-1 = .) (1 3 4 = 0) (2 = 1) tab dem_raceeth black tab dem_raceeth gen white = dem_raceeth recode white (-9/-1 = .) (2 3 4 = 0) tab dem_raceeth white keep if white == 1 ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Racial resentment ******************************************************************************************************************************* tab resent_workway gen resent1 = resent_workway recode resent1 (-9/-1 = .) replace resent1 = 3 - resent1 tab resent1 tab resent_slavery gen resent2 = resent_slavery recode resent2 (-9/-1 = .) replace resent2 = resent2 - 3 tab resent2 tab resent_deserve gen resent3 = resent_deserve recode resent3 (-9/-1 = .) replace resent3 = resent3 - 3 tab resent3 tab resent_try gen resent4 = resent_try recode resent4 (-9/-1 = .) replace resent4 = 3 - resent4 tab resent4 gen rresent = 0 replace rresent = rresent + resent1 + resent2 + resent3 + resent4 replace rresent = . if resent1 == . replace rresent = . if resent2 == . replace rresent = . if resent3 == . replace rresent = . if resent4 == . tab rresent resent1, mi tab rresent resent2, mi tab rresent resent3, mi tab rresent resent4, mi sum rresent egen rresent_std = std(rresent) replace rresent = rresent_std sum rresent alpha resent1 resent2 resent3 resent4, min(4) item gen(rresentALPHA) // check to make sure rresent is coded correctly pwcorr rresent rresentALPHA, sig obs sum caseid if resent1 != . & resent2 != . & resent3 !=. & resent4 !=. ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Dependent variables that are explicitly racial ******************************************************************************************************************************* // 1. Oppose black hiring and promotion preferences tab aapost_hire_x gen oppblackpref4 = aapost_hire_x recode oppblackpref4 (-9/-1 = .) (4=3) (5=4) egen oppblackpref4_std = std(oppblackpref4) replace oppblackpref4 = oppblackpref4_std sum oppblackpref4 tab aapost_hire_x oppblackpref4, mi // 2. Oppose affirmative action in universities tab aa_uni_x gen oppaactionuniv7 = aa_uni_x recode oppaactionuniv7 (-9/-1 = .) egen oppaactionuniv7_std = std(oppaactionuniv7) replace oppaactionuniv7 = oppaactionuniv7_std sum oppaactionuniv7 tab aa_uni_x oppaactionuniv7, mi // 3. Oppose affirmative action in the workplace tab aa_work_x gen oppaactionwork7 = aa_work_x recode oppaactionwork7 (-9/-1 = .) egen oppaactionwork7_std = std(oppaactionwork7) replace oppaactionwork7 = oppaactionwork7_std sum oppaactionwork7 tab aa_work_x oppaactionwork7, mi // 4. Oppose government ensuring fair jobs for blacks tab fairjob_opin_x gen oppfairjobblacks4 = fairjob_opin_x recode oppfairjobblacks4 (-9/-1 = .)(4=3) (5=4) egen oppfairjobblacks4_std = std(oppfairjobblacks4) replace oppfairjobblacks4 = oppfairjobblacks4_std sum oppfairjobblacks4 tab fairjob_opin_x oppfairjobblacks4, mi // 5. Oppose special federal effort to help blacks tab aidblack_self gen oppaidblacks7 = aidblack_self recode oppaidblacks7 (-9/-1 = .) egen oppaidblacks7_std = std(oppaidblacks7) replace oppaidblacks7 = oppaidblacks7_std sum oppaidblacks7 tab aidblack_self oppaidblacks7, mi // 6. Scale: Oppose assistance policies for blacks alpha oppblackpref4 oppaactionuniv7 oppaactionwork7 oppfairjobblacks4 oppaidblacks7, gen(blscale) min(3) item std pwcorr blscale oppblackpref4 oppaactionuniv7 oppaactionwork7 oppfairjobblacks4 oppaidblacks7 sum blscale egen blscale_std = std(blscale) replace blscale = blscale_std sum blscale ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Dependent variables that are NOT explicitly racial *** Note that nonracial dependent variables are presented in a different order in the manuscript ******************************************************************************************************************************* // 1. Oppose laws against gay job discrimination tab gayrt_discrev_x tab gayrt_discstd_x tab gayrt_discrev_x gayrt_discstd_x gen gayjob4 = gayrt_discrev_x recode gayjob4 (-9/-1=.) (4=3) (5=4) replace gayjob4 = 1 if gayrt_discstd_x == 1 replace gayjob4 = 2 if gayrt_discstd_x == 2 replace gayjob4 = 3 if gayrt_discstd_x == 4 replace gayjob4 = 4 if gayrt_discstd_x == 5 egen gayjob4_std = std(gayjob4) replace gayjob4 = gayjob4_std sum gayjob4 tab gayrt_discrev_x gayjob4, mi tab gayrt_discstd_x gayjob4, mi // 2. Oppose letting gays serve in the military tab gayrt_milrev_x tab gayrt_milstd_x tab gayrt_milrev_x gayrt_milstd_x gen gaymil4 = gayrt_milrev_x recode gaymil4(-9/-1=.) (4=3) (5=4) replace gaymil4 = 1 if gayrt_milstd_x == 1 replace gaymil4 = 2 if gayrt_milstd_x == 2 replace gaymil4 = 3 if gayrt_milstd_x == 4 replace gaymil4 = 4 if gayrt_milstd_x == 5 egen gaymil4_std = std(gaymil4) replace gaymil4 = gaymil4_std sum gaymil4 tab gayrt_milrev_x gaymil4, mi tab gayrt_milstd_x gaymil4, mi // 3. Gays should not be permitted to marry tab gayrt_marry gen gaymarry3 = gayrt_marry recode gaymarry3 (-9/-1=.) egen gaymarry3_std = std(gaymarry3) replace gaymarry3 = gaymarry3_std sum gaymarry3 tab gayrt_marry gaymarry3, mi // 4. Gays should not be allowed to adopt [0/1] tab gayrt_adopt gen gayadopt2 = gayrt_adopt recode gayadopt2 (-9/-1=.) (1=0) (2=1) tab gayrt_adopt gayadopt2, mi // 5. Gay and lesbian feeling thermometer tab ftgr_gay gen gayfeel100 = ftgr_gay recode gayfeel100 (-9/-1=.) sum gayfeel100 replace gayfeel100 = 100 - gayfeel100 egen gayfeel100_std = std(gayfeel100) replace gayfeel100 = gayfeel100_std sum gayfeel100 pwcorr ftgr_gay gayfeel100 if ftgr_gay > -1 // 6. SCALE: Negative attitudes toward gays and lesbians alpha gayjob4 gaymil4 gayadopt2 gaymarry3 gayfeel100, gen(gayALPHA) item min(3) std * alpha of 0.85 egen gayALPHA_std = std(gayALPHA) replace gayALPHA = gayALPHA_std sum gayALPHA // 7. Prolife attitudes on four-part abortion item tab abortpre_4point gen abort4 = abortpre_4point recode abort4 (-9/-1=.) (5=.) (4=1) (3=2) (2=3) (1=4) egen abort4_std = std(abort4) replace abort4 = abort4_std sum abort4 tab abortpre_4point abort4, mi // 8. Oppose abortion to save woman's life tab abort_fatal_x gen abfatal9 = abort_fatal_x recode abfatal9 (-9/-1=.) egen abfatal9_std = std(abfatal9) replace abfatal9 = abfatal9_std sum abfatal9 tab abort_fatal_x abfatal9, mi // 9. Oppose abortion b/c rape tab abort_rape_x gen abrape9 = abort_rape_x recode abrape9 (-9/-1=.) egen abrape9_std = std(abrape9) replace abrape9 = abrape9_std sum abrape9 tab abort_rape_x abrape9, mi // 10. Oppose abortion b/c birth defect tab abort_bd_x gen abdefect9 = abort_bd_x recode abdefect9 (-9/-1=.) egen abdefect9_std = std(abdefect9) replace abdefect9 = abdefect9_std sum abdefect9 tab abort_bd_x abdefect9, mi // 11. Oppose abortion b/c incest tab abort_incest_x gen abincest9 = abort_incest_x recode abincest9 (-9/-1=.) egen abincest9_std = std(abincest9) replace abincest9 = abincest9_std sum abincest9 tab abort_incest_x abincest9, mi // 12. Oppose abortion b/c woman's health tab abort_health_x gen abhealth9 = abort_health_x recode abhealth9 (-9/-1=.) egen abhealth9_std = std(abhealth9) replace abhealth9 = abhealth9_std sum abhealth9 tab abort_health_x abhealth9, mi // 13. Oppose abortion b/c financial concerns tab abort_fin_x gen abmoney9 = abort_fin_x recode abmoney9 (-9/-1=.) egen abmoney9_std = std(abmoney9) replace abmoney9 = abmoney9_std sum abmoney9 tab abort_fin_x abmoney9, mi // 14. Oppose abortion b/c fetal sex selection tab abort_sex_x gen absex9 = abort_sex_x recode absex9 (-9/-1=.) egen absex9_std = std(absex9) replace absex9 = absex9_std sum absex9 tab abort_sex_x absex9, mi // 15. Oppose abortion b/c woman's choice tab abort_choice_x gen abchoice9 = abort_choice_x recode abchoice9 (-9/-1=.) egen abchoice9_std = std(abchoice9) replace abchoice9 = abchoice9_std sum abchoice9 tab abort_choice_x abchoice9, mi // 16. SCALE [7-15]: Prolife attitudes alpha abort4 abfatal9 abrape9 abdefect9 abincest9 abhealth9 abmoney9 absex9 abchoice9, gen(abortALPHA) item min(5) std * alpha of 0.91 egen abortALPHA_std = std(abortALPHA) replace abortALPHA = abortALPHA_std sum abortALPHA // 17. Negative ratings on a feminist feeling thermometer tab ftgr_feminists gen femfeel100 = ftgr_feminists recode femfeel100 (-9/-1=.) sum femfeel100 replace femfeel100 = 100 - femfeel100 egen femfeel100_std = std(femfeel100) replace femfeel100 = femfeel100_std sum femfeel100 pwcorr ftgr_feminists femfeel100 if ftgr_feminists > -1 // 18. Harder for working mom to bond w/ child tab women_bond_x gen fembond7 = women_bond_x recode fembond7 (-9/-1=.) egen fembond7_std = std(fembond7) replace fembond7 = fembond7_std sum fembond7 tab women_bond_x fembond7, mi // 19. Better if man works, woman cares for home tab women_works_x gen femwork7 = women_works_x recode femwork7 (-9/-1=.) replace femwork7 = 8 - femwork7 egen femwork7_std = std(femwork7) replace femwork7 = femwork7_std sum femwork7 tab women_works_x femwork7, mi // 20. Bad if woman president in next 20 years tab wpres_gdbd_x gen fempres7 = wpres_gdbd_x recode fempres7 (-9/-1=.) egen fempres7_std = std(fempres7) replace fempres7 = fempres7_std sum fempres7 tab wpres_gdbd_x fempres7, mi // 21. Modern sexism: discrimination is not a problem tab modsex_discamt gen modsexdiscrim5 = modsex_discamt recode modsexdiscrim5 (-9/-1=.) replace modsexdiscrim5 = 6 - modsexdiscrim5 egen modsexdiscrim5_std = std(modsexdiscrim5) replace modsexdiscrim5 = modsexdiscrim5_std sum modsexdiscrim5 tab modsex_discamt modsexdiscrim5, mi // 22. Modern sexism: media should pay less attn tab modsex_media_x gen modsexmedia7 = modsex_media_x recode modsexmedia7 (-9/-1=.) egen modsexmedia7_std = std(modsexmedia7) replace modsexmedia7 = modsexmedia7_std sum modsexmedia7 tab modsex_media_x modsexmedia7, mi // 23. Modern sexism: women seek special favors tab modsex_special gen modsexspecial5 = modsex_special recode modsexspecial5 (-9/-1=.) egen modsexspecial5_std = std(modsexspecial5) replace modsexspecial5 = modsexspecial5_std sum modsexspecial5 tab modsex_special modsexspecial5, mi // 24. Modern sexism: work discrimination tab modsex_disc gen modsexhiring5 = modsex_disc recode modsexhiring5 (-9/-1=.) replace modsexhiring5 = 6 - modsexhiring5 egen modsexhiring5_std = std(modsexhiring5) replace modsexhiring5 = modsexhiring5_std sum modsexhiring5 tab modsex_disc modsexhiring5, mi // 25. Modern sexism: complaining causes more problems tab modsex_prob gen modsexcomplain5 = modsex_prob recode modsexcomplain5 (-9/-1=.) egen modsexcomplain5_std = std(modsexcomplain5) replace modsexcomplain5 = modsexcomplain5_std sum modsexcomplain5 tab modsex_prob modsexcomplain5, mi // 26. Modern sexism: women have more opportunities than men tab modsex_oppor_x gen modsexoppor7 = modsex_oppor_x recode modsexoppor7 (-9/-1=.) egen modsexoppor7_std = std(modsexoppor7) replace modsexoppor7 = modsexoppor7_std sum modsexoppor7 tab modsex_oppor_x modsexoppor7, mi // SCALE [17-26]: Conservative attitudes toward women alpha femfeel100 fembond7 femwork7 fempres7 modsexdiscrim5 modsexmedia7 modsexspecial5 modsexhiring5 modsexcomplain5 modsexoppor7, gen(femALPHA) item min(4) std * alpha of 0.74 egen femALPHA_std = std(femALPHA) replace femALPHA = femALPHA_std sum femALPHA // decided to use this instead of just the modern sexism items // 28. Opposition to environmental regulation tab envjob_self gen envjobs7 = envjob_self recode envjobs7 (-9/-1=.) egen envjobs7_std = std(envjobs7) replace envjobs7 = envjobs7_std sum envjobs7 tab envjob_self envjobs7, mi // 29. Decrease federal spending on the environment tab fedspend_enviro gen envspend3 = fedspend_enviro recode envspend3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen envspend3_std = std(envspend3) replace envspend3 = envspend3_std sum envspend3 tab fedspend_enviro envspend3, mi // 30. U.S. should have more nuclear power plants tab envir_nuke gen nuclear3 = envir_nuke recode nuclear3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen nuclear3_std = std(nuclear3) replace nuclear3 = nuclear3_std sum nuclear3 tab envir_nuke nuclear3, mi // 31. Skepticism that global warming is happening [0/1] tab envir_gwarm gen gwarm2 = envir_gwarm recode gwarm2 (-9 -8=.) (1=0) (2=1) tab gwarm2 tab envir_gwarm gwarm2, mi // 32. Rising temperatures are good tab envir_gwgood gen gwarmgood3 = envir_gwgood recode gwarmgood3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen gwarmgood3_std = std(gwarmgood3) replace gwarmgood3 = gwarmgood3_std sum gwarmgood3 tab envir_gwgood gwarmgood3, mi // 33. Global warming is mostly natural tab envir_gwhow gen gwarmhuman3 = envir_gwhow recode gwarmhuman3 (-9/-1=.) (1=-1) (2=1) (3=0) egen gwarmhuman3_std = std(gwarmhuman3) replace gwarmhuman3 = gwarmhuman3_std sum gwarmhuman3 tab envir_gwhow gwarmhuman3, mi // 34. SCALE [28-33]: Conservative views on the environment alpha envjobs7 envspend3 nuclear3 gwarm2 gwarmgood3 gwarmhuman3, gen(enviroALPHA) item min(4) std * alpha of 0.75 egen enviroALPHA_std = std(enviroALPHA) replace enviroALPHA = enviroALPHA_std sum enviroALPHA // 35. Favor reducing the budget deficit tab budget_deficit_x gen defred7 = budget_deficit_x recode defred7 (-9/-1=.) replace defred7 = 8 - defred7 egen defred7_std = std(defred7) replace defred7 = defred7_std sum defred7 tab budget_deficit_x defred7, mi // 36. Importance of reducing the budget deficit tab budget_defimp gen defimp5 = budget_defimp recode defimp5 (-9/-1=.) replace defimp5 = 6 - defimp egen defimp5_std = std(defimp5) replace defimp5 = defimp5_std sum defimp5 tab budget_defimp defimp5, mi // 37. Oppose reducing deficit by more taxes on high earners tab budget_rdef250k gen def250k3 = budget_rdef250k recode def250k3 (-9/-1=.) (1=-1) (2=1) (3=0) egen def250k3_std = std(def250k3) replace def250k3 = def250k3_std sum def250k3 tab budget_rdef250k def250k3, mi // 38. Favor reducing deficit with Medicare voucher tab budget_rdefmed gen defvoucher3 = budget_rdefmed recode defvoucher3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen defvoucher3_std = std(defvoucher3) replace defvoucher3 = defvoucher3_std sum defvoucher3 tab budget_rdefmed defvoucher3, mi // 39. Oppose reducing deficit by more corporate taxation tab budget_rdefctax gen defcorptax3 = budget_rdefctax recode defcorptax3 (-9/-1=.) (1=-1) (2=1) (3=0) egen defcorptax3_std = std(defcorptax3) replace defcorptax3 = defcorptax3_std sum defcorptax3 tab budget_rdefctax defcorptax3, mi // 40. Oppose reducing deficit by less military spending tab budget_rdefmil gen defmil3 = budget_rdefmil recode defmil3 (-9/-1=.) (1=-1) (2=1) (3=0) egen defmil3_std = std(defmil3) replace defmil3 = defmil3_std sum defmil3 tab budget_rdefmil defmil3, mi // 41. Favor reducing deficit by cutting federal employees tab budget_rdefemp gen deffedemp3 = budget_rdefemp recode deffedemp3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen deffedemp3_std = std(deffedemp3) replace deffedemp3 = deffedemp3_std sum deffedemp3 tab budget_rdefemp deffedemp3, mi // 42. Favor reducing deficit by cutting non-military spending tab budget_rdefgov gen defnomil3 = budget_rdefgov recode defnomil3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen defnomil3_std = std(defnomil3) replace defnomil3 = defnomil3_std sum defnomil3 tab budget_rdefgov defnomil3, mi // 43. Oppose millionaire tax tab milln_milltax_x gen taxmil7 = milln_milltax_x recode taxmil7 (-9/-1=.) egen taxmil7_std = std(taxmil7) replace taxmil7 = taxmil7_std sum taxmil7 tab milln_milltax_x taxmil7, mi // 44. Encourage outsourcing tab outsource_enc_x gen outsource5 = outsource_enc_x recode outsource5 (-9/-1=.) egen outsource5_std = std(outsource5) replace outsource5 = outsource5_std sum outsource5 tab outsource_enc_x outsource5, mi // 45. Favor investing Social Security in stocks tab ssinv_invest_x gen ssstock7 = ssinv_invest_x recode ssstock7 (-9/-1=.) replace ssstock7 = 8 - ssstock7 egen ssstock7_std = std(ssstock7) replace ssstock7 = ssstock7_std sum ssstock7 tab ssinv_invest_x ssstock7, mi // 46. SCALE [35-45]: Conservative fiscal policy alpha defred7 defimp5 def250k3 defvoucher3 defcorptax3 defmil3 deffedemp3 defnomil3 taxmil7 outsource5 ssstock7, gen(fiscalALPHA) item min(5) std * alpha of 0.74 egen fiscalALPHA_std = std(fiscalALPHA) replace fiscalALPHA = fiscalALPHA_std sum fiscalALPHA // 47. Oppose limiting corporate campaign contributions tab campfin_limcorp gen cflimit3 = campfin_limcorp recode cflimit3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen cflimit3_std = std(cflimit3) replace cflimit3 = cflimit3_std sum cflimit3 tab campfin_limcorp cflimit3, mi // 48. Oppose banning corporate/union campaign ads tab campfin_banads gen cfads3 = campfin_banads recode cfads3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen cfads3_std = std(cfads3) replace cfads3 = cfads3_std sum cfads3 tab campfin_banads cfads3, mi // 49. Increase defense spending tab defsppr_self gen defspend7 = defsppr_self recode defspend7 (-9/-1 =.) egen defspend7_std = std(defspend7) replace defspend7 = defspend7_std sum defspend7 tab defsppr_self defspend7, mi // 50. Positive ratings on a military feeling thermometer tab ftgr_military gen feelmil100 = ftgr_military recode feelmil100 (-9/-1 =.) sum feelmil100 egen feelmil100_std = std(feelmil100) replace feelmil100 = feelmil100_std sum feelmil100 pwcorr ftgr_military feelmil100 if ftgr_military > -1 // 51. Afghanistan war was worth it [0/1] tab war_worthit gen warworth2 = war_worthit recode warworth2 (-9 -8=.) (2=0) tab warworth2 tab war_worthit warworth2, mi // 52. Afghanistan war decreased terror threat tab war_terror gen warterror3 = war_terror recode warterror3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen warterror3_std = std(warterror3) replace warterror3 = warterror3_std sum warterror3 tab war_terror warterror3, mi // 53. Favor court authorization for wiretaps tab wiretap_warrant gen wiretap3 = wiretap_warrant recode wiretap3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen wiretap3_std = std(wiretap3) replace wiretap3 = wiretap3_std sum wiretap3 tab wiretap_warrant wiretap3, mi // 54. Government wiretapping not gone far enough tab wiretappo_toofar gen wiretaptoo3 = wiretappo_toofar recode wiretaptoo3 (-9/-1=.) (2=0) (3=1) (1=-1) egen wiretaptoo3_std = std(wiretaptoo3) replace wiretaptoo3 = wiretaptoo3_std sum wiretaptoo3 tab wiretappo_toofar wiretaptoo3, mi // 55. Favor torture for suspected terrorists tab dhs_torture tab dhs_torturefav tab dhs_tortureopp gen protorture7 = . replace protorture7 = -3 if dhs_tortureopp == 1 replace protorture7 = -2 if dhs_tortureopp == 2 replace protorture7 = -1 if dhs_tortureopp == 3 replace protorture7 = 0 if dhs_torture == 3 replace protorture7 = 1 if dhs_torturefav == 3 replace protorture7 = 2 if dhs_torturefav == 2 replace protorture7 = 3 if dhs_torturefav == 1 tab protorture7 sum protorture7 egen protorture7_std = std(protorture7) replace protorture7 = protorture7_std sum protorture7 tab dhs_torture protorture7, mi tab dhs_torturefav protorture7, mi tab dhs_tortureopp protorture7, mi // X. No scale for war items alpha warworth2 warterror3 wiretap3 wiretaptoo3 protorture7, gen(terrorALPHA) item min(3) std ** alpha of 0.41 // 56. Patriotism: Feel good seeing flag fly tab patriot_flag gen patflag5 = patriot_flag recode patflag5 (-9/-1=.) replace patflag5 = 6 - patflag egen patflag5_std = std(patflag5) replace patflag5 = patflag5_std sum patflag5 tab patriot_flag patflag5, mi // 57. Patriotism: Love of country tab patriot_love gen patlove5 = patriot_love recode patlove5 (-9/-1=.) egen patlove5_std = std(patlove5) replace patlove5 = patlove5_std sum patlove5 tab patriot_love patlove5, mi // 58. Patriotism: Important being American tab patriot_amident gen patimpt5 = patriot_amident recode patimpt5 (-9/-1=.) replace patimpt5 = 6 - patimpt5 egen patimpt5_std = std(patimpt5) replace patimpt5 = patimpt5_std tab patriot_amident patimpt5, mi // 59. SCALE [56-58]: Patriotism alpha patflag5 patlove5 patimpt5, gen(patALPHA) item min(2) std * alpha of 0.82 egen patALPHA_std = std(patALPHA) replace patALPHA = patALPHA_std sum patALPHA // 60. Religion important to respondent's life [0/1] tab relig_import gen relimp2 = relig_import recode relimp2 (-9/-1=.) (2=0) tab relimp2 tab relig_import relimp2, mi // 61. Religion provides day-to-day guidance tab relig_guide gen relguide3 = relig_guide recode relguide3 (-9/-1=.) egen relguide3_std = std(relguide3) replace relguide3 = relguide3_std sum relguide3 tab relig_guide relguide3, mi // 62. Frequency of prayer tab relig_pray gen relpray5 = relig_pray recode relpray5 (-9/-1=.) (95=.) replace relpray5 = 6 - relpray5 egen relpray5_std = std(relpray5) replace relpray5 = relpray5_std sum relpray5 tab relig_pray relpray5, mi // 63. Frequency of religious service attendance tab relig_church tab relig_churchoft tab relig_church relig_churchoft gen relattend5 = . replace relattend5 = . if relig_churchoft == -9 replace relattend5 = 0 if relig_churchoft == 5 replace relattend5 = 0 if relig_church == 2 replace relattend5 = 0 if relig_churchoft == 5 replace relattend5 = 1 if relig_churchoft == 4 replace relattend5 = 2 if relig_churchoft == 3 replace relattend5 = 3 if relig_churchoft == 2 replace relattend5 = 4 if relig_churchoft == 1 tab relattend5 egen relattend5_std = std(relattend5) replace relattend5 = relattend5_std tab relig_church relattend5, mi tab relig_churchoft relattend5, mi // 64. More conservative belief about the Bible tab relig_wordgod gen bible3 = relig_wordgod recode bible3 (-9/-1=.) (5=.) replace bible3 = 4 - bible3 egen bible3_std = std(bible3) replace bible3 = bible3_std sum bible3 tab relig_wordgod bible3, mi // 65. Positive ratings on a Christian feeling thermometer tab ftgr_xian gen xianfeel100 = ftgr_xian recode xianfeel100 (-9/-1=.) sum xianfeel100 egen xianfeel100_std = std(xianfeel100) replace xianfeel100 = xianfeel100_std sum xianfeel100 pwcorr ftgr_xian xianfeel100 if ftgr_xian > -1 // 66. SCALE [60-65]: Christian religiosity alpha relimp2 relpray5 relattend5 bible3 xianfeel100, gen(relALPHA) item min(3) std * alpha of 0.85 egen relALPHA_std = std(relALPHA) replace relALPHA = relALPHA_std sum relALPHA // 67. Negative ratings on an atheist feeling thermometer tab ftgr_atheists gen atheistfeel100 = ftgr_atheists recode atheistfeel100 (-9/-1=.) sum atheistfeel100 replace atheistfeel100 = 100 - atheistfeel100 egen atheistfeel100_std = std(atheistfeel100) replace atheistfeel100 = atheistfeel100_std sum atheistfeel100 pwcorr ftgr_atheists atheistfeel100 if ftgr_atheists > -1 // 68. Evangelical [0/1] tab relig_bornagn gen bornagain2 = relig_bornagn recode bornagain2 (-9/-1=.) (2=0) tab bornagain2 tab relig_bornagn bornagain2, mi // 69. Iran trying to develop nuclear weapons [0/1] tab iran_nukdev gen irannuke2 = iran_nukdev recode irannuke2 (-9/-1=.) (2=0) tab irannuke2 tab iran_nukdev irannuke2, mi // 70. Oppose direct diplomatic talks with Iran tab iran_nukdip gen irandipl3 = iran_nukdip recode irandipl3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen irandipl3_std = std(irandipl3) replace irandipl3 = irandipl3_std sum irandipl3 tab iran_nukdip irandipl3, mi // 71. Increase sanctions on Iran tab iran_nuksanct gen iransanct3 = iran_nuksanct recode iransanct3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen iransanct3_std = std(iransanct3) replace iransanct3 = iransanct3_std sum iransanct3 tab iran_nuksanct iransanct3, mi // 72. Bomb nuclear development sites in Iran tab iran_nuksite gen iranbomb3 = iran_nuksite recode iranbomb3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen iranbomb3_std = std(iranbomb3) replace iranbomb3 = iranbomb3_std sum iranbomb3 tab iran_nuksite iranbomb3, mi // 73. Invade Iran with U.S. troops tab iran_nukeinvd gen iraninvade3 = iran_nukeinvd recode iraninvade3 (-9/-1=.) (2=-1) (3=0) egen iraninvade3_std = std(iraninvade3) replace iraninvade3 = iraninvade3_std sum iraninvade3 tab iran_nukeinvd iraninvade3, mi // X. No Iran scale alpha irannuke2 irandipl3 iransanct3 iranbomb3 iraninvade3, gen(iranALPHA) item min(3) std * alpha of 0.37 // 74. China's economic expansion is bad for U.S. tab china_econ gen chinaecon3 = china_econ recode chinaecon3 (-9/-1=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) egen chinaecon3_std = std(chinaecon3) replace chinaecon3 = chinaecon3_std sum chinaecon3 tab china_econ chinaecon3, mi // 75. China is a major military threat tab china_mil gen chinamil3 = china_mil recode chinamil3 (-9/-1=.) replace chinamil3 = 3 - chinamil3 egen chinamil3_std = std(chinamil3) replace chinamil3 = chinamil3_std sum chinamil3 tab china_mil chinamil3, mi // X. No China scale pwcorr chinaecon3 chinamil3 alpha chinaecon3 chinamil3, gen(chinaALPHA) item min(2) * alpha of 0.38 ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Control variables ******************************************************************************************************************************* // Sex tab gender_respondent tab gender_respondent, nol gen female = gender_respondent - 1 tab female tab gender_respondent female, mi // Married tab dem_marital gen married = dem_marital recode married (-9/-1 = .) (1 2 3 4 5 = 1) (6 = 0) tab married tab dem_marital married, mi // Age group tab dem_agegrp_iwdate gen agegroup = dem_agegrp_iwdate recode agegroup (-9/-1 = .) tab agegroup sum agegroup egen agegroup_std = std(agegroup) replace agegroup = agegroup_std sum agegroup tab dem_agegrp_iwdate agegroup, mi // Education tab dem_edugroup gen educ = dem_edugroup recode educ (-9/-1 = .) tab educ sum educ egen educ_std = std(educ) replace educ = educ_std sum educ tab dem_edugroup educ, mi // Family income tab incgroup_prep gen hhincome = incgroup_prep recode hhincome (-9/-1 = .) egen hhincome_std = std(hhincome) replace hhincome = hhincome_std sum hhincome tab incgroup_prep hhincome, mi // Employment status tab dem_emptype_unemp gen unemp = dem_emptype_unemp recode unemp (-9/-1 = .) tab unemp tab dem_emptype_unemp unemp, mi // Post: Republican Party tab pid_self gen gop = pid_self recode gop (-9 = .) (1 = 0) (2 = 1) (-8 0 3 5 = 0) tab gop tab pid_self gop, mi // Post: Democratic Party tab pid_self gen dem = pid_self recode dem (-9 = .) (1 = 1) (2 = 0) (-8 0 3 5 = 0) tab dem tab pid_self dem, mi // Post: Ideology tab libcpre_self gen consv = libcpre_self recode consv (-9 = .) (-8 -2 = 4) egen consv_std = std(consv) replace consv = consv_std sum consv tab libcpre_self consv, mi // Self-reliance tab guarpr_self gen jobguar = guarpr_self recode jobguar (-9 = .) (-8 -2 = 4) egen jobguar_std = std(jobguar) replace jobguar = jobguar_std sum jobguar tab guarpr_self jobguar, mi // Role of government tab govrole_big gen govt1 = govrole_big recode govt1 (-9/-1 = .) replace govt1 = 2 - govt1 tab govt1 tab govrole_market gen govt2 = govrole_market recode govt2 (-9/-1 = .) replace govt2 = govt2 - 1 tab govt2 tab govrole_lessmore gen govt3 = govrole_lessmore recode govt3 (-9/-1 = .) replace govt3 = 2 - govt3 tab govt3 tab govrole_regbus gen govt4 = govrole_regbus recode govt4 (-9/-1 = .) tab govt4 alpha govt1 govt2 govt3 govt4, gen(govtALPHA) item min(3) std sum govtALPHA egen govtALPHA_std = std(govtALPHA) replace govtALPHA = govtALPHA_std sum govtALPHA gen govtSCALE = govt1 + govt2 + govt3 + govt4 pwcorr govtSCALE govtALPHA, sig obs // Moral traditionalism tab trad_adjust gen trad1 = trad_adjust recode trad1 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace trad1 = trad1 - 3 tab trad1 tab trad_lifestyle gen trad2 = trad_lifestyle recode trad2 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace trad2 = 3 - trad2 tab trad2 tab trad_tolerant gen trad3 = trad_tolerant recode trad3 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace trad3 = trad3 - 3 tab trad3 tab trad_famval gen trad4 = trad_famval recode trad4 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace trad4 = 3 - trad4 tab trad4 alpha trad1 trad2 trad3 trad4, gen(tradALPHA) item min(3) std sum tradALPHA egen tradALPHA_std = std(tradALPHA) replace tradALPHA = tradALPHA_std sum tradALPHA gen tradSCALE = trad1 + trad2 + trad3 + trad4 pwcorr tradSCALE tradALPHA, sig obs // Authoritarianism tab auth_ind gen auth1 = auth_ind recode auth1 (-9/-1 = .) (1 = -1) (3/4 = 0) (2 = 1) tab auth1 tab auth_cur gen auth2 = auth_cur recode auth2 (-9/-1 = .) (1 = -1) (3/4 = 0) (2 = 1) tab auth2 tab auth_obed gen auth3 = auth_obed recode auth3 (-9/-1 = .) (1 = 1) (3/4 = 0) (2 = -1) tab auth3 tab auth_consid gen auth4 = auth_consid recode auth4 (-9/-1 = .) (1 = -1) (3/4 = 0) (2 = 1) tab auth4 alpha auth1 auth2 auth3 auth4, gen(authALPHA) item min(3) std sum authALPHA egen authALPHA_std = std(authALPHA) replace authALPHA = authALPHA_std sum authALPHA gen authSCALE = auth1 + auth2 + auth3 + auth4 pwcorr authSCALE authALPHA, sig obs // Egalitarianism tab egal_equal gen egal1 = egal_equal recode egal1 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal1 = 3 - egal1 tab egal1 tab egal_toofar gen egal2 = egal_toofar recode egal2 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal2 = egal2 - 3 tab egal2 tab egal_bigprob gen egal3 = egal_bigprob recode egal3 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal3 = 3 - egal3 tab egal3 tab egal_worryless gen egal4 = egal_worryless recode egal4 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal4 = egal4 - 3 tab egal4 tab egal_notbigprob gen egal5 = egal_notbigprob recode egal5 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal5 = egal5 - 3 tab egal5 tab egal_fewerprobs gen egal6 = egal_fewerprobs recode egal6 (-9 -7 -6 = .) (-8 = 3) replace egal6 = 3 - egal6 tab egal6 alpha egal1 egal2 egal3 egal4 egal5 egal6, gen(egalALPHA) item min(4) std sum egalALPHA egen egalALPHA_std = std(egalALPHA) replace egalALPHA = egalALPHA_std sum egalALPHA gen egalSCALE = egal1 + egal2 + egal3 + egal4 + egal5 + egal6 pwcorr egalSCALE egalALPHA, sig obs ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Gun control item ******************************************************************************************************************************* tab gun_control gen gun3 = gun_control recode gun3 (-9 -8=.) (2=1) (3=0) (1=-1) tab gun_control gun3, mi egen gun3_std = std(gun3) tab gun_control gun3_std, mi ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Check for standardization ******************************************************************************************************************************* sum gun3_std femALPHA abortALPHA ssstock7 ******************************************************************************************************************************* *** Regressions ******************************************************************************************************************************* svyset [pweight=weight_full], strata(strata_full) psu(psu_full) svy, subpop(white): reg gun3_std rresent female married agegroup educ hhincome unemp gop dem consv jobguar govtALPHA tradALPHA authALPHA egalALPHA svy, subpop(white): reg femALPHA rresent female married agegroup educ hhincome unemp gop dem consv jobguar govtALPHA tradALPHA authALPHA egalALPHA svy, subpop(white): reg abortALPHA rresent female married agegroup educ hhincome unemp gop dem consv jobguar govtALPHA tradALPHA authALPHA egalALPHA svy, subpop(white): reg ssstock7 rresent female married agegroup educ hhincome unemp gop dem consv jobguar govtALPHA tradALPHA authALPHA egalALPHA