******************************************************************************************************************************* * Documentation for Reproduction of * The Public's Anger or the Public's Fear? * L.J Zigerell * Stata version 11 * See here for the original article (Banks 2014): http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11109-013-9251-3 * See here for data from the original article: http://www.tessexperiments.org/data/banks019.html ******************************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************************************* use "TESS2_038_Banks_W1_W2_final_data.dta", clear set more off ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Coding ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Check race variable to make sure all respondents are white non-Hispanic tab PPETHM * Code racial resentment variable tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6 tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6, nol recode W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6 (-1=.) // recode refusals as missing data tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6 gen rresent = W1_1 - W1_2 - W1_3 + W1_4 + W1_5 - W1_6 replace rresent = . if W1_1==. | W1_2==. | W1_3==. | W1_4==. | W1_5==. | W1_6==. sum rresent replace rresent = (rresent + 12)/24 sum rresent sum CaseID if rresent==. // 21 missing cases alpha W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6, gen(rresentALPHA) item min(3) std pwcorr rresent rresentALPHA, sig obs replace rresentALPHA = -1 * rresentALPHA pwcorr rresent rresentALPHA, sig obs sum rresentALPHA gen rresentALPHA01 = (rresentALPHA+2.299883)/(2.299883+1.215258) sum rresentALPHA01 sum CaseID if rresentALPHA01==. // 2 missing cases * Limited government tab W1_7, mi tab W1_7, nol recode W1_7 (-1=.) tab W1_7, mi // 79 missing data gen limgov = (7 - W1_7)/6 tab limgov * Partisanship tab xparty tab xparty, nol // 0 missing data gen gop7 = (7 - xparty7)/6 tab gop7 * Heath care dependent variables: DV1 tab W2_1 tab W2_1, nol recode W2_1 (-1=.) egen obamahandling_std = std(W2_1) sum obamahandling_std * Heath care dependent variables: DV2 tab W2_2, mi tab W2_2, nol gen opposeHCbill4 = W2_2 recode opposeHCbill4 (-1=.) tab opposeHCbill4 tab W2_2A, mi tab W2_2A, mi nol replace opposeHCbill4 = 0 if W2_2A == 1 tab W2_2A opposeHCbill4 tab W2_2B, mi tab W2_2B, mi nol replace opposeHCbill4 = 3 if W2_2B == 1 tab W2_2B opposeHCbill4 tab W2_2A if opposeHCbill4 == 0 tab W2_2A if opposeHCbill4 == 1 tab W2_2B if opposeHCbill4 == 2 tab W2_2B if opposeHCbill4 == 3 tab W2_2 if opposeHCbill4 == 0 tab W2_2 if opposeHCbill4 == 1 tab W2_2 if opposeHCbill4 == 2 tab W2_2 if opposeHCbill4 == 3 egen opposeHCbill_std = std(opposeHCbill4) sum opposeHCbill_std * Heath care dependent variables: DV3 (scale) alpha obamahandling_std opposeHCbill_std, item min(2) std gen(hcALPHA) egen hc_std = std(hcALPHA) sum hc_std * Treatment conditions tab XTESS038 gen anger = XTESS038 recode anger (2/4=0) gen fear = XTESS038 recode fear (2=1) (1 3/4=0) gen enthus = XTESS038 recode enthus (3=1) (1/2 4=0) gen relax = XTESS038 recode relax (4=1) (1/3=0) tab XTESS038 anger tab XTESS038 fear tab XTESS038 enthus tab XTESS038 relax * Interactions gen RRxANGER = rresent * anger gen RRxFEAR = rresent * fear gen RRxENTHUS = rresent * enthus gen RRxRELAX = rresent * relax gen RR_ALPHA01xANGER = rresentALPHA01 * anger gen RR_ALPHA01xFEAR = rresentALPHA01 * fear gen RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS = rresentALPHA01 * enthus gen RR_ALPHA01xRELAX = rresentALPHA01 * relax gen LGxANGER = limgov * anger gen LGxFEAR = limgov * fear gen LGxENTHUS = limgov * enthus gen LGxRELAX = limgov * relax gen GOPxANGER = gop7 * anger gen GOPxFEAR = gop7 * fear gen GOPxENTHUS = gop7 * enthus gen GOPxRELAX = gop7 * relax * Summary statistics sum CaseID rresent rresentALPHA01 limgov gop7 obamahandling_std opposeHCbill_std hc_std anger fear enthus relax RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS RRxRELAX RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xFEAR RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS RR_ALPHA01xRELAX LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS LGxRELAX GOPxANGER GOPxFEAR GOPxENTHUS GOPxRELAX ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Regressions: Racial resentment ******************************************************************************************************************************* svyset [pw=weight2] svy: reg obamahandling_std RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent svy: reg hc_std RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent * Check for difference between anger and fear svy: reg obamahandling_std RRxANGER RRxENTHUS RRxRELAX anger enthus relax rresent svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RRxANGER RRxENTHUS RRxRELAX anger enthus relax rresent svy: reg hc_std RRxANGER RRxENTHUS RRxRELAX anger enthus relax rresent * Check above with rresentALPHA01 svy: reg obamahandling_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xFEAR RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresentALPHA01 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xFEAR RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresentALPHA01 svy: reg hc_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xFEAR RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresentALPHA01 * Check for difference between anger and fear svy: reg obamahandling_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS RR_ALPHA01xRELAX anger enthus relax rresentALPHA01 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS RR_ALPHA01xRELAX anger enthus relax rresentALPHA01 svy: reg hc_std RR_ALPHA01xANGER RR_ALPHA01xENTHUS RR_ALPHA01xRELAX anger enthus relax rresentALPHA01 ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Regressions: Limited government ******************************************************************************************************************************* svy: reg obamahandling_std LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS anger fear enthus limgov svy: reg opposeHCbill_std LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS anger fear enthus limgov svy: reg hc_std LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS anger fear enthus limgov svy: reg hc_std RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent est sto RR svy: reg hc_std LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS anger fear enthus limgov est sto LG suest RR LG test [RR]RRxANGER = [LG]LGxANGER test [RR]RRxFEAR = [LG]LGxFEAR test [RR]RRxENTHUS= [LG]LGxENTHUS test [RR]anger = [LG]anger test [RR]fear = [LG]fear test [RR]enthus = [LG]enthus ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Regressions: Partisanship ******************************************************************************************************************************* svy: reg obamahandling_std GOPxANGER GOPxFEAR GOPxENTHUS anger fear enthus gop7 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std GOPxANGER GOPxFEAR GOPxENTHUS anger fear enthus gop7 svy: reg hc_std GOPxANGER GOPxFEAR GOPxENTHUS anger fear enthus gop7 svy: reg obamahandling_std GOPxANGER GOPxENTHUS GOPxRELAX anger enthus relax gop7 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std GOPxANGER GOPxENTHUS GOPxRELAX anger enthus relax gop7 svy: reg hc_std GOPxANGER GOPxENTHUS GOPxRELAX anger enthus relax gop7 ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Regressions: Ideology ******************************************************************************************************************************* tab xideo tab xideo, nol gen cons7 = (xideo-1)/6 tab cons7, mi // 4 missing cases gen CxANGER = cons7 * anger gen CxFEAR = cons7 * fear gen CxENTHUS = cons7 * enthus gen CxRELAX = cons7 * relax svy: reg obamahandling_std CxANGER CxFEAR CxENTHUS anger fear enthus cons7 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std CxANGER CxFEAR CxENTHUS anger fear enthus cons7 svy: reg hc_std CxANGER CxFEAR CxENTHUS anger fear enthus cons7 // Predicted probabilities svyset [pw=weight2] svy: reg hc_std RRxANGER RRxFEAR RRxENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*0 + -1.306032 // relax, no RR [-1.306032] di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*1 + -1.306032 // relax, full RR [.754749] . increase of 2.060781 di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*1 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*0 + -1.306032 // anger, no RR [-1.6481206] di .5201343*1 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*1 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*1 + -1.306032 // anger, full RR [.9327947] . increase of 2.5809153 di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*1 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*0 + -1.306032 // fear, no RR [-2.0398089] di .5201343*0 + .966465*1 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*1 + .057257*0 + 2.060781*1 + -1.306032 // fear, full RR [.9874371] . increase of 3.027246 di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*0 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*1 + 2.060781*0 + -1.306032 // enthus, no RR [-1.248775] di .5201343*0 + .966465*0 + -.2600656*1 + -.3420886*0 + -.7337769*0 + .057257*1 + 2.060781*1 + -1.306032 // enthus, full RR [.5519404] . increase of 1.8007154 svyset [pw=weight2] svy: reg hc_std LGxANGER LGxFEAR LGxENTHUS anger fear enthus limgov di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*0 + -1.304954 // relax, no L [-1.304954] di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*1 + -1.304954 // relax, full L [.868818] . increase of 2.173772 di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*1 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*0 + -1.304954 // anger, no L [-1.2163099] di -.1578164*1 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*1 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*1 + -1.304954 // anger, full L [.7996457] . increase of 2.0159556 di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*1 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*0 + -1.304954 // fear, no L [-1.6082953] di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*1 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*1 + .1893256*0 + 2.173772*1 + -1.304954 // fear, full L [.8407549] . increase of 2.4490502 di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*0 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*1 + 2.173772*0 + -1.304954 // enthus, no L [-1.1156284] di -.1578164*0 +.2752782*0 + -.3766137*1 + .0886441*0 + -.3033413*0 + .1893256*1 + 2.173772*1 + -1.304954 // enthus, full L [.6815299] . increase of 1.7971583 * Time between waves tab w1_start w1_end tab w2_start w2_end gen time = w2_end- w1_end tab time ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Revisit Banks 2014 analysis in column 1 of Table 2 ******************************************************************************************************************************* * Racial resentment for only four items tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_5 tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_5, nol recode W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_5 (-1=.) tab1 W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_5, nol gen rresent4 = W1_1 - W1_2 - W1_3 + W1_5 tab rresent4 replace rresent4 = (rresent4 + 8)/16 sum rresent4 alpha W1_1 W1_2 W1_3 W1_5, item std min(4) gen(rr4ALPHA) pwcorr rresent4 rr4ALPHA, sig obs gen RR4xANGER = rresent4 * anger gen RR4xFEAR = rresent4 * fear gen RR4xENTHUS = rresent4 * enthus gen RR4xRELAX = rresent4 * relax * Controls tab PPINCIMP tab PPINCIMP, nol gen income = (PPINCIMP-1)/18 tab income tab PPSTATEN, mi gen south = 0 replace south = 1 if PPSTATEN == 63 | PPSTATEN == 71 | PPSTATEN == 51 | PPSTATEN == 59 | PPSTATEN == 58 | PPSTATEN == 61 | PPSTATEN == 72 | PPSTATEN == 52 | PPSTATEN == 64 | PPSTATEN == 56 | PPSTATEN == 73 | PPSTATEN == 57 | PPSTATEN == 62 | PPSTATEN == 54 | PPSTATEN == 55 | PPSTATEN == 74 tab PPSTATEN if south==1 tab PPSTATEN if south==0 tab PPWORK, mi tab PPWORK, nol gen employ = 0 replace employ = 1 if PPWORK == 1 | PPWORK == 2 replace employ = 0.5 if PPWORK == 5 | PPWORK == 6 tab PPWORK employ tab PPRENT, mi tab PPRENT, mi nol gen ownhome = 0 replace ownhome = 1 if PPRENT == 1 tab PPRENT ownhome tab PPMSACAT, mi tab PPMSACAT, mi nol gen urban = PPMSACAT tab PPMSACAT urban tab W2_2 gen HC2 = W2_2 recode HC2 (-1=.) replace HC2 = HC2 - 1 tab W2_2 HC2 svyset [pw=weight2] svy: probit HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if enthus==0 * Banks coding of the pol discussion variable gen poldisc = 0 replace poldisc = 1 if CaseID == 41 replace poldisc = 1 if CaseID == 519 replace poldisc = 1 if CaseID == 918 replace poldisc = 1 if CaseID == 1054 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 13 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 234 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 271 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 290 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 298 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 368 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 483 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 486 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 655 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 771 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 836 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 839 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 863 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 895 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 897 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 1083 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 1084 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 1242 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 1268 replace poldisc = 2/3 if CaseID == 1283 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 5 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 14 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 18 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 22 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 30 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 33 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 40 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 48 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 57 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 75 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 76 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 96 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 115 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 121 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 126 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 130 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 156 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 163 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 168 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 195 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 202 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 203 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 209 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 213 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 233 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 236 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 237 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 238 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 241 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 246 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 259 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 260 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 267 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 272 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 280 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 283 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 300 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 311 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 325 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 348 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 350 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 354 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 371 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 382 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 402 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 432 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 440 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 448 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 458 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 461 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 464 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 466 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 470 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 473 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 482 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 484 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 501 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 502 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 525 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 526 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 533 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 548 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 558 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 560 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 562 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 574 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 593 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 633 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 647 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 651 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 672 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 679 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 703 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 705 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 718 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 720 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 747 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 760 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 766 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 773 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 784 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 786 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 799 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 800 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 802 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 806 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 807 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 817 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 819 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 826 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 829 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 838 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 842 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 852 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 854 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 856 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 865 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 878 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 884 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 886 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 888 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 893 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 900 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 913 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 923 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 946 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 947 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 952 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 954 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 972 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 979 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 989 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 990 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1004 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1022 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1040 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1053 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1058 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1061 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1070 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1085 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1103 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1111 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1126 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1132 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1135 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1149 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1179 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1185 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1186 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1193 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1196 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1198 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1250 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1251 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1260 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1267 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1269 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1270 replace poldisc = 1/3 if CaseID == 1278 * Banks baddata variable gen baddata = 0 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 36 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 71 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 280 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 329 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 388 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 413 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 471 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 658 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 700 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 927 replace baddata = 1 if CaseID == 1122 list W2_ANGER if baddata == 1 & anger == 1 list W2_afraid if baddata == 1 & fear == 1 list W2_enthusiasm if baddata == 1 & enthus == 1 list W2_control if baddata == 1 & relax == 1 * Banks time excluded cases gen timeexcluded = 0 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 25 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 224 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 371 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 467 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 557 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 766 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 840 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 941 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 967 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 1088 replace timeexcluded = 1 if CaseID == 1235 tab timeexcluded * Revisiting model 1 of Banks Table 2 svyset [pw=weight2] svy: probit HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ poldisc ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 tab baddata timeexcluded tab baddata timeexcluded if enthus == 0 tab poldisc * model 3 from Banks Table 2 svy: probit HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR CxANGER CxFEAR anger fear rresent4 cons7 income south employ poldisc ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 * Check on other dependent variables svy: reg obamahandling_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ poldisc ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg opposeHCbill4 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ poldisc ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg hcALPHA RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ poldisc ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 * Same as above but without political discussion control svy: reg obamahandling_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg opposeHCbill4 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg hcALPHA RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR anger fear rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if enthus==0 & baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 * Same as above but with enthusiam condition included svy: reg obamahandling_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg hcALPHA RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 * Same as above but with no controls svy: reg obamahandling_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg opposeHCbill_std RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 svy: reg hcALPHA RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0 * Including enthusasm condition but not the political discussion variable svy: probit HC2 RR4xANGER RR4xFEAR RR4xENTHUS anger fear enthus rresent4 income south employ ownhome urban if baddata==0 & timeexcluded==0