************************************************************************************************* * Documentation for * A Troublesome Belief? Social Inequality and Belief in Human Biological Differences * Working paper! March 11, 2015 * L.J Zigerell * Stata version 11 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * open the dataset set mem 500m set maxvar 6000 use "E:\2011-04\ljz\papers\0 working projects\19 troublesome belief\data\2014 GSS\GSS7214_R1.DTA", clear set more off * drop black oversample cases tab sample drop if sample==4 | sample==5 | sample==7 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * racial groups tab race tab race, nol gen white = race recode white (2 3=0) tab race white gen black = race recode black (1 3=0) (2=1) tab race black gen otherrace = race recode otherrace (1 2=0) (3=1) tab race otherrace tab race tab hhrace tab racecen1 tab race hhrace, mi tab race hhrace, mi nol gen asian = 0 replace asian = 1 if race == 3 & hhrace==4 tab asian hhrace tab asian race ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * keep only white/black/asian respondents keep if white==1 * keep if black==1 * keep if asian==1 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * generate a darwin variable for belief in evolution gen darwin = . tab scitest4 tab scitest4, nol replace darwin = 1 if scitest4 == 1 replace darwin = 1 if scitest4 == 2 replace darwin = 0 if scitest4 == 3 replace darwin = 0 if scitest4 == 4 tab scitesty tab scitesty, nol replace darwin = 1 if scitesty == 1 replace darwin = 1 if scitesty == 2 replace darwin = 0 if scitesty == 3 replace darwin = 0 if scitesty == 4 tab evolved tab evolved, nol replace darwin = 1 if evolved == 1 replace darwin = 0 if evolved == 2 tab scitest4 darwin tab scitesty darwin tab evolved darwin tabstat scitest4, by(year) stats(mean n) tabstat scitesty, by(year) stats(mean n) tabstat evolved, by(year) stats(mean n) tab evolved1 tab evolved1, mi tabstat evolved1, by(year) stats(mean n) // do not use evolved 1 because the item does not ask for belief in evolution ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * code race differences variables tab racdif1 tab racdif1, nol mi gen rd_discrim = racdif1 recode rd_discrim (2=0) (.d .i .n = .) tab racdif1 rd_discrim, mi tab racdif2 tab racdif2, nol mi gen rd_inborn = racdif2 recode rd_inborn (2=0) (.d .i .n = .) tab racdif2 rd_inborn, mi tab racdif3 tab racdif3, nol mi gen rd_educ = racdif3 recode rd_educ (2=0) (.d .i .n = .) tab racdif3 rd_educ, mi tab racdif4 tab racdif4, nol mi gen rd_will = racdif4 recode rd_will (2=0) (.d .i .n = .) tab racdif4 rd_will, mi ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * generate explanatory belief category variables sum id if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . gen superhbd = 0 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . replace superhbd = 1 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn == 1 & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin == 0 tabstat superhbd, by(year) stats(mean n) gen naturalhbd = 0 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . replace naturalhbd = 1 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn == 1 & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin == 1 tabstat naturalhbd, by(year) stats(mean n) gen bsinternal = 0 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . replace bsinternal = 1 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn == 0 & rd_educ !=. & rd_will == 1 & (darwin == 0 | darwin == 1) tabstat bsinternal, by(year) stats(mean n) gen bsexternal = 0 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . replace bsexternal = 1 if (rd_discrim == 1 | rd_educ == 1 ) & rd_inborn == 0 & rd_discrim !=. & rd_educ !=. & rd_will == 0 & (darwin == 0 | darwin == 1) tabstat bsexternal, by(year) stats(mean n) gen unclassified = 0 if rd_discrim !=. & rd_inborn != . & rd_educ !=. & rd_will !=. & darwin != . replace unclassified = 1 if superhbd == 0 & naturalhbd == 0 & bsinternal == 0 & bsexternal == 0 tabstat unclassified, by(year) stats(mean n) tab unclassified rd_discrim tab unclassified rd_inborn tab unclassified rd_educ tab unclassified rd_will tab superhbd tab naturalhbd tab bsinternal tab bsexternal tab unclassified di 313+268+2004+1767+649 tabstat superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified, by(year) stats(n) ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * demographics tab educ tab educ, nol tab age tab age, nol tab sex tab sex, nol gen female = sex - 1 tab female tab partyid gen gop7 = partyid tab gop7 recode gop7 (7=3) tab gop7 tab pray tab pray, nol gen prayfq = pray recode prayfq (6=0) (5=1) (4=2) (3=3) (2=4) (1=5) tab prayfq pray tab pray attend, mi // too many missing above for prayer frequency tab attend ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * science test tabstat id if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) gen sct = 0 if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=. tab sct tab hotcore tab hotcore if hotcore !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if hotcore == 1 tab boyorgrl tab boyorgrl if boyorgrl !=.i, mi // not asked of all respondents tab radioact tab radioact if radioact !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if radioact == 2 tab lasers tab lasers if lasers !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if lasers == 2 tab viruses tab viruses if viruses !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if viruses == 2 tab electron tab electron if electron !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if electron == 1 tab earthsun tab earthsun if earthsun !=.i, mi replace sct = sct + 1 if earthsun == 1 tab sct // did not use expdesgn, odds1, or odds2 because these had only 5087 observations and were not science facts // did not use bigbang, condrift, or evolved because these items might measure belief and not science knowledge // did not include solarrev because it "double counted" the earthsun concept [respondents who missed the earthsun item were not given the solarrev item] // did not include boyorgirl because not all respondents received this item tabstat id if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & boyorgrl !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat sct, by(year) * check for complete refusals to respond to science items gen sct_refusal = 0 if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=. tab sct_refusal tab hotcore tab hotcore if hotcore !=.i, mi tab hotcore if hotcore !=.i, mi nol replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if hotcore == .n tab boyorgrl tab boyorgrl if boyorgrl !=.i, mi // not asked of all respondents tab radioact tab radioact if radioact !=.i, mi replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if radioact == .n tab lasers tab lasers if lasers !=.i, mi replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if lasers ==.n tab viruses tab viruses if viruses !=.i, mi replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if viruses == .n tab electron tab electron if electron !=.i, mi replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if electron == .n tab earthsun tab earthsun if earthsun !=.i, mi replace sct_refusal = sct_refusal + 1 if earthsun == .n tab sct_refusal * check for complete don't know responses to science items gen sct_dk = 0 if hotcore !=.i & radioact !=.i & lasers !=.i & viruses !=.i & electron !=.i & earthsun !=.i & superhbd !=. tab sct_dk tab hotcore tab hotcore if hotcore !=.i, mi tab hotcore if hotcore !=.i, mi nol replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if hotcore == .d | hotcore == .n tab boyorgrl tab boyorgrl if boyorgrl !=.i, mi // not asked of all respondents tab radioact tab radioact if radioact !=.i, mi replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if radioact == .d | radioact == .n tab lasers tab lasers if lasers !=.i, mi replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if lasers ==.d | lasers ==.n tab viruses tab viruses if viruses !=.i, mi replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if viruses == .d | viruses == .n tab electron tab electron if electron !=.i, mi replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if electron == .d | electron == .n tab earthsun tab earthsun if earthsun !=.i, mi replace sct_dk = sct_dk + 1 if earthsun == .d | earthsun == .n tab sct_dk tab sct_dk educ tab sct_dk superhbd tab sct_dk naturalhbd tab sct_dk bsinternal tab sct_dk bsexternal tab sct_dk unclassified ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * opposition to policies designed to help blacks * problack hiring discrimination tab affrmact tab affrmact, nol gen oppaaction = affrmact tab affrmact oppaaction * special govt treatment for blacks tab helpblk tab helpblk, nol gen oppspecialtreat = helpblk tab helpblk oppspecialtreat * not enough spent on improving conditions for blacks tab natrace tab natrace, nol tab natracey tab natracey, nol tab natracez tab natracez, nol gen oppspendblack = . replace oppspendblack = 0 if natrace == 1 replace oppspendblack = 1 if natrace == 2 replace oppspendblack = 2 if natrace == 3 replace oppspendblack = 0 if natracey == 1 replace oppspendblack = 1 if natracey == 2 replace oppspendblack = 2 if natracey == 3 replace oppspendblack = 0 if natracez == 1 replace oppspendblack = 1 if natracez == 2 replace oppspendblack = 2 if natracez == 3 tab oppspendblack tab natrace oppspendblack tab natracey oppspendblack tab natracez oppspendblack ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * closeness to blacks tab closeblk tab closeblk, nol tab closewht tab closewht, nol gen closewhtDIFF = closewht - closeblk tab closewhtDIFF closeblk, mi tab closewhtDIFF closewht, mi // not enough cases ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * oppose interracial marriage * oppose interracial marriage: black/white tab marblk tab marwht gen marry_blackwhite = marblk - marwht gen marry_whiteblack = marwht - marblk * oppose interracial marriage: Asian/white tab marwht tab marasian gen marry_asianwhite = marasian - marwht gen marry_whiteasian = marwht - marasian * oppose interracial marriage: Hispanic/white tab marwht tab marhisp gen marry_hispanicwhite = marhisp - marwht gen marry_whitehispanic = marwht - marhisp * oppose interracial marriage: black/Asian tab marblk tab marasian gen marry_blackasian = marblk - marasian gen marry_asianblack = marasian - marblk * oppose interracial marriage: black/Hispanic tab marblk tab marhisp gen marry_blackhispanic = marblk - marhisp gen marry_hispanicblack = marhisp - marblk * oppose interracial marriage: Asian/Hispanic tab marasian tab marhisp gen marry_asianhispanic = marasian - marhisp gen marry_hispanicasian = marhisp - marasian ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * favor neighborhood half black tabstat livewhts, by(year) tabstat liveblks, by(year) tabstat liveasns, by(year) // only asked in 2000 tabstat livehsps, by(year) // only asked in 2000 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * support reducing immigration tab letin1 gen immig_reduce = letin1 tab immig_reduce // did not use letin1a ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * negative views of immigrants and immigration //tab letin //gen imm1 = letin tab immecon gen imm2 = immecon tab immunemp tab immunemp, nol gen imm3 = 4 - immunemp tab immunite tab immunite, nol gen imm4 = 4 - immunite tab immfare gen imm5 = immfare tab undocwrk gen imm6 = undocwrk tab undoccol gen imm7 = undoccol tab undockid gen imm8 = undockid tab immpush tab immpush, nol gen imm9 = 5 - immpush tab immwrkup tab immwrkup, nol gen imm10 = 5 - immwrkup tab wlthimm * did not include this item: legal immigrants rich or poor tab workimm * did not include this item: legal immigrants hardworking tab wlthundc * did not include this item: illegal immigrants rich or poor tab workundc * did not include this item: illegal immigrants hardworking tab rimmdisc * did not include this item: chance illegal immigrants favored over family ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * opposition to affirmative action for women tabstat fejobaff, by(year) tabstat fehire, by(year) pwcorr fejobaff fehire tab fejobaff tab fehire tab fejobaff, nol tab fehire, nol gen feaaction = fehire replace feaaction = 1 if fejobaff == 1 replace feaaction = 2 if fejobaff == 2 replace feaaction = 4 if fejobaff == 3 replace feaaction = 5 if fejobaff == 4 tab feaaction ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * support for traditional sex roles tab fepol gen SRpol = fepol recode SRpol (2=0) tab SRpol fepol tab fepres tab fepres, nol gen SRpres = fepres recode SRpres (5=.) tab SRpres fepres tab fechld tab fechld, nol gen SRchild = fechld tab SRchild fechld tab fepresch tab fepresch, nol gen SRpresch = fepresch recode SRpresch (4=0) (3=1) (2=2) (1=3) tab SRpresch fepresch tab fefam tab fefam, nol gen SRfam = fefam recode SRfam (4=0) (3=1) (2=2) (1=3) tab SRfam fefam ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * keep only years with hbd and blank slate cases tabstat superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age educ gop7 attend sct, by(year) keep if year == 1993 | year == 1994 | year == 2000 | year == 2006 | year == 2008 | year == 2010 | year == 2012 | year==2014 tabstat superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age educ gop7 attend sct, by(year) stats (mean n) ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * year controls gen y1993 = 0 replace y1993=1 if year==1993 gen y1994 = 0 replace y1994=1 if year==1994 gen y2000 = 0 replace y2000=1 if year==2000 gen y2006 = 0 replace y2006=1 if year==2006 gen y2008 = 0 replace y2008=1 if year==2008 gen y2010 = 0 replace y2010=1 if year==2010 gen y2012 = 0 replace y2012=1 if year==2012 gen y2014 = 0 replace y2014=1 if year==2014 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * standardize variables * for standardization, keep only cases with full data on belief categories keep if superhbd !=. & naturalhbd !=. & bsinternal !=. & unclassified !=. * scale for opposition to policies designed to help blacks factor oppaaction oppspecialtreat oppspendblack, pcf alpha oppaaction oppspecialtreat oppspendblack, gen(oppaffblALPHA) std min(2) item detail egen oppaffblALPHA_std = std(oppaffblALPHA) * items for opposition to interracial marriage egen marry_blackwhite_std = std(marry_blackwhite) egen marry_whiteblack_std = std(marry_whiteblack) egen marry_asianwhite_std = std(marry_asianwhite) egen marry_whiteasian_std = std(marry_whiteasian) egen marry_hispanicwhite_std = std(marry_hispanicwhite) egen marry_whitehispanic_std = std(marry_whitehispanic) egen marry_blackasian_std = std(marry_blackasian) egen marry_asianblack_std = std(marry_asianblack) egen marry_blackhispanic_std = std(marry_blackhispanic) egen marry_hispanicblack_std = std(marry_hispanicblack) egen marry_asianhispanic_std = std(marry_asianhispanic) egen marry_hispanicasian_std = std(marry_hispanicasian) * half-black neighborhood item egen liveblks_std = std(liveblks) * item for support for reducing immigration egen immig_reduce_std = std(immig_reduce) * scale for negative views of immigrants and immigration factor imm2 imm3 imm4 imm5 imm6 imm7 imm8 imm9 imm10, pcf alpha imm2 imm3 imm4 imm5 imm6 imm7 imm8 imm9 imm10, gen(oppimm94ALPHA) std min(5) item detail egen oppimm94ALPHA_std = std(oppimm94ALPHA) * combined items for opposition to affirmative action for females egen feaaction_std = std(feaaction) * scale for support for traditional sex roles factor SRpol SRpres SRchild SRpresch SRfam, pcf alpha SRpol SRpres SRchild SRpresch SRfam, gen(srALPHA) std min(3) item detail egen srALPHA_std = std(srALPHA) * standardize control variables egen age_std = std(age) egen educ_std = std(educ) egen gop7_std = std(gop7) egen attend_std = std(attend) egen sct_std = std(sct) * summary statistics sum age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std sum oppaffblALPHA_std marry_blackwhite_std marry_asianwhite_std marry_hispanicwhite_std liveblks_std immig_reduce_std oppimm94ALPHA_std srALPHA_std tabstat oppaffblALPHA_std marry_blackwhite_std marry_asianwhite_std marry_hispanicwhite_std liveblks_std immig_reduce_std oppimm94ALPHA_std srALPHA_std, by(year) stats(mean n) ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * syrveu years for the dependent variables tabstat id if oppaffblALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_blackwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_asianwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_hispanicwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if liveblks_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if immig_reduce_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if oppimm94ALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if feaaction_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if srALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=., by(year) stats(n) ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * check for missingness // not that sci_test was not included: no missing data for sci_test, but sci_test not included in 1993, 1994, and 2000 tabstat id if oppaffblALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_blackwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_asianwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if marry_hispanicwhite_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if liveblks_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if immig_reduce_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if oppimm94ALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if feaaction_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat id if srALPHA_std !=. & superhbd !=. & (female ==. | age_std ==. | educ_std ==. | gop7_std == . | attend_std ==.), by(year) stats(n) tabstat superhbd female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std if oppaffblALPHA_std !=., by(year) stats(n) tabstat sct_std, by(year) sum oppaffblALPHA_std if superhbd!=. sum oppaffblALPHA_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum oppaffblALPHA_std if superhbd!=. & year>2004 sum oppaffblALPHA_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. & year>2004 sum marry_blackwhite_std if superhbd!=. sum marry_blackwhite_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum marry_asianwhite_std if superhbd!=. sum marry_asianwhite_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum marry_hispanicwhite_std if superhbd!=. sum marry_hispanicwhite_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum liveblks_std if superhbd!=. sum liveblks_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum immig_reduce_std if superhbd!=. sum immig_reduce_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum oppimm94ALPHA_std if superhbd!=. sum oppimm94ALPHA_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum feaaction_std if superhbd!=. sum feaaction_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. sum srALPHA_std if superhbd!=. sum srALPHA_std if superhbd!=. & female !=. & age_std !=. & educ_std !=. & gop7_std !=. & attend_std !=. & sct_std !=. ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * check which years cases are available for the dependent variables tabstat oppaffblALPHA_std, by(year) tabstat marry_blackwhite_std, by(year) tabstat marry_asianwhite_std, by(year) tabstat marry_hispanicwhite_std, by(year) tabstat liveblks_std, by(year) tabstat immig_reduce_std, by(year) tabstat oppimm94ALPHA_std, by(year) tabstat feaaction_std, by(year) tabstat srALPHA_std, by(year) sum female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std if oppaffblALPHA_std !=. & sct_std !=. ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * set the svyset option * see here for a description of why to use "singleunit(centered)": http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2011-12/msg00397.html * singleunit(centered) is necessary because standard errors will not be reported otherwise svyset vpsu [pw=wtssall], strata(vstrat) singleunit(centered) * opposition to policies designed to help blacks svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppaffblALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * marriage between whites and other races svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_blackwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicwhite_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * half-black neighborhood svy: reg liveblks_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg liveblks_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * reducing immigration levels svy: reg immig_reduce_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg immig_reduce_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * negative views of immigrants and immigration // no science knowledge control because science knowledge test was not given in 1994 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg oppimm94ALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * opposition to affirmative action for women svy: reg feaaction_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg feaaction_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * support for traditional sex roles svy: reg srALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg srALPHA_std superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * omnibus dependent variable: whites alpha oppaffblALPHA_std marry_blackwhite_std marry_asianwhite_std marry_hispanicwhite_std liveblks_std immig_reduce_std srALPHA_std, gen(omnibus_ALPHAW) item min(4) std egen omnibusALPHA_stdW = std(omnibus_ALPHAW) sum omnibusALPHA_stdW tabstat omnibusALPHA_stdW, by(year) svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdW naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdW superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdW superhbd naturalhbd bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdW superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdW superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * marriage between blacks and other races [use for black sample] tabstat marry_whiteblack_std, by(year) tabstat marry_asianblack_std, by(year) tabstat marry_hispanicblack_std, by(year) svy: reg marry_whiteblack_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_asianblack_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg marry_hispanicblack_std naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 * omnibus dependent variable: blacks [no half-black neighborhood item, marriage items reflect blacks as ingroup] factor oppaffblALPHA_std marry_whiteblack_std marry_asianblack_std marry_hispanicblack_std immig_reduce_std feaaction_std srALPHA_std, pcf factor oppaffblALPHA_std immig_reduce_std feaaction_std srALPHA_std, pcf factor oppaffblALPHA_std immig_reduce_std srALPHA_std, pcf factor oppaffblALPHA_std immig_reduce_std feaaction_std , pcf alpha oppaffblALPHA_std marry_whiteblack_std marry_asianblack_std marry_hispanicblack_std immig_reduce_std feaaction_std srALPHA_std, gen(omnibus_ALPHAB) item min(4) std egen omnibusALPHA_stdB = std(omnibus_ALPHAB) sum omnibusALPHA_stdB tabstat omnibusALPHA_stdB, by(year) svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdB superhbd bsinternal bsexternal unclassified female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 svy: reg omnibusALPHA_stdB superhbd naturalhbd bsinternal bsexternal female age_std educ_std gop7_std attend_std sct_std y1993 y1994 y2000 y2006 y2008 y2010 y2012 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * stats for the manuscript tabstat superhbd, by(year) stats(n) tab superhbd tab god superhbd, mi tab naturalhbd tab bsinternal tab bsexternal tab unclassified