************************************************************************************************* * Documentation for Reproduction of * Are Republicans really driving congressional polarization? Maybe not. * Monkey Cage * http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/09/11/are-republicans-really-driving-congressional-polarization-maybe-not/ * L.J Zigerell * Stata version 11 ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * Bailey scores drawn from: Michael A. Bailey. 2013. Is Today's Court the Most Conservative in * Sixty Years? Challenges and Opportunities in Measuring Judicial Preferences.Journal of Politics * 75(3): 821-834. * See here: http://faculty.georgetown.edu/baileyma/JOPIdealPointsJan2013.htm ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * Legislator state and party information drawn from: Kenneth C Martis, Ruth Anderson Rowles, and * Gyula Pauer. 1989. The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, 1789-1989. * Macmillan Publishing Company. ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* * See file: "Creating the Bailey Senate and House Stata .do and .dta files" ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* *** These are commands to add senator party and associated information to the Bailey dataset *** replace id = 5591 if id == 5592 /* Lehman id miscoded in Bailey data */ gen congress = round((year-1788)/2) /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that has the Congress number for each case */ gen statecode = . /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the state code from the VoteView ICPSR dataset */ gen district = . /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the district code from the VoteView ICPSR dataset */ gen statename = "." /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the state name from the VoteView ICPSR dataset; the "." is to generate a text variable */ gen partycode = . /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the party code from the VoteView ICPSR dataset */ gen nameshort = "." /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the senator name from the VoteView ICPSR dataset; the "." is to generate a text variable */ gen namelong = "." /* this generates a variable in the Bailey dataset that is to be filled with the long version of the senator name from the VoteView ICPSR dataset; the "." is to generate a text variable */ replace statecode = 41 if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 82 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 82 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 82 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 82 & id == 4922 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 82 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 82 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 82 & id == 3603 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 82 & id == 8270 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 82 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 82 & id == 1831 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 82 & id == 1659 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 82 & id == 9561 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 82 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 82 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 82 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 82 & id == 1021 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 82 & id == 1341 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 82 & id == 7020 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 82 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 82 & id == 5739 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 82 & id == 3110 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 82 & id == 9604 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 82 & id == 6613 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 82 & id == 4728 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 82 & id == 9374 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 82 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 82 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 82 & id == 5158 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 82 & id == 4328 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 82 & id == 2838 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 82 & id == 6820 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 82 & id == 1338 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 82 & id == 9998 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 82 & id == 8337 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 82 & id == 5944 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 82 & id == 6132 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 82 & id == 9401 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 82 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 82 & id == 8635 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 82 & id == 4321 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 82 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 82 & id == 165 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 82 & id == 5591 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 82 & id == 4834 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 82 & id == 8708 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 82 & id == 4483 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 82 & id == 5452 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 82 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 82 & id == 9152 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 82 & id == 1024 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 82 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 82 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 82 & id == 2066 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 82 & id == 96738 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 82 & id == 2745 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 82 & id == 6021 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 82 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 82 & id == 3783 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 82 & id == 6107 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 82 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 82 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 82 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 82 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 82 & id == 6293 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 82 & id == 4979 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 82 & id == 1986 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 82 & id == 645 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 82 & id == 9865 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 82 & id == 3206 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 82 & id == 52 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 82 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 82 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 82 & id == 1395 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 82 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 82 & id == 6856 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 82 & id == 5240 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 82 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 82 & id == 6137 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 82 & id == 4747 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 82 & id == 7070 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 83 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 83 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 83 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 83 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 83 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 83 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 83 & id == 5343 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 83 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 83 & id == 6525 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 83 & id == 4949 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 83 & id == 7656 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 83 & id == 1329 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 83 & id == 3349 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 83 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 83 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 83 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 83 & id == 3536 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 83 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 83 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 83 & id == 9930 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 83 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 83 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 83 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 83 & id == 4922 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 83 & id == 3603 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 83 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 83 & id == 8270 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 83 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 83 & id == 2052 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 83 & id == 1831 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 83 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 83 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 83 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 83 & id == 7271 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 83 & id == 1341 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 83 & id == 546 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 83 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 83 & id == 5180 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 83 & id == 3110 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 83 & id == 7551 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 83 & id == 4728 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 83 & id == 9374 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 83 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 83 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 83 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 83 & id == 4328 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 83 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 83 & id == 6820 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 3839 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 1338 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 923 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 7837 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 9 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 83 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 83 & id == 5944 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 83 & id == 6132 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 83 & id == 1106 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 83 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 83 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 83 & id == 9401 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 83 & id == 9576 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 83 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 83 & id == 8635 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 83 & id == 4321 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 83 & id == 165 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 83 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 83 & id == 5591 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 83 & id == 4834 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 83 & id == 8708 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 83 & id == 4483 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 83 & id == 5606 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 83 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 83 & id == 8313 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 83 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 83 & id == 5452 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 83 & id == 1024 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 83 & id == 9152 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 83 & id == 1272 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 83 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 83 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 83 & id == 2066 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 83 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 83 & id == 6021 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 83 & id == 2745 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 83 & id == 3783 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 83 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 83 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 83 & id == 6107 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 83 & id == 2322 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 83 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 83 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 83 & id == 3704 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 83 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 83 & id == 4979 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 83 & id == 2326 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 83 & id == 9865 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 83 & id == 645 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 83 & id == 52 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 83 & id == 3206 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 83 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 83 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 83 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 83 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 83 & id == 6856 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 83 & id == 5240 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 83 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 83 & id == 6137 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 83 & id == 464 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 83 & id == 4747 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 83 & id == 2175 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 83 & id == 7070 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 84 & id == 99901 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 84 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 84 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 84 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 84 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 84 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 84 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 84 & id == 5343 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 84 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 84 & id == 142 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 84 & id == 6525 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 84 & id == 7656 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 84 & id == 1329 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 84 & id == 3349 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 84 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 84 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 84 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 84 & id == 3536 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 84 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 84 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 84 & id == 9930 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 84 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 84 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 84 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 84 & id == 4922 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 84 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 84 & id == 6039 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 84 & id == 8270 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 84 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 84 & id == 1831 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 84 & id == 437 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 84 & id == 4737 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 84 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 84 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 84 & id == 7271 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 84 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 84 & id == 546 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 84 & id == 1341 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 84 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 84 & id == 5180 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 84 & id == 6366 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 84 & id == 7551 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 84 & id == 9374 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 84 & id == 4728 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 84 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 84 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 84 & id == 4328 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 84 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 84 & id == 6820 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 84 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 84 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 84 & id == 2267 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 84 & id == 5944 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 84 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 84 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 84 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 84 & id == 8635 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 84 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 84 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 84 & id == 165 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 84 & id == 5591 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 84 & id == 4834 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 84 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 84 & id == 8313 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 84 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 84 & id == 5452 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 84 & id == 1024 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 84 & id == 621 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 84 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 84 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 84 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 84 & id == 6882 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 84 & id == 6021 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 84 & id == 2745 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 84 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 84 & id == 3783 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 84 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 84 & id == 99369 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 84 & id == 10301 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 84 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 84 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 84 & id == 3704 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 84 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 84 & id == 2326 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 84 & id == 4979 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 84 & id == 9865 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 84 & id == 645 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 84 & id == 52 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 84 & id == 3206 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 84 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 84 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 84 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 84 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 84 & id == 6856 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 84 & id == 5240 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 84 & id == 5411 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 84 & id == 6137 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 84 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 84 & id == 464 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 84 & id == 7070 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 85 & id == 99901 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 85 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 85 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 85 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 85 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 85 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 85 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 85 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 85 & id == 5343 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 85 & id == 1540 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 85 & id == 142 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 85 & id == 1329 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 85 & id == 7656 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 85 & id == 3349 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 85 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 85 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 85 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 85 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 85 & id == 9174 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 85 & id == 1721 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 85 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 85 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 85 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 85 & id == 4922 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 85 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 31 if 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replace statecode = 46 if congress == 85 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 85 & id == 4328 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 85 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 85 & id == 6820 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 85 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 85 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 85 & id == 2267 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 85 & id == 5944 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 85 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 85 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 85 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 85 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 85 & id == 8635 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 85 & id == 165 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 85 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 85 & id == 4834 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 85 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 85 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 85 & id == 8313 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 85 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 85 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 85 & id == 5452 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 85 & id == 5500 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 85 & id == 1024 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 85 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 85 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 85 & id == 6882 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 85 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 85 & id == 6021 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 85 & id == 1776 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 85 & id == 3783 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 85 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 85 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 85 & id == 99369 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 85 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 85 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 85 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 85 & id == 3704 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 85 & id == 4979 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 85 & id == 2326 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 85 & id == 777 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 85 & id == 10414 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 85 & id == 645 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 85 & id == 9865 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 85 & id == 3206 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 85 & id == 52 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 85 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 85 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 85 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 85 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 85 & id == 7826 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 85 & id == 6856 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 85 & id == 4473 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 85 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 85 & id == 6137 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 85 & id == 7638 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 85 & id == 7070 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 85 & id == 464 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 86 & id == 99901 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 86 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 86 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 86 & id == 3864 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 86 & id == 486 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 86 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 86 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 86 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 86 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 86 & id == 2965 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 86 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 86 & id == 1540 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 86 & id == 142 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 86 & id == 2636 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 86 & id == 1329 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 86 & id == 3349 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 86 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 86 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 86 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 86 & id == 9174 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 86 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 86 & id == 5764 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 86 & id == 3255 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 86 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 86 & id == 1721 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 86 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 86 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 86 & id == 4154 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 86 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 86 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 86 & id == 6039 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 86 & id == 8270 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 86 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 86 & id == 6745 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 86 & id == 2052 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 86 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 86 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 86 & id == 6831 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 86 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 86 & id == 1341 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 86 & id == 546 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 86 & id == 5180 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 86 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 86 & id == 6366 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 86 & id == 4148 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 86 & id == 6134 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 86 & id == 4728 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 86 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 86 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 86 & id == 4328 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 86 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 86 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 86 & id == 6820 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 86 & id == 2267 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 86 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 86 & id == 1482 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 86 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 86 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 86 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 86 & id == 10147 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 86 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 86 & id == 165 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 86 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 86 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 86 & id == 5116 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 86 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 86 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 86 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 86 & id == 5452 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 86 & id == 1167 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 86 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 86 & id == 10454 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 86 & id == 5500 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 86 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 86 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 86 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 86 & id == 6882 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 86 & id == 5843 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 86 & id == 8301 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 86 & id == 1776 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 86 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 86 & id == 3783 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 86 & id == 99369 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 86 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 86 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 86 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 86 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 86 & id == 3704 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 86 & id == 4979 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 86 & id == 10414 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 86 & id == 6754 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 86 & id == 645 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 86 & id == 7637 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 86 & id == 52 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 86 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 86 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 86 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 86 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 86 & id == 7722 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 86 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 86 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 86 & id == 7638 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 86 & id == 7070 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 86 & id == 6249 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 87 & id == 99902 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 87 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 87 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 87 & id == 3864 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 87 & id == 486 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 87 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 87 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 87 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 87 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 87 & id == 2965 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 87 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 87 & id == 1540 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 87 & id == 142 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 87 & id == 2636 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 87 & id == 1329 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 87 & id == 823 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 87 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 87 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 87 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 87 & id == 9174 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 87 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 87 & id == 5764 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 87 & id == 3255 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 87 & id == 1721 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 87 & id == 2803 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 87 & id == 10807 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 87 & id == 2691 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 87 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 87 & id == 4154 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 87 & id == 1489 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 87 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 87 & id == 10812 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 87 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 87 & id == 8270 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 87 & id == 10817 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 87 & id == 6745 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 87 & id == 2052 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 87 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 87 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 87 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 87 & id == 6831 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 87 & id == 546 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 87 & id == 1341 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 87 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 87 & id == 10822 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 87 & id == 4148 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 87 & id == 6366 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 87 & id == 4728 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 87 & id == 6134 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 87 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 87 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 87 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 87 & id == 5756 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 87 & id == 6442 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 87 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 87 & id == 2267 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 87 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 87 & id == 1482 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 87 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 87 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 87 & id == 1027 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 87 & id == 10815 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 87 & id == 10147 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 87 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 87 & id == 165 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 87 & id == 1678 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 87 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 87 & id == 5116 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 87 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 87 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 87 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 87 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 87 & id == 10454 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 87 & id == 5500 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 87 & id == 5213 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 87 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 87 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 87 & id == 6881 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 87 & id == 1776 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 87 & id == 8301 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 87 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 87 & id == 10818 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 87 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 87 & id == 99369 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 87 & id == 6796 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 87 & id == 1570 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 87 & id == 10801 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 87 & id == 5122 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 87 & id == 3704 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 87 & id == 10414 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 87 & id == 777 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 87 & id == 10823 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 87 & id == 645 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 87 & id == 6754 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 87 & id == 7637 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 87 & id == 52 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 87 & id == 1365 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 87 & id == 7958 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 87 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 87 & id == 5913 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 87 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 87 & id == 7722 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 87 & id == 7638 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 87 & id == 10110 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 87 & id == 10806 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 87 & id == 6249 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 88 & id == 99902 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 88 & id == 99903 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 88 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 88 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 88 & id == 3864 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 88 & id == 486 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 88 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 88 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 88 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if 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replace statecode = 21 if congress == 88 & id == 2609 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 88 & id == 10800 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 88 & id == 4154 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 88 & id == 10812 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 88 & id == 4382 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 88 & id == 10817 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 88 & id == 1510 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 88 & id == 6745 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 88 & id == 2052 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 88 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 88 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 88 & id == 6831 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 88 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 88 & id == 1018 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 88 & id == 546 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 88 & id == 10808 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 88 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 88 & id == 4148 replace statecode = 23 if 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replace statecode = 13 if congress == 88 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 88 & id == 5116 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 88 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 88 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 88 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 88 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 88 & id == 5500 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 88 & id == 10454 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 88 & id == 6597 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 88 & id == 10803 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 88 & id == 6738 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 88 & id == 6881 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 88 & id == 8301 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 88 & id == 1776 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 88 & id == 7229 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 88 & id == 10818 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 88 & id == 99369 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 88 & id == 5009 replace statecode = 37 if 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replace statecode = 68 if congress == 88 & id == 10820 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 88 & id == 6249 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 89 & id == 99903 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 89 & id == 4418 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 89 & id == 8764 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 89 & id == 3864 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 89 & id == 486 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 89 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 89 & id == 10804 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 89 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 89 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 89 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 89 & id == 10814 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 89 & id == 142 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 89 & id == 10514 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 89 & id == 7847 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 89 & id == 2636 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 89 & id == 823 replace statecode = 11 if 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6745 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 89 & id == 2901 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 89 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 89 & id == 8666 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 89 & id == 6831 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 89 & id == 10824 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 89 & id == 1018 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 89 & id == 10808 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 89 & id == 8185 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 89 & id == 4148 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 89 & id == 6366 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 89 & id == 3824 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 89 & id == 6134 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 89 & id == 10813 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 89 & id == 2822 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 89 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 89 & id == 9141 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 89 & id == 5756 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 89 & id == 6442 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 89 & id == 5967 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 89 & id == 4660 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 89 & id == 2267 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 89 & id == 1482 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 89 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 89 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 89 & id == 10810 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 89 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 89 & id == 10147 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 89 & id == 6611 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 89 & id == 165 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 89 & id == 10809 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 89 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 89 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 89 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 89 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 89 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 89 & id == 5500 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 89 & id == 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486 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 90 & id == 4227 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 90 & id == 10804 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 90 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 90 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 90 & id == 5372 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 90 & id == 10814 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 90 & id == 10514 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 90 & id == 142 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 90 & id == 2636 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 90 & id == 7847 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 90 & id == 823 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 90 & id == 10163 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 90 & id == 8593 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 90 & id == 4520 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 90 & id == 8138 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 90 & id == 9174 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 90 & id == 3255 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 90 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 63 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== 12100 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 92 & id == 12105 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 92 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 92 & id == 10804 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 92 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 92 & id == 6151 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 92 & id == 3388 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 92 & id == 10777 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 92 & id == 12103 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 92 & id == 142 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 92 & id == 10514 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 92 & id == 7847 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 92 & id == 12032 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 92 & id == 823 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 92 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 92 & id == 10593 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 92 & id == 13101 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 92 & id == 9174 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 92 & id == 8138 replace 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1482 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 92 & id == 688 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 92 & id == 10810 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 92 & id == 2087 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 92 & id == 1569 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 92 & id == 10147 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 92 & id == 165 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 92 & id == 6611 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 92 & id == 4898 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 92 & id == 13100 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 92 & id == 2987 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 92 & id == 5073 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 92 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 92 & id == 10450 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 92 & id == 12108 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 92 & id == 10630 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 92 & id == 12101 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 92 & id == 10805 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 92 & id == 11203 replace statecode 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statecode = 43 if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace statecode = 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== 97 & id == 14704 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 97 & id == 14512 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 97 & id == 1482 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 97 & id == 14077 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 97 & id == 14909 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 97 & id == 14706 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 97 & id == 10147 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 97 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 97 & id == 14911 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 97 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 97 & id == 14510 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 97 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 97 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 97 & id == 14903 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 97 & id == 14105 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 97 & id == 10569 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 97 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 97 & id == 14073 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 97 & id == 14304 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 97 & id == 14908 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 97 & id == 14700 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 97 & id == 11203 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 97 & id == 12107 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 97 & id == 14910 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 97 & id == 13050 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 97 & id == 10818 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 97 & id == 14500 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 97 & id == 9369 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 97 & id == 11204 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 97 & id == 14268 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 97 & id == 14000 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 97 & id == 11200 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 97 & id == 14509 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 97 & id == 660 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 97 & id == 10823 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 97 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 97 & id == 14303 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 97 & id == 10562 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 97 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 97 & id == 10802 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 97 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 97 & id == 4851 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 97 & id == 14904 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 97 & id == 7722 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 97 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 97 & id == 7638 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 97 & id == 14242 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 97 & id == 14511 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 97 & id == 14710 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 98 & id == 99907 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 98 & id == 14705 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 98 & id == 14901 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 98 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 98 & id == 14907 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 98 & id == 3658 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 98 & id == 14502 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 98 & id == 10791 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 98 & id == 14300 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 98 & id == 14915 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 98 & id == 12103 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 98 & id == 14305 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 98 & id == 14002 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 98 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 98 & id == 12032 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 98 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 98 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 98 & id == 14905 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 98 & id == 13101 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 98 & id == 14906 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 98 & id == 14108 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 98 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 98 & id == 10605 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 98 & id == 14056 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 98 & id == 11029 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 98 & id == 14902 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 98 & id == 11205 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 98 & id == 14447 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 98 & id == 14506 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 98 & id == 14226 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 98 & id == 14707 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 98 & id == 14708 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 98 & id == 10513 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 98 & id == 14106 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 98 & id == 14302 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 98 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 98 & id == 14107 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 98 & id == 14010 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 98 & id == 14713 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 98 & id == 13039 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 98 & id == 10535 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 98 & id == 14279 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 98 & id == 10808 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 98 & id == 14709 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 98 & id == 11043 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 98 & id == 14701 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 98 & id == 14703 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 98 & id == 14009 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 98 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 98 & id == 12104 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 98 & id == 14501 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 98 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 98 & id == 12039 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 98 & id == 14512 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 98 & id == 14704 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 98 & id == 14913 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 98 & id == 14077 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 98 & id == 14909 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 98 & id == 14706 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 98 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 98 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 98 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 98 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 98 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 98 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 98 & id == 14903 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 98 & id == 14105 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 98 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 98 & id == 10569 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 98 & id == 14304 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 98 & id == 14073 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 98 & id == 14700 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 98 & id == 14908 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 98 & id == 11203 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 98 & id == 12107 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 98 & id == 14910 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 98 & id == 13050 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 98 & id == 14500 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 98 & id == 10818 replace statecode = 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14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 99 & id == 12032 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 99 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 99 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 99 & id == 14905 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 99 & id == 13101 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 99 & id == 14108 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 99 & id == 14906 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 99 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 99 & id == 10605 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 99 & id == 11029 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 99 & id == 14056 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 99 & id == 14902 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 99 & id == 14275 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 99 & id == 14447 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 99 & id == 14506 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 99 & id == 14230 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 99 & id == 14226 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 99 & id == 14708 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 99 & id == 10513 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 99 & id == 14921 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 99 & id == 14302 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 99 & id == 5767 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 99 & id == 14107 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 99 & id == 14713 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 99 & id == 14010 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 99 & id == 13039 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 99 & id == 10535 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 99 & id == 10808 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 99 & id == 14920 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 99 & id == 14709 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 99 & id == 11043 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 99 & id == 14701 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 99 & id == 14703 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 99 & id == 14009 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 99 & id == 8883 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 99 & id == 14501 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 99 & id == 12104 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 99 & id == 12039 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 99 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 99 & id == 14512 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 99 & id == 14704 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 99 & id == 14077 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 99 & id == 14913 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 99 & id == 14706 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 99 & id == 14909 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 99 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 99 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 99 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 99 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 99 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 99 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 99 & id == 14105 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 99 & id == 14903 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 99 & id == 10574 replace statecode = 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== 99 & id == 660 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 99 & id == 14628 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 99 & id == 14303 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 99 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 99 & id == 10562 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 99 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 99 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 99 & id == 14456 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 99 & id == 14904 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 99 & id == 14916 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 99 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 99 & id == 14922 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 99 & id == 7638 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 99 & id == 14242 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 99 & id == 14511 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 99 & id == 14710 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 100 & id == 99907 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 100 & id == 14659 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 100 & id == 14705 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 100 & id == 14907 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 100 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 100 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 100 & id == 14502 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 100 & id == 10791 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 100 & id == 14300 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 100 & id == 14915 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 100 & id == 12103 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 100 & id == 14002 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 100 & id == 14282 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 100 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 100 & id == 12032 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 100 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 100 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 100 & id == 13101 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 100 & id == 15503 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 100 & id == 14467 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 100 & 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congress == 100 & id == 14913 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 100 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 100 & id == 14706 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 100 & id == 14909 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 100 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 100 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 100 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 100 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 100 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 100 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 100 & id == 15504 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 100 & id == 14105 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 100 & id == 1252 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 100 & id == 15502 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 100 & id == 14073 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 100 & id == 14304 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 100 & id == 14908 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 100 & id == 14700 replace statecode = 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statecode = 42 if congress == 101 & id == 14300 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 101 & id == 12103 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 101 & id == 14915 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 101 & id == 14002 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 101 & id == 14282 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 101 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 101 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 101 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 101 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 101 & id == 15037 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 101 & id == 15503 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 101 & id == 14108 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 101 & id == 14467 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 101 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 101 & id == 10605 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 101 & id == 14400 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 101 & id == 11029 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 101 & id == 14056 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101 & id == 10818 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 101 & id == 14500 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 101 & id == 9369 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 101 & id == 11204 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 101 & id == 14268 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 101 & id == 14617 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 101 & id == 14423 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 101 & id == 14509 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 101 & id == 660 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 101 & id == 14628 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 101 & id == 14303 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 101 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 101 & id == 14240 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 101 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 101 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 101 & id == 15705 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 101 & id == 10700 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 101 & id == 14904 replace statecode = 56 if congress 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statecode = 46 if congress == 102 & id == 14031 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 102 & id == 15501 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 102 & id == 14501 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 102 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 102 & id == 15701 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 102 & id == 14704 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 102 & id == 15702 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 102 & id == 15700 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 102 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 102 & id == 14909 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 102 & id == 15116 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 102 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 102 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 102 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 102 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 102 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 102 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 102 & id == 14105 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14617 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 102 & id == 14268 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 102 & id == 14423 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 102 & id == 14509 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 102 & id == 660 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 102 & id == 14628 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 102 & id == 14303 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 102 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 102 & id == 14240 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 102 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 102 & id == 15705 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 102 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 102 & id == 10700 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 102 & id == 14904 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 102 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 102 & id == 14922 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 102 & id == 14242 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 102 & id == 15703 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 102 & id == 14710 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 102 & id == 14511 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 103 & id == 99909 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 103 & id == 14705 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 103 & id == 14659 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 103 & id == 14907 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 103 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 103 & id == 14502 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 103 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 103 & id == 14300 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 103 & id == 10791 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 103 & id == 15011 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 103 & id == 49300 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 103 & id == 14803 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 103 & id == 15407 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 103 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 103 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 103 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 103 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congress == 103 & id == 15701 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 103 & id == 14704 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 103 & id == 15702 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 103 & id == 15700 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 103 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 103 & id == 14826 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 103 & id == 15116 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 103 & id == 14702 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 103 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 103 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 103 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 103 & id == 14900 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 103 & id == 14508 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 103 & id == 49304 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 103 & id == 14105 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 103 & id == 15502 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 103 & id == 14812 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 103 & id == 14304 replace statecode = 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statecode = 49 if congress == 103 & id == 14247 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 103 & id == 49307 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 103 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 103 & id == 14240 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 103 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 103 & id == 15705 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 103 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 103 & id == 14904 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 103 & id == 49308 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 103 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 103 & id == 14922 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 103 & id == 49309 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 103 & id == 15703 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 103 & id == 14710 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 103 & id == 14511 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 104 & id == 99909 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 104 & id == 14705 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 104 & id == 94659 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= 61 if congress == 105 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 105 & id == 14300 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 105 & id == 29306 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 105 & id == 15011 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 105 & id == 49300 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 105 & id == 29108 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 105 & id == 95407 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 105 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 105 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 105 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 105 & id == 11044 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 105 & id == 15503 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 105 & id == 15037 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 105 & id == 49701 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 105 & id == 49301 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 105 & id == 14400 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 105 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 105 & id == 14809 replace 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= 24 if congress == 107 & id == 15020 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 107 & id == 49903 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 107 & id == 15424 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 107 & id == 14908 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 107 & id == 49705 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 107 & id == 14871 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 107 & id == 29141 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 107 & id == 14910 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 107 & id == 49905 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 107 & id == 29142 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 107 & id == 11204 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 107 & id == 9369 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 107 & id == 14617 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 107 & id == 15425 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 107 & id == 49502 replace statecode = 54 if congress == 107 & id == 49503 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 107 & id == 14628 replace statecode = 49 if congress == 107 & id == 49306 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 107 & id == 49307 replace statecode = 67 if congress == 107 & id == 14503 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 107 & id == 14240 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 107 & id == 94240 replace statecode = 6 if congress == 107 & id == 14307 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 107 & id == 29148 replace statecode = 40 if congress == 107 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 107 & id == 39310 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 107 & id == 49308 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 107 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 107 & id == 14922 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 107 & id == 49309 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 107 & id == 15703 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 107 & id == 49706 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 107 & id == 15633 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 108 & id == 99910 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 108 & id == 49700 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 108 & id == 94659 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 108 & id == 40300 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 108 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 108 & id == 15429 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 108 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 108 & id == 40301 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 108 & id == 29305 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 108 & id == 15011 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 108 & id == 49300 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 108 & id == 29108 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 108 & id == 95407 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 108 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 108 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 108 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 108 & id == 15015 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 108 & id == 15503 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 108 & id == 14651 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 108 & id == 29512 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 108 & id == 49904 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 108 & id == 14400 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 108 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 108 & id == 14809 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 108 & id == 29345 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 108 & id == 15021 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 108 & id == 49900 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 108 & id == 49901 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 108 & id == 14506 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 108 & id == 14226 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 108 & id == 14230 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 108 & id == 29523 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 108 & id == 14852 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 108 & id == 15406 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 108 & id == 14921 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 108 & id == 13056 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 108 & id == 49702 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 108 & id == 49703 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 108 & 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108 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 108 & id == 14826 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 108 & id == 29740 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 108 & id == 40104 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 108 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 108 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 108 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 108 & id == 40105 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 108 & id == 14858 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 108 & id == 49902 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 108 & id == 40303 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 108 & id == 15502 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 108 & id == 14812 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 108 & id == 15020 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 108 & id == 49903 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 108 & id == 15424 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 108 & id == 14908 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 108 & id == 49705 replace statecode = 72 if 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if congress == 108 & id == 14712 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 108 & id == 39310 replace statecode = 73 if congress == 108 & id == 49308 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 108 & id == 1366 replace statecode = 56 if congress == 108 & id == 14922 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 108 & id == 49309 replace statecode = 25 if congress == 108 & id == 15703 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 108 & id == 49706 replace statecode = 68 if congress == 108 & id == 15633 replace statecode = 99 if congress == 109 & id == 99910 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 109 & id == 49700 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 109 & id == 94659 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 109 & id == 40300 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 109 & id == 12109 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 109 & id == 15429 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 109 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 109 & id == 40301 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 109 & id == 29305 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 109 & id == 15011 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 109 & id == 49300 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 109 & id == 29108 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 109 & id == 40500 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 109 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 109 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 109 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 109 & id == 15015 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 109 & id == 40501 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 109 & id == 14651 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 109 & id == 29512 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 109 & id == 29909 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 109 & id == 14400 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 109 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 109 & id == 14809 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 109 & id == 29345 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 109 & id == 15021 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 109 & id == 40502 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1 if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace statecode = 43 if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace statecode = 44 if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace statecode = 82 if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace statecode = 63 if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace statecode = 21 if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace statecode = 22 if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace statecode = 31 if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 110 & id == 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111 & id == 99911 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace statecode = 41 if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace statecode = 81 if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace statecode = 61 if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace statecode = 42 if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace statecode = 71 if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace statecode = 62 if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace statecode = 1 if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace statecode = 11 if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace statecode = 11 if 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= 46 if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 111 & id == 29566 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112 & id == 14230 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace statecode = 32 if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace statecode = 51 if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace statecode = 45 if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace statecode = 2 if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace statecode = 52 if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace statecode = 3 if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace statecode = 23 if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace statecode = 33 if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace statecode = 46 if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace statecode = 34 if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace statecode = 64 if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace statecode = 35 if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace statecode = 65 if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace statecode = 4 if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace statecode = 12 if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace statecode = 66 if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace statecode = 13 if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace statecode = 47 if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace statecode = 36 if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace statecode = 24 if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace statecode = 53 if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace statecode = 72 if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace statecode = 14 if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace statecode = 5 if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace statecode = 48 if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace statecode = 37 if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace statecode = 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district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace district = 0 if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace district = 0 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district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12106 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14102 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10817 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10513 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14106 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12102 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 5767 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14107 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 6831 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10736 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12002 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10535 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 11201 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 3824 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 4148 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10813 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 4728 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 8883 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 2822 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12104 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 9141 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 6442 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 5967 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 4660 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 2267 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 1482 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 688 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14077 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 2087 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10810 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 1569 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10147 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14103 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 6611 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 4898 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 13100 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 2987 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14105 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 1252 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10450 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10630 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12108 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14073 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 14100 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12101 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 12107 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 11203 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 8301 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10557 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 10818 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 7229 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 9369 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 11204 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 13000 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 6256 replace district = 0 if congress == 93 & id == 11200 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district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12100 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12105 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12109 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10804 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 3658 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 6151 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14300 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12103 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10777 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14104 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14305 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12032 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 7847 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11044 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14309 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 13101 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 9174 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14108 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replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10535 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11201 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 4148 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 3824 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10813 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 4728 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 2822 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 8883 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 12104 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 9141 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 6442 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 5967 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 2267 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 4660 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 1482 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14077 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10810 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 2087 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10557 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10818 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 7229 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 9369 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11204 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 13000 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 6256 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11200 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10571 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 660 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10823 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 6754 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14303 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10562 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10802 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11048 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 5913 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 4851 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 7722 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 1366 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 10816 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 7638 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 11202 replace district = 0 if congress == 94 & id == 6249 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 99906 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 8764 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 12100 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14517 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 12109 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 12105 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14502 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 3658 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14300 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 6151 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14514 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 12103 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14504 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14305 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14104 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 12032 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 7847 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 11044 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14309 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 13101 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 9174 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14108 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10605 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 1721 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 11029 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 13102 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 11205 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14506 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10800 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10715 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14102 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10817 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10513 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14106 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14302 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 5767 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14107 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10736 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 6831 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 13039 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10535 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 11201 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 3824 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 11043 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 4728 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14516 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 14513 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & id == 2822 replace district = 0 if congress == 95 & 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96 & id == 12105 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 12109 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14502 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 3658 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10791 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14300 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14504 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 12103 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14305 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14002 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 12032 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 7847 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 11044 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 13101 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14309 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 9174 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14108 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress 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0 if congress == 96 & id == 10147 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14702 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14510 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14103 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 4898 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14508 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14105 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14308 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10450 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 1252 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14304 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14073 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 12101 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14700 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 12107 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 11203 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 13050 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10557 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10818 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14500 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 11204 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 9369 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 6256 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14268 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14509 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 11200 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 660 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10823 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14503 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14303 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10562 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14712 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10802 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 5913 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 4851 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 7722 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 1366 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 10816 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 7638 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14511 replace district = 0 if congress == 96 & id == 14710 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 99907 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14705 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14901 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 12109 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14907 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 3658 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14502 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 10791 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14300 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14504 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 12103 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14305 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14002 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14213 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 12032 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 11044 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14107 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 5767 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14713 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14010 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 10535 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 13039 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14279 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14709 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 11043 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14701 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14703 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14009 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 8883 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14501 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 12104 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & id == 14203 replace district = 0 if congress == 97 & 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district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 49306 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 49307 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 14503 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 94240 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 29148 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 14712 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 39310 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 49308 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 1366 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 14922 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 49309 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 15703 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 49706 replace district = 0 if congress == 109 & id == 15633 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 99910 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49700 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 94659 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40300 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 12109 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15429 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15039 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40301 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29305 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15011 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49300 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29108 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40500 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14213 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40303 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15502 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14812 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29389 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49903 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15424 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29555 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49705 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14871 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40703 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14910 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40704 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29142 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29936 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29566 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29754 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15425 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40705 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40304 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40305 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49306 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49307 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14503 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 29147 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40706 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14712 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 39310 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49308 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 1366 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 14922 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49309 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15703 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 49706 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 15633 replace district = 0 if congress == 110 & id == 40707 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 99911 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40916 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15015 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40501 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40911 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14651 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29512 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29909 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14400 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40902 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29345 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15021 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40903 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 20115 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49901 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14506 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14226 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14230 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29523 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14852 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15406 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14921 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29918 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49702 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49703 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14661 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14440 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15408 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 10808 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40912 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40913 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14920 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29732 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14709 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40700 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40904 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29566 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29754 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15425 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40705 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40304 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40305 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49306 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49307 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14503 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 29147 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40706 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40909 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 39310 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49308 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 1366 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40914 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40915 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 14922 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49309 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 15703 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 49706 replace district = 0 if congress == 111 & id == 40707 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 99911 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49700 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 94659 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40300 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40900 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15429 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15039 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40301 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 20101 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15011 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49300 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29906 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40910 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41101 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15704 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40916 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15015 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41102 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14651 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29512 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29909 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14400 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 4812 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41112 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40902 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29345 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15021 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 20115 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14806 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14506 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14226 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14230 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40705 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40304 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40305 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49306 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41110 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14503 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 29147 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14307 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40706 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40909 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 39310 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49308 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40915 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 14922 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 41111 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 15703 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 49706 replace district = 0 if congress == 112 & id == 40707 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 82 & id == 2803 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 82 & id == 2691 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 82 & id == 2609 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 82 & id == 4922 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 82 & id == 1489 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 82 & id == 4382 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 82 & id == 3603 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 82 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 82 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 82 & id == 1831 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 82 & id == 1659 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 82 & id == 9561 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 82 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 82 & id == 2901 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 82 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 82 & id == 1021 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 82 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 82 & id == 7020 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 82 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 82 & id == 5739 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 82 & id == 3110 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 82 & id == 9604 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 82 & id == 6613 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 82 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 82 & id == 9374 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 82 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 82 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 82 & id == 5158 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 82 & id == 4328 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 82 & id == 2838 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 82 & id == 6820 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 82 & id == 1338 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 82 & id == 9998 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 82 & id == 8337 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 82 & id == 5944 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 82 & id == 6132 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 82 & id == 9401 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 82 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 82 & id == 8635 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 82 & id == 4321 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 82 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 82 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 82 & id == 5591 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 82 & id == 4834 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 82 & id == 8708 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 82 & id == 4483 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 82 & id == 5452 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 82 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 82 & id == 9152 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 82 & id == 1024 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 82 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 82 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 82 & id == 2066 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 82 & id == 96738 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 82 & id == 2745 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 82 & id == 6021 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 82 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 82 & id == 3783 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 82 & id == 6107 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 82 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 82 & id == 1570 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 82 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 82 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 82 & id == 6293 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 82 & id == 4979 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 82 & id == 1986 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 82 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 82 & id == 9865 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 82 & id == 3206 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 82 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 82 & id == 7958 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 82 & id == 1365 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 82 & id == 1395 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 82 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 82 & id == 6856 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 82 & id == 5240 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 82 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 82 & id == 6137 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 82 & id == 4747 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 82 & id == 7070 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 83 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 83 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 83 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 83 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 83 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 83 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 83 & id == 5343 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 83 & id == 5372 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 83 & id == 6525 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 83 & id == 4949 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 83 & id == 7656 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 83 & id == 1329 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 83 & id == 3349 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 83 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 83 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 83 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 83 & id == 3536 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 83 & id == 8138 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 83 & id == 2803 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 83 & id == 9930 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 83 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 83 & id == 2691 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 83 & id == 1489 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 83 & id == 4922 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 83 & id == 3603 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 83 & id == 4382 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 83 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 83 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 83 & id == 2052 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 83 & id == 1831 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 83 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 83 & id == 2901 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 83 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 83 & id == 7271 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 83 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 83 & id == 546 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 83 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 83 & id == 5180 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 83 & id == 3110 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 83 & id == 7551 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 83 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 83 & id == 9374 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 83 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 83 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 83 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 83 & id == 4328 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 83 & id == 5967 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 83 & id == 6820 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 3839 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 1338 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 923 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 7837 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 9 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 83 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 83 & id == 5944 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 83 & id == 6132 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 83 & id == 1106 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 83 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 83 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 83 & id == 9401 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 83 & id == 9576 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 83 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 83 & id == 8635 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 83 & id == 4321 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 83 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 83 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 83 & id == 5591 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 83 & id == 4834 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 8708 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 4483 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 5606 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 8313 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 83 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 83 & id == 5452 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 83 & id == 1024 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 83 & id == 9152 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 83 & id == 1272 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 83 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 83 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 83 & id == 2066 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 83 & id == 6738 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 83 & id == 6021 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 83 & id == 2745 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 83 & id == 3783 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 83 & id == 7229 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 6107 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 83 & id == 2322 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 83 & id == 1570 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 83 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 83 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 83 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 83 & id == 4979 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 83 & id == 2326 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 83 & id == 9865 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 83 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 83 & id == 52 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 83 & id == 3206 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 83 & id == 7958 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 83 & id == 1365 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 83 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 83 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 83 & id == 6856 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 83 & id == 5240 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 83 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 83 & id == 6137 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 83 & id == 464 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 83 & id == 4747 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 83 & id == 2175 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 83 & id == 7070 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 84 & id == 99901 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 84 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 84 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 84 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 84 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 84 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 84 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 84 & id == 5343 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 84 & id == 5372 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 84 & id == 142 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 84 & id == 6525 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 84 & id == 7656 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 84 & id == 1329 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 84 & id == 3349 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 84 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 84 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 84 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 84 & id == 3536 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 84 & id == 8138 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 84 & id == 2803 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 84 & id == 9930 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 84 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 84 & id == 2691 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 84 & id == 1489 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 84 & id == 4922 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 84 & id == 4382 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 84 & id == 6039 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 84 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 84 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 84 & id == 1831 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 84 & id == 437 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 84 & id == 4737 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 84 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 84 & id == 2901 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 84 & id == 7271 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 84 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 84 & id == 546 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 84 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 84 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 84 & id == 5180 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 84 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 84 & id == 7551 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 84 & id == 9374 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 84 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 84 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 84 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 84 & id == 4328 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 84 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 84 & id == 6820 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 84 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 84 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 84 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 84 & id == 5944 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 84 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 84 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 84 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 84 & id == 8635 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 84 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 84 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 84 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 84 & id == 5591 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 84 & id == 4834 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 84 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 84 & id == 8313 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 84 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 84 & id == 5452 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 84 & id == 1024 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 84 & id == 621 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 84 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 84 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 84 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 84 & id == 6882 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 84 & id == 6021 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 84 & id == 2745 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 84 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 84 & id == 3783 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 84 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 84 & id == 99369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 84 & id == 10301 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 84 & id == 6796 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 84 & id == 1570 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 84 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 84 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 84 & id == 2326 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 84 & id == 4979 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 84 & id == 9865 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 84 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 84 & id == 52 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 84 & id == 3206 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 84 & id == 7958 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 84 & id == 1365 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 84 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 84 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 84 & id == 6856 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 84 & id == 5240 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 84 & id == 5411 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 84 & id == 6137 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 84 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 84 & id == 464 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 84 & id == 7070 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 85 & id == 99901 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 85 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 85 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 85 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 85 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 85 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 85 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 85 & id == 5372 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 85 & id == 5343 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 85 & id == 1540 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 85 & id == 142 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 85 & id == 1329 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 85 & id == 7656 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 85 & id == 3349 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 85 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 85 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 85 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 85 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 85 & id == 9174 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 85 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 85 & id == 2803 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 85 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 85 & id == 2691 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 85 & id == 4922 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 85 & id == 1489 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 85 & id == 4382 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 85 & id == 6039 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 85 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 85 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 85 & id == 6745 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 85 & id == 2052 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 85 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 85 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 85 & id == 7271 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 85 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 85 & id == 546 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 85 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 85 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 85 & id == 5180 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 85 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 85 & id == 7551 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 85 & id == 9374 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 85 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 85 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 85 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 85 & id == 4328 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 85 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 85 & id == 6820 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 85 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 85 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 85 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 85 & id == 5944 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 85 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 85 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 85 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 85 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 85 & id == 8635 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 85 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 85 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 85 & id == 4834 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 85 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 85 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 85 & id == 8313 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 85 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 85 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 85 & id == 5452 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 85 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 85 & id == 1024 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 85 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 85 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 85 & id == 6882 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 85 & id == 6738 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 85 & id == 6021 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 85 & id == 1776 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 85 & id == 3783 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 85 & id == 7229 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 85 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 85 & id == 99369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 85 & id == 6796 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 85 & id == 1570 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 85 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 85 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 85 & id == 4979 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 85 & id == 2326 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 85 & id == 777 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 85 & id == 10414 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 85 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 85 & id == 9865 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 85 & id == 3206 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 85 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 85 & id == 1365 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 85 & id == 7958 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 85 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 85 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 85 & id == 7826 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 85 & id == 6856 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 85 & id == 4473 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 85 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 85 & id == 6137 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 85 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 85 & id == 7070 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 85 & id == 464 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 86 & id == 99901 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 86 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 86 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 86 & id == 3864 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 86 & id == 486 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 86 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 86 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 86 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 86 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 86 & id == 2965 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 86 & id == 5372 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 86 & id == 1540 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 86 & id == 142 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 86 & id == 2636 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 86 & id == 1329 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 86 & id == 3349 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 86 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 86 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 86 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 86 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 86 & id == 8138 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 86 & id == 5764 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 86 & id == 3255 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 86 & id == 2803 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 86 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 86 & id == 2691 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 86 & id == 2609 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 86 & id == 4154 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 86 & id == 1489 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 86 & id == 4382 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 86 & id == 6039 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 86 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 86 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 86 & id == 6745 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 86 & id == 2052 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 86 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 86 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 86 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 86 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 86 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 86 & id == 546 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 86 & id == 5180 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 86 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 86 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 86 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 86 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 86 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 86 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 86 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 86 & id == 4328 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 86 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 86 & id == 5967 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 86 & id == 6820 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 86 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 86 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 86 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 86 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 86 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 86 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 86 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 86 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 86 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 86 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 86 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 86 & id == 5116 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 86 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 86 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 5452 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 1167 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 1252 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 86 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 86 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 86 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 86 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 86 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 86 & id == 6882 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 86 & id == 5843 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 86 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 86 & id == 1776 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 86 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 86 & id == 3783 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 86 & id == 99369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 86 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 1570 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 86 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 86 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 86 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 86 & id == 4979 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 86 & id == 10414 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 86 & id == 6754 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 86 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 86 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 86 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 86 & id == 1365 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 86 & id == 7958 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 86 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 86 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 86 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 86 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 86 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 86 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 86 & id == 7070 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 86 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 87 & id == 99902 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 87 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 87 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 87 & id == 3864 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 87 & id == 486 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 87 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 87 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 87 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 87 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 87 & id == 2965 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 87 & id == 5372 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 87 & id == 1540 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 87 & id == 142 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 87 & id == 2636 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 87 & id == 1329 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 87 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 87 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 87 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 87 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 87 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 87 & id == 8138 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 87 & id == 5764 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 87 & id == 3255 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 87 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 87 & id == 2803 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 87 & id == 10807 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 87 & id == 2691 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 87 & id == 2609 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 87 & id == 4154 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 87 & id == 1489 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 87 & id == 4382 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 87 & id == 10812 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 87 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 87 & id == 8270 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 87 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 87 & id == 6745 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 87 & id == 2052 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 87 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 87 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 87 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 87 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 87 & id == 546 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 87 & id == 1341 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 87 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 87 & id == 10822 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 87 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 87 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 87 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 87 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 87 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 87 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 87 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 87 & id == 5756 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 87 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 87 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 87 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 87 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 87 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 87 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 87 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 87 & id == 1027 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 87 & id == 10815 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 87 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 87 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 87 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 87 & id == 1678 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 87 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 87 & id == 5116 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 87 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 87 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 87 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 87 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 87 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 87 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 87 & id == 5213 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 87 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 87 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 87 & id == 6881 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 87 & id == 1776 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 87 & id == 8301 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 87 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 87 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 87 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 87 & id == 99369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 87 & id == 6796 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 87 & id == 1570 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 87 & id == 10801 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 87 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 87 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 87 & id == 10414 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 87 & id == 777 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 87 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 87 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 87 & id == 6754 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 87 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 87 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 87 & id == 1365 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 87 & id == 7958 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 87 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 87 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 87 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 87 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 87 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 87 & id == 10110 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 87 & id == 10806 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 87 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 88 & id == 99902 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 88 & id == 99903 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 88 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 88 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 88 & id == 3864 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 88 & id == 486 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 88 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 88 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 88 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 88 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 88 & id == 5372 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 88 & id == 2965 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 88 & id == 10821 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 88 & id == 142 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 88 & id == 10514 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 88 & id == 7847 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 88 & id == 2636 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 88 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 88 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 88 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 88 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 88 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 88 & id == 9174 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 88 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 88 & id == 3255 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 88 & id == 10807 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 88 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 88 & id == 2691 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 88 & id == 2609 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 88 & id == 10800 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 88 & id == 4154 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 88 & id == 10812 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 88 & id == 4382 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 88 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 88 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 88 & id == 6745 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 88 & id == 2052 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 88 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 88 & id == 2901 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 88 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 88 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 88 & id == 1018 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 88 & id == 546 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 88 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 88 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 88 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 88 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 88 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 88 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 88 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 88 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 88 & id == 5756 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 88 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 88 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 88 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 88 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 88 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 88 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 88 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 88 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 88 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 88 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 88 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 88 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 88 & id == 10811 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 88 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 88 & id == 5116 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 88 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 88 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 88 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 88 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 88 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 88 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 88 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 88 & id == 10803 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 88 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 88 & id == 6881 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 88 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 88 & id == 1776 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 88 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 88 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 88 & id == 99369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 88 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 88 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 88 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 88 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 88 & id == 5122 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 88 & id == 10825 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 88 & id == 10414 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 88 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 88 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 88 & id == 6754 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 88 & id == 52 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 88 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 88 & id == 7958 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 88 & id == 1365 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 88 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 88 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 88 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 88 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 88 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 88 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 88 & id == 10820 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 88 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 89 & id == 99903 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 89 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 89 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 89 & id == 3864 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 89 & id == 486 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 89 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 89 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 89 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 89 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 89 & id == 5372 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 89 & id == 10814 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 89 & id == 142 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 89 & id == 10514 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 89 & id == 7847 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 89 & id == 2636 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 89 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 89 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 89 & id == 4520 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 89 & id == 8593 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 89 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 89 & id == 9174 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 89 & id == 3255 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 89 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 89 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 89 & id == 10807 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 89 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 89 & id == 2691 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 89 & id == 4154 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 89 & id == 10800 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 89 & id == 10812 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 89 & id == 4382 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 89 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 89 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 89 & id == 2052 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 89 & id == 6745 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 89 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 89 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 89 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 89 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 89 & id == 10824 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 89 & id == 1018 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 89 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 89 & id == 8185 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 89 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 89 & id == 6366 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 89 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 89 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 89 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 89 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 89 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 89 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 89 & id == 5756 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 89 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 89 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 89 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 89 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 89 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 89 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 89 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 89 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 89 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 89 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 89 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 89 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 89 & id == 10809 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 89 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 89 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 89 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 89 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 89 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 89 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 89 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 89 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 89 & id == 10805 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 89 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 89 & id == 6881 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 89 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 89 & id == 1776 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 89 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 89 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 89 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 89 & id == 5009 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 89 & id == 10819 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 89 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 89 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 89 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 89 & id == 504 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 89 & id == 10414 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 89 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 89 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 89 & id == 6754 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 89 & id == 52 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 89 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 89 & id == 7958 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 89 & id == 1365 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 89 & id == 10802 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 89 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 89 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 89 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 89 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 89 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 89 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 89 & id == 10820 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 89 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 90 & id == 99903 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 90 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 90 & id == 4418 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 90 & id == 3864 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 90 & id == 486 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 90 & id == 4227 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 90 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 90 & id == 3388 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 90 & id == 6151 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 90 & id == 5372 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 90 & id == 10814 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 90 & id == 10514 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 90 & id == 142 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 90 & id == 2636 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 90 & id == 7847 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 90 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 90 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 90 & id == 8593 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 90 & id == 4520 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 90 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 90 & id == 9174 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 90 & id == 3255 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 90 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 90 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 90 & id == 10807 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 90 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 90 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 90 & id == 4154 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 90 & id == 10800 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 90 & id == 10812 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 90 & id == 4382 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 90 & id == 1510 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 90 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 90 & id == 2052 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 90 & id == 6745 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 90 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 90 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 90 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 90 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 90 & id == 1018 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 90 & id == 10824 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 90 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 90 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 90 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 90 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 90 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 90 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 90 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 90 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 90 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 90 & id == 5756 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 90 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 90 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 90 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 90 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 90 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 90 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 90 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 90 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 90 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 90 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 90 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 90 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 90 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 90 & id == 3670 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 90 & id == 10809 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 90 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 90 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 90 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 90 & id == 1252 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 90 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 90 & id == 5500 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 90 & id == 6597 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 90 & id == 10805 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 90 & id == 6738 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 90 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 90 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 90 & id == 1776 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 90 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 90 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 90 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 90 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 90 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 90 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 90 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 90 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 90 & id == 10414 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 90 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 90 & id == 645 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 90 & id == 6754 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 90 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 90 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 90 & id == 11206 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 90 & id == 10802 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 90 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 90 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 90 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 90 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 90 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 90 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 90 & id == 11202 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 90 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 91 & id == 99904 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 91 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 91 & id == 12100 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 91 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 91 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 91 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 91 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 91 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 91 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 91 & id == 10814 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 91 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 91 & id == 142 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 91 & id == 10514 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 91 & id == 7847 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 91 & id == 2636 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 91 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 91 & id == 10163 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 91 & id == 10593 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 91 & id == 4520 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 91 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 91 & id == 9174 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 91 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 91 & id == 3255 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 91 & id == 10807 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 91 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 91 & id == 2609 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 91 & id == 11205 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 91 & id == 12110 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 91 & id == 13102 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 91 & id == 10800 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 91 & id == 4154 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 91 & id == 12106 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 91 & id == 10812 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 91 & id == 2052 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 91 & id == 12102 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 91 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 91 & id == 2901 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 91 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 91 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 91 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 91 & id == 10824 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 91 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 91 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 91 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 91 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 91 & id == 6134 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 91 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 91 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 91 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 91 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 91 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 91 & id == 5967 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 91 & id == 6442 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 91 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 91 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 91 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 91 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 91 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 91 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 91 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 91 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 91 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 91 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 91 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 91 & id == 3670 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 91 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 91 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 91 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 91 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 91 & id == 12108 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 91 & id == 10454 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 91 & id == 10805 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 91 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 91 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 91 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 91 & id == 10557 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 91 & id == 8301 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 91 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 91 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 91 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 91 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 91 & id == 6796 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 91 & id == 6256 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 91 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 91 & id == 3704 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10414 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 91 & id == 6754 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 91 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 91 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 91 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 91 & id == 10802 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 91 & id == 11206 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 91 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 91 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 91 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 91 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 91 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 91 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 91 & id == 11202 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 91 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 92 & id == 99904 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 92 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 92 & id == 12100 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 92 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 92 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 92 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 92 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 92 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 92 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 92 & id == 10777 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 92 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 92 & id == 142 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 92 & id == 10514 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 92 & id == 7847 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 92 & id == 12032 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 92 & id == 823 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 92 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 92 & id == 10593 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 92 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 92 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 92 & id == 8138 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 92 & id == 13103 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 92 & id == 3255 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 92 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 92 & id == 10807 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 92 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 92 & id == 13102 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 92 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 92 & id == 4154 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 92 & id == 10800 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 92 & id == 10812 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 92 & id == 12106 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 92 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 92 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 92 & id == 12102 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 92 & id == 2052 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 92 & id == 2901 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 92 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 92 & id == 13104 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 92 & id == 8666 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 92 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 92 & id == 12002 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 92 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 92 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 92 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 92 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 92 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 92 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 92 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 92 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 92 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 92 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 92 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 92 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 92 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 92 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 92 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 92 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 92 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 92 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 92 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 92 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 92 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 92 & id == 165 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 92 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 92 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 92 & id == 13100 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 92 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 92 & id == 5073 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 92 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 92 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 92 & id == 12108 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 92 & id == 10630 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 92 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 92 & id == 10805 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 92 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 92 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 92 & id == 10557 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 92 & id == 8301 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 92 & id == 7229 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 92 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 92 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 92 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 92 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 92 & id == 6796 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 92 & id == 10571 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 92 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 92 & id == 10823 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 92 & id == 660 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 92 & id == 6754 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 92 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 92 & id == 52 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 92 & id == 7637 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 92 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 92 & id == 11206 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 92 & id == 10802 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 92 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 92 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 92 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 92 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 92 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 92 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 92 & id == 11202 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 92 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 93 & id == 99904 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 93 & id == 99905 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 93 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 93 & id == 12100 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 93 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 93 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 93 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 93 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 93 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 93 & id == 3388 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 93 & id == 10777 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 93 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 93 & id == 14104 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 93 & id == 10514 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 93 & id == 12032 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 93 & id == 7847 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 93 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 93 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 93 & id == 10593 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 93 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 93 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 93 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 93 & id == 3255 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 93 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 93 & id == 11029 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 93 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 93 & id == 13102 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 93 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 93 & id == 10800 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 93 & id == 4154 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 93 & id == 12106 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 93 & id == 14102 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 93 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 93 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 93 & id == 14106 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 93 & id == 12102 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 93 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 93 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 93 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 93 & id == 10736 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 93 & id == 12002 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 93 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 93 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 93 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 93 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 93 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 93 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 93 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 93 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 93 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 93 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 93 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 93 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 93 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 93 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 93 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 93 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 93 & id == 688 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 93 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 93 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 93 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 93 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 93 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 93 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 93 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 93 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 93 & id == 13100 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 93 & id == 2987 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 93 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 93 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 93 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 93 & id == 10630 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 93 & id == 12108 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 93 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 93 & id == 14100 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 93 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 93 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 93 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 93 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 93 & id == 10557 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 93 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 93 & id == 7229 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 93 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 93 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 93 & id == 13000 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 93 & id == 6256 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 93 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 93 & id == 10571 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 93 & id == 10823 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 93 & id == 660 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 93 & id == 6754 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 93 & id == 645 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 93 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 93 & id == 52 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 93 & id == 11048 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 93 & id == 10802 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 93 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 93 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 93 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 93 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 93 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 93 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 93 & id == 6249 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 93 & id == 11202 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 94 & id == 99905 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 94 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 94 & id == 12100 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 94 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 94 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 94 & id == 10804 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 94 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 94 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 94 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 94 & id == 12103 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 94 & id == 10777 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 94 & id == 14104 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 94 & id == 14305 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 94 & id == 12032 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 94 & id == 7847 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 94 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 94 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 94 & id == 14309 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 94 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 94 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 94 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 94 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 94 & id == 3255 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 94 & id == 11029 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 94 & id == 1721 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 94 & id == 13102 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 94 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 94 & id == 10800 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 94 & id == 4154 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 94 & id == 14102 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 94 & id == 10715 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 94 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 94 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 94 & id == 14106 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 94 & id == 14302 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 94 & id == 14107 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 94 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 94 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 94 & id == 10736 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 94 & id == 12002 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 94 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 94 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 94 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 94 & id == 4148 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 94 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 94 & id == 10813 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 94 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 94 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 94 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 94 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 94 & id == 9141 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 94 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 94 & id == 5967 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 94 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 94 & id == 4660 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 94 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 94 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 94 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 94 & id == 2087 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 94 & id == 14310 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 94 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 94 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 94 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 94 & id == 6611 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 94 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 94 & id == 13100 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 94 & id == 14308 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 94 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 94 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 94 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 94 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 94 & id == 10630 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 94 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 94 & id == 14100 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 94 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 94 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 94 & id == 8301 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 94 & id == 10557 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 94 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 94 & id == 7229 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 94 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 94 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 94 & id == 13000 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 94 & id == 6256 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 94 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 94 & id == 10571 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 94 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 94 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 94 & id == 6754 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 94 & id == 14303 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 94 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 94 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 94 & id == 10802 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 94 & id == 11048 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 94 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 94 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 94 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 94 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 94 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 94 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 94 & id == 11202 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 94 & id == 6249 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 95 & id == 99906 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 95 & id == 8764 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 95 & id == 12100 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 95 & id == 14517 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 95 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 95 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 95 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 95 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 95 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 95 & id == 6151 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 95 & id == 14514 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 95 & id == 12103 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 95 & id == 14504 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 95 & id == 14305 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 95 & id == 14104 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 95 & id == 12032 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 95 & id == 7847 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 95 & id == 11044 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 95 & id == 14101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 95 & id == 14309 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 95 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 95 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 95 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 95 & id == 10605 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 95 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 95 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 95 & id == 11029 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 95 & id == 13102 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 95 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 95 & id == 14506 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 95 & id == 10800 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 95 & id == 10715 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 95 & id == 14102 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 95 & id == 10817 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 95 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 95 & id == 14106 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 95 & id == 14302 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 95 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 95 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 95 & id == 10736 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 95 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 95 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 95 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 95 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 95 & id == 11201 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 95 & id == 3824 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 95 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 95 & id == 4728 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 95 & id == 14516 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 95 & id == 14513 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 95 & id == 2822 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 95 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 95 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 95 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 95 & id == 12039 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 95 & id == 6442 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 95 & id == 14515 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 95 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 95 & id == 2267 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 95 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 95 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 95 & id == 14310 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 95 & id == 10810 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 95 & id == 1569 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 95 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 95 & id == 14510 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 95 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 95 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 95 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 95 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 95 & id == 14308 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 95 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 95 & id == 10450 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 95 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 95 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 95 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 95 & id == 14100 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 95 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 95 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 95 & id == 13050 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 95 & id == 10557 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 95 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 95 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 95 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 95 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 95 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 95 & id == 13000 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 95 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 95 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 95 & id == 10823 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 95 & id == 660 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 95 & id == 14303 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 95 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 95 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 95 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 95 & id == 10802 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 95 & id == 11048 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 95 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 95 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 95 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 95 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 95 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 95 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 95 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 95 & id == 11202 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 96 & id == 99906 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 96 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 96 & id == 14711 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 96 & id == 12105 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 96 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 96 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 96 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 96 & id == 10791 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 96 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 96 & id == 14504 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 96 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 96 & id == 14305 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 96 & id == 14002 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 96 & id == 12032 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 96 & id == 7847 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 96 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 96 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 96 & id == 13101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 96 & id == 14309 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 96 & id == 9174 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 96 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 96 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 96 & id == 10605 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 96 & id == 1721 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 96 & id == 11029 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 96 & id == 13102 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 96 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 96 & id == 10800 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 96 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 96 & id == 14707 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 96 & id == 10715 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 96 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 96 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 96 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 96 & id == 14106 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 96 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 96 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 96 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 96 & id == 6831 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 96 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 96 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 96 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 96 & id == 14279 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 96 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 96 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 96 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 96 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 96 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 96 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 96 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 96 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 96 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 96 & id == 12039 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 96 & id == 14203 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 96 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 96 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 96 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 96 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14310 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 96 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 96 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 96 & id == 14510 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 96 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 96 & id == 4898 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 96 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 96 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 96 & id == 14308 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 96 & id == 10450 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 96 & id == 1252 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 96 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 96 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 96 & id == 12101 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 96 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 96 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 96 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 96 & id == 13050 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 96 & id == 10557 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 96 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 96 & id == 14500 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 96 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 96 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 96 & id == 6256 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 96 & id == 14268 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 96 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 96 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 96 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 96 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 96 & id == 14503 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 96 & id == 14303 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 96 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 96 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 96 & id == 14712 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 96 & id == 10802 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 96 & id == 5913 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 96 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 96 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 96 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 96 & id == 10816 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 96 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 96 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 96 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 97 & id == 99907 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 97 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 97 & id == 14901 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 97 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 97 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 97 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 97 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 97 & id == 10791 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 97 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 97 & id == 14504 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 97 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 97 & id == 14305 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 97 & id == 14002 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 97 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 97 & id == 12032 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 97 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 97 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 97 & id == 14107 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 97 & id == 5767 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 97 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 97 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 97 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 97 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 97 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 97 & id == 14279 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 97 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 97 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 97 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 97 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 97 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 97 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 97 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 97 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 97 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 97 & id == 12039 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 97 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 97 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 97 & id == 1482 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 97 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 97 & id == 10147 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 97 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 97 & id == 14911 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 97 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 97 & id == 14510 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 97 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 97 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 97 & id == 14903 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 97 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 97 & id == 10569 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 97 & id == 1252 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 97 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 97 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 97 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 97 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 97 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 97 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 97 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 97 & id == 13050 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 97 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 97 & id == 14500 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 97 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 97 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 97 & id == 14268 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 97 & id == 14000 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 97 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 97 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 97 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 97 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 97 & id == 14503 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 97 & id == 14303 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 97 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 97 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 97 & id == 10802 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 97 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 97 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 97 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 97 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 97 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 97 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 97 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 97 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 97 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 98 & id == 99907 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 98 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 98 & id == 14901 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 98 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 98 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 98 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 98 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 98 & id == 10791 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 98 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 98 & id == 14915 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 98 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 98 & id == 14305 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 98 & id == 14002 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 98 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 98 & id == 12032 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 98 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 98 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 98 & id == 14905 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 98 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 98 & id == 14906 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 98 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 98 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 98 & id == 10605 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 98 & id == 14056 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 98 & id == 11029 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 98 & id == 14902 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 98 & id == 11205 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 98 & id == 14447 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 98 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 98 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 98 & id == 14707 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 98 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 98 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 98 & id == 14106 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 98 & id == 14302 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 98 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 98 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 98 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 98 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 98 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 98 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 98 & id == 14279 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 98 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 98 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 98 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 98 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 98 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 98 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 98 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 98 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 98 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 98 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 98 & id == 12039 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 98 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 98 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 98 & id == 14913 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 98 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 98 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 98 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 98 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 98 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 98 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 98 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 98 & id == 14903 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 98 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 98 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 98 & id == 10569 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 98 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 98 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 98 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 98 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 98 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 98 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 98 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 98 & id == 13050 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 98 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 98 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 98 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 98 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 98 & id == 14268 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 98 & id == 14000 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 98 & id == 11200 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 98 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 98 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 98 & id == 10823 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 98 & id == 14503 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 98 & id == 14303 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 98 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 98 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 98 & id == 14712 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 98 & id == 14456 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 98 & id == 4851 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 98 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 98 & id == 14916 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 98 & id == 7722 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 98 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 98 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 98 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 98 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 98 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 99 & id == 99907 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 99 & id == 14901 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 99 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 99 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 99 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 99 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 99 & id == 3658 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 99 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 99 & id == 10791 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 99 & id == 14915 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 99 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 99 & id == 14002 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 99 & id == 14305 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 99 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 99 & id == 12032 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 99 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 99 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 99 & id == 14905 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 99 & id == 13101 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 99 & id == 14108 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 99 & id == 14906 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 99 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 99 & id == 10605 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 99 & id == 11029 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 99 & id == 14056 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 99 & id == 14902 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 99 & id == 14275 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 99 & id == 14447 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 99 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 99 & id == 14230 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 99 & id == 14226 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 99 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 99 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 99 & id == 14921 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 99 & id == 14302 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 99 & id == 5767 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 99 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 99 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 99 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 99 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 99 & id == 10535 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 99 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 99 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 99 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 99 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 99 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 99 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 99 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 99 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 99 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 99 & id == 12104 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 99 & id == 12039 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 99 & id == 14203 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 99 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 99 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 99 & id == 14077 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 99 & id == 14913 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 99 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 99 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 99 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 99 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 99 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 99 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 99 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 99 & id == 14903 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 99 & id == 10574 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 99 & id == 10569 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 99 & id == 1252 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 99 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 99 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 99 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 99 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 99 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 99 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 99 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 99 & id == 13050 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 99 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 99 & id == 14500 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 99 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 99 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 99 & id == 14000 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 99 & id == 14268 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 99 & id == 14423 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 99 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 99 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 99 & id == 14628 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 99 & id == 14303 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 99 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 99 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 99 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 99 & id == 14712 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 99 & id == 14456 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 99 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 99 & id == 14916 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 99 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 99 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 99 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 99 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 99 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 99 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 100 & id == 99907 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 100 & id == 14659 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 100 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 100 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 100 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 100 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 100 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 100 & id == 10791 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 100 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 100 & id == 14915 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 100 & id == 12103 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 100 & id == 14002 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 100 & id == 14282 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 100 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 100 & id == 12032 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 100 & id == 11044 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 100 & id == 14101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 100 & id == 13101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 100 & id == 15503 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 100 & id == 14467 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 100 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 100 & id == 10605 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 100 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 100 & id == 14056 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 100 & id == 11029 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 100 & id == 14902 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 100 & id == 14275 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 100 & id == 14506 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 100 & id == 14447 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 100 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 100 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 100 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 100 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 100 & id == 14921 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 100 & id == 14302 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 100 & id == 14107 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 100 & id == 13056 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 100 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 100 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 100 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 100 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 100 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 100 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 100 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 100 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 100 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 100 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 100 & id == 8883 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 100 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 100 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 100 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 100 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 100 & id == 12039 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 100 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 100 & id == 14512 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 100 & id == 15505 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 100 & id == 14913 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 100 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 100 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 100 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 100 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 100 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 100 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 100 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 100 & id == 15504 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 100 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 100 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 100 & id == 15502 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 100 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 100 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 100 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 100 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 100 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 100 & id == 11203 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 100 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 100 & id == 13050 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 100 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 100 & id == 14500 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 100 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 100 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 100 & id == 14268 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 100 & id == 14617 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 100 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 100 & id == 14423 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 100 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 100 & id == 14628 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 100 & id == 14503 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 100 & id == 14303 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 100 & id == 10562 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 100 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 100 & id == 14456 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 100 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 100 & id == 10700 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 100 & id == 14916 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 100 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 100 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 100 & id == 7638 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 100 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 100 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 100 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 101 & id == 99908 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 101 & id == 14659 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 101 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 101 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 101 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 101 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 101 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 101 & id == 10791 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 101 & id == 14300 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 101 & id == 12103 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 101 & id == 14915 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 101 & id == 14002 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 101 & id == 14282 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 101 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 101 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 101 & id == 11044 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 101 & id == 14101 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 101 & id == 15037 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 101 & id == 15503 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 101 & id == 14108 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 101 & id == 14467 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 101 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 101 & id == 10605 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 101 & id == 14400 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 101 & id == 11029 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 101 & id == 14056 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 101 & id == 14275 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 101 & id == 14902 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 101 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 101 & id == 14506 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 101 & id == 14447 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 101 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 101 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 101 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 101 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 101 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 101 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 101 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 101 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 101 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 101 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 101 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 101 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 101 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 101 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 101 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 101 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 101 & id == 14701 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 101 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 101 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 101 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 101 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 101 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 101 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 101 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 101 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 101 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 101 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 101 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14706 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 101 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 101 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 101 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 101 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 101 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 101 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 101 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 101 & id == 15504 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 101 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 101 & id == 15502 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 101 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 101 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 101 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 101 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 101 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 101 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 101 & id == 13050 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 101 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 101 & id == 10818 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 101 & id == 14500 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 101 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 101 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 101 & id == 14268 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 101 & id == 14617 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 101 & id == 14423 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 101 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 101 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 101 & id == 14628 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 101 & id == 14303 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 101 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 101 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 101 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 101 & id == 14712 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 101 & id == 15705 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 101 & id == 10700 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 101 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 101 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 101 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 101 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 101 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 101 & id == 14511 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 101 & id == 14710 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 102 & id == 99908 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 102 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 102 & id == 14659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 102 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 102 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 102 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 102 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 102 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 102 & id == 10791 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 102 & id == 12103 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 102 & id == 49100 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 102 & id == 14803 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 102 & id == 14282 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 102 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 102 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 102 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 102 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 102 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 102 & id == 15037 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 102 & id == 14467 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 102 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 102 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 102 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 102 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 102 & id == 14056 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 102 & id == 14902 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 102 & id == 14275 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 102 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 102 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 102 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 102 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 102 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 102 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 102 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 102 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 102 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 102 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 102 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 102 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 102 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 102 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 102 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 102 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 102 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 102 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 102 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 102 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 102 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 102 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 102 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 102 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 102 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 102 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 102 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 102 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 102 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 102 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 102 & id == 14909 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 102 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 102 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 102 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 102 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 102 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 102 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 102 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 102 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 102 & id == 15504 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 102 & id == 1252 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 102 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 102 & id == 49103 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 102 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 102 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 102 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 102 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 102 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 102 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 102 & id == 13050 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 102 & id == 49104 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 102 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 102 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 102 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 102 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 102 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 102 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 102 & id == 14268 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 102 & id == 14423 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 102 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 102 & id == 660 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 102 & id == 14628 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 102 & id == 14303 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 102 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 102 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 102 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 102 & id == 15705 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 102 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 102 & id == 10700 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 102 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 102 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 102 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 102 & id == 14242 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 102 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 102 & id == 14710 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 102 & id == 14511 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 103 & id == 99909 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 103 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 103 & id == 14659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 103 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 103 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 103 & id == 14502 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 103 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 103 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 103 & id == 10791 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 103 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 103 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 103 & id == 14803 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 103 & id == 15407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 103 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 103 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 103 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 103 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 103 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 103 & id == 15037 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 103 & id == 49301 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 103 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 103 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 103 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 103 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 103 & id == 49302 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 103 & id == 49303 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 103 & id == 14275 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 103 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 103 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 103 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 103 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 103 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 103 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 103 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 103 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 103 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 103 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 103 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 103 & id == 14713 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 103 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 103 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 103 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 103 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 103 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 103 & id == 11043 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 103 & id == 14703 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 103 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 103 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 103 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 103 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 103 & id == 14501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 103 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 103 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 103 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 103 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 103 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 103 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 103 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 103 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 103 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 103 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 103 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 103 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 103 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 103 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 103 & id == 49304 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 103 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 103 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 103 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 103 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 103 & id == 14073 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 103 & id == 14700 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 103 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 103 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 103 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 103 & id == 12107 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 103 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 103 & id == 49104 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 103 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 103 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 103 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 103 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 103 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 103 & id == 14268 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 103 & id == 49305 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 103 & id == 14509 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 103 & id == 49306 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 103 & id == 14628 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 103 & id == 14247 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 103 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 103 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 103 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 103 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 103 & id == 15705 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 103 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 103 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 103 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 103 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 103 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 103 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 103 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 103 & id == 14710 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 103 & id == 14511 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 104 & id == 99909 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 104 & id == 14705 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 104 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 104 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 104 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 104 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 104 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 104 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 104 & id == 10791 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 104 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 104 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 104 & id == 14803 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 104 & id == 15407 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 104 & id == 95407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 104 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 104 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 104 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 104 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 104 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 104 & id == 15037 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 104 & id == 49301 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 104 & id == 14108 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 104 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 104 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 104 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 104 & id == 49302 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 104 & id == 49303 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 104 & id == 14275 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 104 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 104 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 104 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 104 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 104 & id == 10513 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 104 & id == 49504 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 104 & id == 14708 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 104 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 104 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 104 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 104 & id == 14107 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 104 & id == 14010 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 104 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 104 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 104 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 104 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 104 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 104 & id == 49500 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 104 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 104 & id == 29367 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 104 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 104 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 104 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 104 & id == 49501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 104 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 104 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 104 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 104 & id == 14704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 104 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 104 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 104 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 104 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 104 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 104 & id == 14702 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 104 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 104 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 104 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 104 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 104 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 104 & id == 49304 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 104 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 104 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 104 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 104 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 104 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 104 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 104 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 104 & id == 11203 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 104 & id == 12107 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 104 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 104 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 104 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 104 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 104 & id == 10818 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 104 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 104 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 104 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 104 & id == 14268 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 104 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 104 & id == 49503 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 104 & id == 14628 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 104 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 104 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 104 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 104 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 104 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 104 & id == 15705 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 104 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 104 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 104 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 104 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 104 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 104 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 104 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 104 & id == 14710 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 104 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 105 & id == 99909 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 105 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 105 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 105 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 105 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 105 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 105 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 105 & id == 14300 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 105 & id == 29306 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 105 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 105 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 105 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 105 & id == 95407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 105 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 105 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 105 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 105 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 105 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 105 & id == 15037 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 105 & id == 49701 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 105 & id == 49301 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 105 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 105 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 105 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 105 & id == 49302 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 105 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 105 & id == 49303 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 105 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 105 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 105 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 105 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 105 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 105 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 105 & id == 14302 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 105 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 105 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 105 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 105 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 105 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 105 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 105 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 105 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 105 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 105 & id == 49500 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 105 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 105 & id == 29367 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 105 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 105 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 105 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 105 & id == 49501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 105 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 105 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 105 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 105 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 105 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 105 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 105 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 105 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 105 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 105 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 105 & id == 15071 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 105 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 105 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 105 & id == 14900 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 105 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 105 & id == 49304 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 105 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 105 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 105 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 105 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 105 & id == 14304 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 105 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 105 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 105 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 105 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 105 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 105 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 105 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 105 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 105 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 105 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 105 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 105 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 105 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 105 & id == 49503 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 105 & id == 14628 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 105 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 105 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 105 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 105 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 105 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 105 & id == 15705 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 105 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 105 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 105 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 105 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 105 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 105 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 105 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 105 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 105 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 106 & id == 99909 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 106 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 106 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 106 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 106 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 106 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 106 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 106 & id == 29306 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 106 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 106 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 106 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 106 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 106 & id == 95407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 106 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 106 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 106 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 106 & id == 11044 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 106 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 106 & id == 15037 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 106 & id == 49701 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 106 & id == 49301 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 106 & id == 49904 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 106 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 106 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 106 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 106 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 106 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 106 & id == 49900 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 106 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 106 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 106 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 106 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 106 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 106 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 106 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 106 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 106 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 106 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 106 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 106 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 106 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 106 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 106 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 106 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 106 & id == 49500 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 106 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 106 & id == 29367 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 106 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 106 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 106 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 106 & id == 49501 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 106 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 106 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 106 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 106 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 106 & id == 15702 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 106 & id == 15700 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 106 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 106 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 106 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 106 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 106 & id == 15071 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 106 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 106 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 106 & id == 14508 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 106 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 106 & id == 49902 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 106 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 106 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 106 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 106 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 106 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 106 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 106 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 106 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 106 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 106 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 106 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 106 & id == 14500 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 106 & id == 49905 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 106 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 106 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 106 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 106 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 106 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 106 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 106 & id == 49503 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 106 & id == 14628 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 106 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 106 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 106 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 106 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 106 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 106 & id == 15705 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 106 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 106 & id == 14904 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 106 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 106 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 106 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 106 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 106 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 106 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 106 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 107 & id == 99910 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 107 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 107 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 107 & id == 14907 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 107 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 107 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 107 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 107 & id == 29306 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 107 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 107 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 107 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 107 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 107 & id == 95407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 107 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 107 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 107 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 107 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 107 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 107 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 107 & id == 49701 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 107 & id == 49904 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 107 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 107 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 107 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 107 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 107 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 107 & id == 49900 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 107 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 107 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 107 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 107 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 107 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 107 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 107 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 107 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 107 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 107 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 107 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 107 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 107 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 107 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 107 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 107 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 107 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 107 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 107 & id == 40101 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 107 & id == 49101 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 107 & id == 40106 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 107 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 107 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 107 & id == 40102 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 107 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 107 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 107 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 107 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 107 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 107 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 107 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 107 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 107 & id == 15116 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 107 & id == 40104 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 107 & id == 15071 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 107 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 107 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 107 & id == 40105 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 107 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 107 & id == 49902 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 107 & id == 14105 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 107 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 107 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 107 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 107 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 107 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 107 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 107 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 107 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 107 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 107 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 107 & id == 49905 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 107 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 107 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 107 & id == 9369 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 107 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 107 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 107 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 107 & id == 49503 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 107 & id == 14628 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 107 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 107 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 107 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 107 & id == 14240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 107 & id == 94240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 107 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 107 & id == 29148 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 107 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 107 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 107 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 107 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 107 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 107 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 107 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 107 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 107 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 108 & id == 99910 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 108 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 108 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 108 & id == 40300 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 108 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 108 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 108 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 108 & id == 40301 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 108 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 108 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 108 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 108 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 108 & id == 95407 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 108 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 108 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 108 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 108 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 108 & id == 15503 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 108 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 108 & id == 29512 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 108 & id == 49904 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 108 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 108 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 108 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 108 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 108 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 108 & id == 49900 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 108 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 108 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 108 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 108 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 108 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 108 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 108 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 108 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 108 & id == 13056 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 108 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 108 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 108 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 108 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 108 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 108 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 108 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 108 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 108 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 108 & id == 40101 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 108 & id == 40302 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 108 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 108 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 108 & id == 29369 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 108 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 108 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 108 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 108 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 108 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 108 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 108 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 108 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 108 & id == 29740 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 108 & id == 40104 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 108 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 108 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 108 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 108 & id == 40105 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 108 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 108 & id == 49902 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 108 & id == 40303 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 108 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 108 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 108 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 108 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 108 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 108 & id == 14908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 108 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 108 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 108 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 108 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 108 & id == 49905 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 108 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 108 & id == 11204 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 108 & id == 29566 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 108 & id == 14617 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 108 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 108 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 108 & id == 40304 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 108 & id == 40305 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 108 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 108 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 108 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 108 & id == 94240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 108 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 108 & id == 29148 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 108 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 108 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 108 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 108 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 108 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 108 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 108 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 108 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 108 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 109 & id == 99910 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 109 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 109 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 109 & id == 40300 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 109 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 109 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 109 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 109 & id == 40301 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 109 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 109 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 109 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 109 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 109 & id == 40500 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 109 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 109 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 109 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 109 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 109 & id == 40501 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 109 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 109 & id == 29512 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 109 & id == 29909 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 109 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 109 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 109 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 109 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 109 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 109 & id == 40502 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 109 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 109 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 109 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 109 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 109 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 109 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 109 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 109 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 109 & id == 29918 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 109 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 109 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 109 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 109 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 109 & id == 13039 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 109 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 109 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 109 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 109 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 109 & id == 40101 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 109 & id == 40302 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 109 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 109 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 109 & id == 29369 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 109 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 109 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 109 & id == 15701 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 109 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 109 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 109 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 109 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 109 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 109 & id == 29740 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 109 & id == 40104 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 109 & id == 29373 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 109 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 109 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 109 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 109 & id == 40105 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 109 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 109 & id == 29548 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 109 & id == 40303 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 109 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 109 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 109 & id == 15020 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 109 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 109 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 109 & id == 29555 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 109 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 109 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 109 & id == 29141 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 109 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 109 & id == 49905 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 109 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 109 & id == 29936 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 109 & id == 29566 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 109 & id == 29754 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 109 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 109 & id == 49502 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 109 & id == 40304 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 109 & id == 40305 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 109 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 109 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 109 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 109 & id == 94240 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 109 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 109 & id == 29148 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 109 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 109 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 109 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 109 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 109 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 109 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 109 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 109 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 109 & id == 15633 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 110 & id == 99910 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 110 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 110 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 110 & id == 40300 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 110 & id == 12109 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 110 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 110 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 110 & id == 40301 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 110 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 110 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 110 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 110 & id == 29108 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 110 & id == 40500 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 110 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 110 & id == 40303 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 110 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 110 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 110 & id == 29389 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 110 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 110 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 110 & id == 29555 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 110 & id == 49705 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 110 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 110 & id == 40703 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 110 & id == 14910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 110 & id == 40704 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 110 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 110 & id == 29936 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 110 & id == 29566 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 110 & id == 29754 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 110 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 110 & id == 40705 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 110 & id == 40304 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 110 & id == 40305 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 110 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 110 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 110 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 110 & id == 29147 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 110 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 110 & id == 40706 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 110 & id == 14712 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 110 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 110 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 110 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 110 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 110 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 110 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 110 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 110 & id == 15633 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 110 & id == 40707 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 111 & id == 99911 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 111 & id == 40916 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 111 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 111 & id == 40501 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 111 & id == 40911 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 111 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 111 & id == 29512 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 111 & id == 29909 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 111 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 111 & id == 4812 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 111 & id == 40902 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 111 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 111 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 111 & id == 40903 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 111 & id == 20115 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 111 & id == 49901 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 111 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 111 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 111 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 111 & id == 29523 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 111 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 111 & id == 15406 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 111 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 111 & id == 29918 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 111 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 111 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 111 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 111 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 111 & id == 15408 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 111 & id == 10808 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 111 & id == 40912 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 111 & id == 40913 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 111 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 111 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 111 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 111 & id == 40700 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 111 & id == 40904 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 111 & id == 29566 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 111 & id == 29754 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 111 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 111 & id == 40705 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 111 & id == 40304 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 111 & id == 40305 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 111 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 111 & id == 49307 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 111 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 111 & id == 29147 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 111 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 111 & id == 40706 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 111 & id == 40909 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 111 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 111 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 111 & id == 1366 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 111 & id == 40914 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 111 & id == 40915 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 111 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 111 & id == 49309 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 111 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 111 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 111 & id == 40707 replace statename = "USA" if congress == 112 & id == 99911 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 112 & id == 49700 replace statename = "ALABAMA" if congress == 112 & id == 94659 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 112 & id == 40300 replace statename = "ALASKA" if congress == 112 & id == 40900 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 112 & id == 15429 replace statename = "ARIZONA" if congress == 112 & id == 15039 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 112 & id == 40301 replace statename = "ARKANSA" if congress == 112 & id == 20101 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 112 & id == 15011 replace statename = "CALIFOR" if congress == 112 & id == 49300 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 112 & id == 29906 replace statename = "COLORAD" if congress == 112 & id == 40910 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 112 & id == 41101 replace statename = "CONNECT" if congress == 112 & id == 15704 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 112 & id == 40916 replace statename = "DELAWAR" if congress == 112 & id == 15015 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 112 & id == 41102 replace statename = "FLORIDA" if congress == 112 & id == 14651 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 112 & id == 29512 replace statename = "GEORGIA" if congress == 112 & id == 29909 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 112 & id == 14400 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 112 & id == 4812 replace statename = "HAWAII" if congress == 112 & id == 41112 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 112 & id == 40902 replace statename = "IDAHO" if congress == 112 & id == 29345 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 112 & id == 15021 replace statename = "ILLINOI" if congress == 112 & id == 20115 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 112 & id == 14806 replace statename = "INDIANA" if congress == 112 & id == 14506 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 112 & id == 14226 replace statename = "IOWA" if congress == 112 & id == 14230 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace statename = "KANSAS" if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace statename = "KENTUCK" if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace statename = "LOUISIA" if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace statename = "MAINE" if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace statename = "MARYLAN" if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace statename = "MASSACH" if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace statename = "MICHIGA" if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace statename = "MINNESO" if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace statename = "MISSISS" if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace statename = "MISSOUR" if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace statename = "MONTANA" if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace statename = "NEBRASK" if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace statename = "NEVADA" if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace statename = "NEW HAM" if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace statename = "NEW JER" if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace statename = "NEW MEX" if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace statename = "NEW YOR" if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace statename = "NORTH C" if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace statename = "NORTH D" if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace statename = "OHIO" if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace statename = "OKLAHOM" if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace statename = "OREGON" if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace statename = "PENNSYL" if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace statename = "RHODE I" if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace statename = "SOUTH D" if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 112 & id == 40705 replace statename = "TENNESS" if congress == 112 & id == 40304 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 112 & id == 40305 replace statename = "TEXAS" if congress == 112 & id == 49306 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 112 & id == 41110 replace statename = "UTAH" if congress == 112 & id == 14503 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 112 & id == 29147 replace statename = "VERMONT" if congress == 112 & id == 14307 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 112 & id == 40706 replace statename = "VIRGINI" if congress == 112 & id == 40909 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 112 & id == 39310 replace statename = "WASHING" if congress == 112 & id == 49308 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 112 & id == 40915 replace statename = "WEST VI" if congress == 112 & id == 14922 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 112 & id == 41111 replace statename = "WISCONS" if congress == 112 & id == 15703 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 112 & id == 49706 replace statename = "WYOMING" if congress == 112 & id == 40707 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 4922 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 3603 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 1831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 1659 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 9561 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 7020 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 5739 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 3110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9604 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6613 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9374 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 5158 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4328 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 2838 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6820 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1338 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9998 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 8337 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 5944 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6132 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9401 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 8635 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 4321 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5591 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 4834 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 8708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4483 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 5452 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9152 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1024 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 2066 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 96738 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 2745 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 6021 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 3783 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6293 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4979 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 1986 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 9865 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 3206 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 1395 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 6856 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 5240 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 82 & id == 6137 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 4747 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 82 & id == 7070 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 5343 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 6525 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4949 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 7656 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1329 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3349 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3536 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9930 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 4922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3603 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 1831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 7271 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 546 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5180 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 3110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 7551 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9374 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4328 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6820 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 3839 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1338 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 923 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 7837 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 5944 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6132 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9401 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9576 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 8635 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 4321 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5591 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 4834 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4483 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5606 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 8313 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 5452 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1024 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9152 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 1272 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2066 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 83 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 6021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2745 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3783 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2322 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4979 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 2326 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 9865 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 3206 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 6856 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 5240 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 6137 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 464 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 4747 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 83 & id == 2175 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 83 & id == 7070 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 99901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 5343 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 6525 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 7656 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1329 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 3349 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 3536 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 9930 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 4922 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 6039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 1831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 437 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4737 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 7271 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 546 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5180 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 7551 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 9374 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4328 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6820 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 5944 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 8635 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5591 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 4834 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 8313 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 5452 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1024 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 621 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 84 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6882 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 6021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 2745 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 3783 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 99369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 10301 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 2326 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4979 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 9865 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 3206 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 6856 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 5411 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 6137 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 84 & id == 464 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 84 & id == 7070 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 99901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 5343 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 1540 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1329 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 7656 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 3349 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4922 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 6039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 7271 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 546 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5180 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 7551 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 9374 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4328 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6820 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 5944 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 8635 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4834 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 8313 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 5452 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1024 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6882 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 6021 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 3783 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 99369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4979 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 2326 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 777 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 9865 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 3206 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 7826 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 6856 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 4473 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 6137 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 85 & id == 7070 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 85 & id == 464 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 99901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 3864 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 486 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2965 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1540 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1329 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 3349 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5764 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 6039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 546 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5180 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4328 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6820 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 5116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 5452 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1167 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6882 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5843 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 3783 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 99369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4979 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 86 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 7070 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 86 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 99902 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 3864 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 486 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2965 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1540 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1329 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5764 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 2803 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1489 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 8270 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 546 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1341 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5756 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1027 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10815 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1678 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 5116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6881 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 99369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 1570 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10801 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 777 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 645 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 87 & id == 10110 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 10806 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 87 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 99902 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 99903 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 3864 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 486 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2965 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10821 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1018 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 546 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5756 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 688 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 165 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10811 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 5116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10803 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6881 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 99369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5122 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10825 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 645 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 88 & id == 10820 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 88 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 99903 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 3864 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 486 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10814 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 2691 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1018 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 8185 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6366 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5756 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10805 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6881 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10819 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 504 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 645 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 7958 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1365 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 89 & id == 10820 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 89 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 99903 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4418 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 3864 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 486 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4227 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 5372 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10814 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 8593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 4382 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 1510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 6745 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1018 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10824 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5756 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 688 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 3670 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10809 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6597 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10805 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6738 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1776 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 645 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 11206 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 90 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 90 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 99904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 12100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10814 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 2636 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10163 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 4520 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 2609 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12110 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 12106 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12102 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6134 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 3670 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10454 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10805 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 3704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10414 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 52 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 11206 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 91 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 91 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 99904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 12100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10777 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 8138 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 13103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10807 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 12106 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 2052 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 2901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 13104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 8666 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12002 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 688 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 165 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 112 if congress == 92 & id == 13100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 5073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10630 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10805 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 6796 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10571 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 7637 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 11206 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 92 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 92 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 92 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 99904 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 99905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 12100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 3388 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10777 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10514 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10593 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 12106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12102 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10736 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12002 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 688 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 112 if congress == 93 & id == 13100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 2987 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10630 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 14100 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 13000 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10571 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 645 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 52 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11048 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 93 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 93 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 93 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 99905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 12100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10804 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10777 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 3255 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 4154 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14102 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10715 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10736 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 12002 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 4148 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10813 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 9141 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 5967 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 4660 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 2087 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14310 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6611 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 112 if congress == 94 & id == 13100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14308 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10630 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 14100 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 8301 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 7229 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 13000 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10571 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6754 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 94 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11048 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 94 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 94 & id == 6249 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 99906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 8764 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 12100 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14517 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 6151 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14514 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14504 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10715 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10817 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10736 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11201 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 3824 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 4728 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14516 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14513 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 2822 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 6442 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14515 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 2267 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10810 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 1569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14100 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 13000 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 95 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11048 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 95 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 95 & id == 11202 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 99906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14711 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 12105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14504 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 7847 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 9174 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 1721 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 13102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10800 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14707 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10715 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 6831 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14279 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14310 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14706 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 4898 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14308 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10450 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 12101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10557 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 6256 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 96 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 5913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 10816 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 96 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 96 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 99907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14504 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14279 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 1482 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14909 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14706 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 10147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14911 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14510 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 10569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14000 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 97 & id == 10802 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 97 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14242 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 97 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 99907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14915 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 11205 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14447 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14707 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14279 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14913 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14909 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14706 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 10569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14000 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 11200 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 10823 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14456 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 4851 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14916 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 7722 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14242 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 98 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 98 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 99907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 3658 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14915 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14275 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14447 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 5767 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 10535 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 12104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14077 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14913 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 10574 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 10569 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14000 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14423 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14456 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14916 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 99 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14242 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 99 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 99907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14659 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14915 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14282 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 12032 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 13101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14467 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14275 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14447 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14701 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 8883 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 12039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 15505 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 15504 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14423 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 660 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14303 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 10562 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14456 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 10700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14916 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 100 & id == 7638 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14242 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 100 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 99908 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14659 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 12103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 14915 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 14002 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14282 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 15037 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14467 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 10605 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 11029 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 101 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14275 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 101 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 200 if 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partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 15037 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14467 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14902 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14275 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14806 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 49101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14009 replace 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102 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 15504 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 1252 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 49103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 13050 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 49104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 102 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 9369 replace 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& id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 102 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 99909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14803 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 15037 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 49301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 49302 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49303 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14275 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14806 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 10513 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14708 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14302 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14010 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14713 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 11043 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14703 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 200 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15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14073 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 11203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 12107 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 10818 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14268 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14509 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14247 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 103 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 103 & id == 14511 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 99909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 10791 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14803 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15407 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 95407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if 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congress == 104 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 15701 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15700 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 15116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 49304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15502 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congress == 104 & id == 49503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 104 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 14710 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 104 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 99909 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 29306 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 95407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 200 if 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congress == 105 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15700 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15071 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15020 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 29141 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 105 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 105 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 99909 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29306 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 95407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 11044 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15037 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29367 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49501 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15702 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15700 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15071 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14508 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15020 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 29141 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14500 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 14904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 106 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 106 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 99910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14907 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29306 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 95407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49701 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 40101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49101 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 107 & id == 40106 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 40102 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15116 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 40104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15071 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 40105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15020 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29141 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 9369 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14628 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14240 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 107 & id == 94240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 29148 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 107 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 107 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 99910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 40300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 40301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 95407 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15503 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29512 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49904 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49900 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 13056 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 40101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 40302 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29740 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 40104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 40105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 40303 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15020 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14908 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29141 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 11204 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29566 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14617 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 40304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 40305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 108 & id == 94240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 29148 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 108 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 108 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 99910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29918 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 13039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40101 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40302 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29369 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29740 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40104 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 29373 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 40105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29548 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40303 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15020 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29555 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29141 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29936 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29566 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29754 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 40305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 109 & id == 94240 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 29148 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 109 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 109 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 99910 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 12109 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29108 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40303 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 29389 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29555 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49705 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29936 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29566 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 29754 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 110 & id == 29147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 40706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 14712 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 110 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 15633 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 110 & id == 40707 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 99911 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40916 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40501 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40911 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 20115 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 49901 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29523 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 15406 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29918 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15408 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 10808 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40912 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40700 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40904 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29566 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 29754 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49307 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 111 & id == 29147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40706 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 1366 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 40915 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 49309 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 111 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 111 & id == 40707 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 99911 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 49700 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 94659 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40900 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 15429 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 15039 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40301 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 20101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15011 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 49300 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40910 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 41101 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40916 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15015 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41102 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14651 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29512 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14400 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 4812 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 41112 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40902 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29345 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15021 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 20115 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14806 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14506 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14226 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14230 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40705 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40304 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40305 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 49306 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41110 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 14503 replace partycode = 328 if congress == 112 & id == 29147 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14307 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40706 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40909 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 39310 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 49308 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 40915 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 14922 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 41111 replace partycode = 100 if congress == 112 & id == 15703 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 49706 replace partycode = 200 if congress == 112 & id == 40707 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "HILL, L." if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "MCFARLAND" if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "NIXON" if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace nameshort = "KNOWLAND" if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace nameshort = "MILLIKEN" if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace nameshort = "BENTON" if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace nameshort = "MCMAHON" if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace nameshort = "FREAR" if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "GEORGE" if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "WELKER" if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 82 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 82 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 82 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "JENNER" if congress == 82 & id == 4922 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 82 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 82 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "GILLETTE" if congress == 82 & id == 3603 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 82 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 82 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "CLEMENTS" if congress == 82 & id == 1831 replace nameshort = "CHAPMAN" if congress == 82 & id == 1659 replace nameshort = "UNDERWOOD" if congress == 82 & id == 9561 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 82 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 82 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 82 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BREWSTER" if congress == 82 & id == 1021 replace nameshort = "BUTLER, J" if congress == 82 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "O'CONOR" if congress == 82 & id == 7020 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 82 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "LODGE" if congress == 82 & id == 5739 replace nameshort = "FERGUSON" if congress == 82 & id == 3110 replace nameshort = "VANDENBER" if congress == 82 & id == 9604 replace nameshort = "MOODY" if congress == 82 & id == 6613 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 82 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "THYE" if congress == 82 & id == 9374 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 82 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 82 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "KEM" if congress == 82 & id == 5158 replace nameshort = "HENNINGS" if congress == 82 & id == 4328 replace nameshort = "ECTON" if congress == 82 & id == 2838 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 82 & id == 6820 replace nameshort = "BUTLER" if congress == 82 & id == 1338 replace nameshort = "WHERRY" if congress == 82 & id == 9998 replace nameshort = "SEATON" if congress == 82 & id == 8337 replace nameshort = "MALONE" if congress == 82 & id == 5944 replace nameshort = "MCCARRAN" if congress == 82 & id == 6132 replace nameshort = "TOBEY" if congress == 82 & id == 9401 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 82 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "SMITH, H." if congress == 82 & id == 8635 replace nameshort = "HENDRICKS" if congress == 82 & id == 4321 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 82 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON," if congress == 82 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "LEHMAN" if congress == 82 & id == 5591 replace nameshort = "IVES" if congress == 82 & id == 4834 replace nameshort = "SMITH, W." if congress == 82 & id == 8708 replace nameshort = "HOEY" if congress == 82 & id == 4483 replace nameshort = "LANGER" if congress == 82 & id == 5452 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 82 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "TAFT" if congress == 82 & id == 9152 replace nameshort = "BRICKER" if congress == 82 & id == 1024 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 82 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 82 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "CORDON" if congress == 82 & id == 2066 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 82 & id == 96738 replace nameshort = "DUFF" if congress == 82 & id == 2745 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, E" if congress == 82 & id == 6021 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 82 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "GREEN" if congress == 82 & id == 3783 replace nameshort = "MAYBANK" if congress == 82 & id == 6107 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 82 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 82 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 82 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 82 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "MCKELLAR" if congress == 82 & id == 6293 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 82 & id == 4979 replace nameshort = "CONNALLY" if congress == 82 & id == 1986 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 82 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "WATKINS" if congress == 82 & id == 9865 replace nameshort = "FLANDERS" if congress == 82 & id == 3206 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 82 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 82 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 82 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "CAIN" if congress == 82 & id == 1395 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 82 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "NEELY" if congress == 82 & id == 6856 replace nameshort = "KILGORE" if congress == 82 & id == 5240 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 82 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 82 & id == 6137 replace nameshort = "HUNT" if congress == 82 & id == 4747 replace nameshort = "O'MAHONEY" if congress == 82 & id == 7070 replace nameshort = "HILL, L." if congress == 83 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 83 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 83 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 83 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 83 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 83 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "KNOWLAND" if congress == 83 & id == 5343 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 83 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "MILLIKIN" if congress == 83 & id == 6525 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 83 & id == 4949 replace nameshort = "PURTELL" if congress == 83 & id == 7656 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 83 & id == 1329 replace nameshort = "FREAR" if congress == 83 & id == 3349 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 83 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 83 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 83 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "GEORGE" if congress == 83 & id == 3536 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 83 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 83 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "WELKER" if congress == 83 & id == 9930 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 83 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 83 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 83 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "JENNER" if congress == 83 & id == 4922 replace nameshort = "GILLETTE" if congress == 83 & id == 3603 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 83 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 83 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 83 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 83 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "CLEMENTS" if congress == 83 & id == 1831 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 83 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 83 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 83 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "PAYNE" if congress == 83 & id == 7271 replace nameshort = "BUTLER" if congress == 83 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 83 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 83 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 83 & id == 5180 replace nameshort = "FERGUSON" if congress == 83 & id == 3110 replace nameshort = "POTTER" if congress == 83 & id == 7551 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 83 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "THYE" if congress == 83 & id == 9374 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 83 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 83 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 83 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "HENNINGS" if congress == 83 & id == 4328 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 83 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 83 & id == 6820 replace nameshort = "GRISWOLD" if congress == 83 & id == 3839 replace nameshort = "BUTLER, H" if congress == 83 & id == 1338 replace nameshort = "BOWRING" if congress == 83 & id == 923 replace nameshort = "REYNOLDS" if congress == 83 & id == 7837 replace nameshort = "ABEL" if congress == 83 & id == 9 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 83 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "MALONE" if congress == 83 & id == 5944 replace nameshort = "MCCARRAN" if congress == 83 & id == 6132 replace nameshort = "BROWN, E." if congress == 83 & id == 1106 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 83 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 83 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "TOBEY" if congress == 83 & id == 9401 replace nameshort = "UPTON" if congress == 83 & id == 9576 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 83 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "SMITH, H." if congress == 83 & id == 8635 replace nameshort = "HENDRICKS" if congress == 83 & id == 4321 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 83 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 83 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "LEHMAN" if congress == 83 & id == 5591 replace nameshort = "IVES" if congress == 83 & id == 4834 replace nameshort = "SMITH, W." if congress == 83 & id == 8708 replace nameshort = "HOEY" if congress == 83 & id == 4483 replace nameshort = "LENNON" if congress == 83 & id == 5606 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 83 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 83 & id == 8313 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 83 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LANGER" if congress == 83 & id == 5452 replace nameshort = "BRICKER" if congress == 83 & id == 1024 replace nameshort = "TAFT" if congress == 83 & id == 9152 replace nameshort = "BURKE, T." if congress == 83 & id == 1272 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 83 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 83 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "CORDON" if congress == 83 & id == 2066 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 83 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "MARTIN" if congress == 83 & id == 6021 replace nameshort = "DUFF" if congress == 83 & id == 2745 replace nameshort = "GREEN" if congress == 83 & id == 3783 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 83 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 83 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "MAYBANK" if congress == 83 & id == 6107 replace nameshort = "DANIEL, C" if congress == 83 & id == 2322 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 83 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 83 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 83 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 83 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 83 & id == 4979 replace nameshort = "DANIEL" if congress == 83 & id == 2326 replace nameshort = "WATKINS" if congress == 83 & id == 9865 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 83 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 83 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "FLANDERS" if congress == 83 & id == 3206 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 83 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 83 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 83 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 83 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "NEELY" if congress == 83 & id == 6856 replace nameshort = "KILGORE" if congress == 83 & id == 5240 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 83 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 83 & id == 6137 replace nameshort = "BARRETT" if congress == 83 & id == 464 replace nameshort = "HUNT" if congress == 83 & id == 4747 replace nameshort = "CRIPPA" if congress == 83 & id == 2175 replace nameshort = "O'MAHONEY" if congress == 83 & id == 7070 replace nameshort = "EISENHOWE" if congress == 84 & id == 99901 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 84 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 84 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 84 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 84 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 84 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 84 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "KNOWLAND" if congress == 84 & id == 5343 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 84 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 84 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "MILLIKIN" if congress == 84 & id == 6525 replace nameshort = "PURTELL" if congress == 84 & id == 7656 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 84 & id == 1329 replace nameshort = "FREAR" if congress == 84 & id == 3349 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 84 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 84 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 84 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "GEORGE" if congress == 84 & id == 3536 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 84 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 84 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "WELKER" if congress == 84 & id == 9930 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 84 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 84 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 84 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "JENNER" if congress == 84 & id == 4922 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 84 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, T" if congress == 84 & id == 6039 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 84 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 84 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "CLEMENTS" if congress == 84 & id == 1831 replace nameshort = "BARKLEY" if congress == 84 & id == 437 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREYS" if congress == 84 & id == 4737 replace nameshort = "LONG" if congress == 84 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 84 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "PAYNE" if congress == 84 & id == 7271 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 84 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 84 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "BUTLER" if congress == 84 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 84 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 84 & id == 5180 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 84 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "POTTER" if congress == 84 & id == 7551 replace nameshort = "THYE" if congress == 84 & id == 9374 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 84 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 84 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 84 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "HENNINGS" if congress == 84 & id == 4328 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 84 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 84 & id == 6820 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 84 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 84 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 84 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "MALONE" if congress == 84 & id == 5944 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 84 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 84 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 84 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "SMITH, H." if congress == 84 & id == 8635 replace nameshort = "CASE, C." if congress == 84 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 84 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON," if congress == 84 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "LEHMAN" if congress == 84 & id == 5591 replace nameshort = "IVES" if congress == 84 & id == 4834 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 84 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 84 & id == 8313 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 84 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LANGER" if congress == 84 & id == 5452 replace nameshort = "BRICKER" if congress == 84 & id == 1024 replace nameshort = "BENDER" if congress == 84 & id == 621 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 84 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 84 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 84 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 84 & id == 6882 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, E" if congress == 84 & id == 6021 replace nameshort = "DUFF" if congress == 84 & id == 2745 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 84 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "GREEN" if congress == 84 & id == 3783 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 84 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 84 & id == 99369 replace nameshort = "WOFFORD" if congress == 84 & id == 10301 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 84 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "CASE, F." if congress == 84 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 84 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 84 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "DANIEL" if congress == 84 & id == 2326 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 84 & id == 4979 replace nameshort = "WATKINS" if congress == 84 & id == 9865 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 84 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 84 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "FLANDERS" if congress == 84 & id == 3206 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 84 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 84 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 84 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 84 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "NEELY" if congress == 84 & id == 6856 replace nameshort = "KILGORE" if congress == 84 & id == 5240 replace nameshort = "LAIRD" if congress == 84 & id == 5411 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 84 & id == 6137 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 84 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "BARRETT" if congress == 84 & id == 464 replace nameshort = "O'MAHONEY" if congress == 84 & id == 7070 replace nameshort = "EISENHOWE" if congress == 85 & id == 99901 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 85 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 85 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 85 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 85 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 85 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 85 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 85 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "KNOWLAND" if congress == 85 & id == 5343 replace nameshort = "CARROLL" if congress == 85 & id == 1540 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 85 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 85 & id == 1329 replace nameshort = "PURTELL" if congress == 85 & id == 7656 replace nameshort = "FREAR" if congress == 85 & id == 3349 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 85 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 85 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 85 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL," if congress == 85 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 85 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 85 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 85 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 85 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 85 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "JENNER" if congress == 85 & id == 4922 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 85 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 85 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, T" if congress == 85 & id == 6039 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 85 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 85 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 85 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 85 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 85 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 85 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "PAYNE" if congress == 85 & id == 7271 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 85 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 85 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "BUTLER" if congress == 85 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 85 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 85 & id == 5180 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 85 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "POTTER" if congress == 85 & id == 7551 replace nameshort = "THYE" if congress == 85 & id == 9374 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 85 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 85 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 85 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "HENNINGS" if congress == 85 & id == 4328 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 85 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 85 & id == 6820 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 85 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 85 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 85 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "MALONE" if congress == 85 & id == 5944 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 85 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 85 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 85 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "CASE, C." if congress == 85 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "SMITH, H." if congress == 85 & id == 8635 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 85 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 85 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "IVES" if congress == 85 & id == 4834 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 85 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 85 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 85 & id == 8313 replace nameshort = "JORDAN" if congress == 85 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 85 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LANGER" if congress == 85 & id == 5452 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 85 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "BRICKER" if congress == 85 & id == 1024 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 85 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 85 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 85 & id == 6882 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 85 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, E" if congress == 85 & id == 6021 replace nameshort = "CLARK, J." if congress == 85 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "GREEN" if congress == 85 & id == 3783 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 85 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 85 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 85 & id == 99369 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 85 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "CASE, F." if congress == 85 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 85 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 85 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON," if congress == 85 & id == 4979 replace nameshort = "DANIEL" if congress == 85 & id == 2326 replace nameshort = "BLAKLEY" if congress == 85 & id == 777 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 85 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 85 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "WATKINS" if congress == 85 & id == 9865 replace nameshort = "FLANDERS" if congress == 85 & id == 3206 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 85 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 85 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 85 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 85 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 85 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "REVERCOMB" if congress == 85 & id == 7826 replace nameshort = "NEELY" if congress == 85 & id == 6856 replace nameshort = "HOBLITZEL" if congress == 85 & id == 4473 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 85 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 85 & id == 6137 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 85 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "O'MAHONEY" if congress == 85 & id == 7070 replace nameshort = "BARRETT" if congress == 85 & id == 464 replace nameshort = "EISENHOWE" if congress == 86 & id == 99901 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 86 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 86 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "GRUENING" if congress == 86 & id == 3864 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 86 & id == 486 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 86 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 86 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 86 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 86 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "ENGLE" if congress == 86 & id == 2965 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 86 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "CARROLL" if congress == 86 & id == 1540 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 86 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 86 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 86 & id == 1329 replace nameshort = "FREAR" if congress == 86 & id == 3349 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 86 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 86 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 86 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 86 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 86 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "LONG, O." if congress == 86 & id == 5764 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 86 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 86 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 86 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 86 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 86 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 86 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 86 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 86 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "MARTIN, T" if congress == 86 & id == 6039 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 86 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 86 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 86 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 86 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 86 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG" if congress == 86 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 86 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 86 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BUTLER" if congress == 86 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 86 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 86 & id == 5180 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 86 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 86 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 86 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 86 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 86 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 86 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 86 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "HENNINGS" if congress == 86 & id == 4328 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 86 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 86 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 86 & id == 6820 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 86 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 86 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 86 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 86 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 86 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 86 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 86 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "CASE, C." if congress == 86 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 86 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 86 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 86 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "KEATING" if congress == 86 & id == 5116 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 86 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN" if congress == 86 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 86 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LANGER" if congress == 86 & id == 5452 replace nameshort = "BRUNSDALE" if congress == 86 & id == 1167 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 86 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, S." if congress == 86 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 86 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 86 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 86 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 86 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 86 & id == 6882 replace nameshort = "LUSK" if congress == 86 & id == 5843 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 86 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "CLARK, J." if congress == 86 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 86 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "GREEN" if congress == 86 & id == 3783 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 86 & id == 99369 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 86 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "CASE, F." if congress == 86 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 86 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 86 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 86 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 86 & id == 4979 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 86 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 86 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 86 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 86 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 86 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 86 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 86 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 86 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 86 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 86 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 86 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 86 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 86 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "O'MAHONEY" if congress == 86 & id == 7070 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 86 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 87 & id == 99902 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 87 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 87 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "GRUENING" if congress == 87 & id == 3864 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 87 & id == 486 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 87 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 87 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 87 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 87 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "ENGLE" if congress == 87 & id == 2965 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 87 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "CARROLL" if congress == 87 & id == 1540 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 87 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 87 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 87 & id == 1329 replace nameshort = "BOGGS" if congress == 87 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 87 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 87 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 87 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 87 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL," if congress == 87 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "LONG, O." if congress == 87 & id == 5764 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 87 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 87 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "DWORSHAK" if congress == 87 & id == 2803 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, L" if congress == 87 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 87 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 87 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 87 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "CAPEHART" if congress == 87 & id == 1489 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 87 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 87 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 87 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "SCHOEPPEL" if congress == 87 & id == 8270 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 87 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 87 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 87 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 87 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 87 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 87 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 87 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 87 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "BUTLER, J" if congress == 87 & id == 1341 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 87 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "SMITH, B." if congress == 87 & id == 10822 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 87 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 87 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 87 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 87 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 87 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 87 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 87 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "LONG, E." if congress == 87 & id == 5756 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 87 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 87 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 87 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 87 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 87 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 87 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 87 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "BRIDGES" if congress == 87 & id == 1027 replace nameshort = "MURPHEY,J" if congress == 87 & id == 10815 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 87 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 87 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 87 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "CHAVEZ" if congress == 87 & id == 1678 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 87 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "KEATING" if congress == 87 & id == 5116 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 87 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, B" if congress == 87 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 87 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 87 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, S." if congress == 87 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 87 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "KERR" if congress == 87 & id == 5213 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 87 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 87 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 87 & id == 6881 replace nameshort = "CLARK, J." if congress == 87 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 87 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 87 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 87 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 87 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 87 & id == 99369 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 87 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 87 & id == 1570 replace nameshort = "BOTTUM" if congress == 87 & id == 10801 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 87 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 87 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 87 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "BLAKLEY" if congress == 87 & id == 777 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 87 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 87 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 87 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 87 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 87 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 87 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 87 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 87 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 87 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 87 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 87 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 87 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "WILEY" if congress == 87 & id == 10110 replace nameshort = "HICKEY" if congress == 87 & id == 10806 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 87 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 88 & id == 99902 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 88 & id == 99903 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 88 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 88 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "GRUENING" if congress == 88 & id == 3864 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 88 & id == 486 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 88 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 88 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 88 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 88 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 88 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "ENGLE" if congress == 88 & id == 2965 replace nameshort = "SALINGER" if congress == 88 & id == 10821 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 88 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 88 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 88 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 88 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "BOGGS" if congress == 88 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 88 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 88 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 88 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 88 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 88 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 88 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 88 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, L" if congress == 88 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 88 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 88 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 88 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 88 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 88 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 88 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 88 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 88 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 88 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 88 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 88 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 88 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 88 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 88 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "SMITH, M." if congress == 88 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BREWSTER" if congress == 88 & id == 1018 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 88 & id == 546 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 88 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 88 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 88 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 88 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 88 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 88 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 88 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 88 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "LONG, E." if congress == 88 & id == 5756 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 88 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 88 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 88 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 88 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 88 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 88 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 88 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 88 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 88 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 88 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 88 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 88 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "MECHEM" if congress == 88 & id == 10811 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 88 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "KEATING" if congress == 88 & id == 5116 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 88 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, B" if congress == 88 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 88 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 88 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 88 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 88 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 88 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "EDMONDSON" if congress == 88 & id == 10803 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 88 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 88 & id == 6881 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 88 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "CLARK" if congress == 88 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 88 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 88 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 88 & id == 99369 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 88 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 88 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 88 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 88 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "KEFAUVER" if congress == 88 & id == 5122 replace nameshort = "WALTERS" if congress == 88 & id == 10825 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 88 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 88 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 88 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 88 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 88 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 88 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 88 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 88 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 88 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 88 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 88 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 88 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 88 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 88 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON" if congress == 88 & id == 10820 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 88 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 89 & id == 99903 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 89 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 89 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "GRUENING" if congress == 89 & id == 3864 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 89 & id == 486 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 89 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "FANNIN" if congress == 89 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 89 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 89 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 89 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "MURPHY" if congress == 89 & id == 10814 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 89 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 89 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 89 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 89 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "BOGGS" if congress == 89 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 89 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 89 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 89 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL," if congress == 89 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 89 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 89 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 89 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 89 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, L" if congress == 89 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 89 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "DOUGLAS" if congress == 89 & id == 2691 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 89 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 89 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 89 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 89 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 89 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 89 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 89 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 89 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 89 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 89 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 89 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 89 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "TYDINGS" if congress == 89 & id == 10824 replace nameshort = "BREWSTER" if congress == 89 & id == 1018 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 89 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "SALTONSTA" if congress == 89 & id == 8185 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 89 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MCNAMARA" if congress == 89 & id == 6366 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN" if congress == 89 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 89 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "MONDALE" if congress == 89 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 89 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 89 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 89 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "LONG, E." if congress == 89 & id == 5756 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 89 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 89 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 89 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 89 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 89 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 89 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 89 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 89 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 89 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 89 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA" if congress == 89 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 89 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 89 & id == 10809 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 89 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 89 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, B" if congress == 89 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 89 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 89 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 89 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, S." if congress == 89 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 89 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "HARRIS" if congress == 89 & id == 10805 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 89 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "NEUBERGER" if congress == 89 & id == 6881 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 89 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "CLARK" if congress == 89 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 89 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 89 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 89 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 89 & id == 5009 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL," if congress == 89 & id == 10819 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 89 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 89 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 89 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "BASS" if congress == 89 & id == 504 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 89 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 89 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 89 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 89 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 89 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 89 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "ROBERTSON" if congress == 89 & id == 7958 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 89 & id == 1365 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 89 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 89 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 89 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 89 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 89 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 89 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 89 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON" if congress == 89 & id == 10820 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 89 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 90 & id == 99903 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 90 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "HILL" if congress == 90 & id == 4418 replace nameshort = "GRUENING" if congress == 90 & id == 3864 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 90 & id == 486 replace nameshort = "HAYDEN" if congress == 90 & id == 4227 replace nameshort = "FANNIN" if congress == 90 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 90 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 90 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "KUCHEL" if congress == 90 & id == 5372 replace nameshort = "MURPHY" if congress == 90 & id == 10814 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 90 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 90 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 90 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 90 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "BOGGS" if congress == 90 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 90 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "SMATHERS" if congress == 90 & id == 8593 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 90 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 90 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 90 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 90 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 90 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 90 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, L" if congress == 90 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 90 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "PERCY" if congress == 90 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 90 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 90 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 90 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "HICKENLOO" if congress == 90 & id == 4382 replace nameshort = "CARLSON" if congress == 90 & id == 1510 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 90 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 90 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "MORTON" if congress == 90 & id == 6745 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 90 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG, R." if congress == 90 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 90 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 90 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "BREWSTER" if congress == 90 & id == 1018 replace nameshort = "TYDINGS" if congress == 90 & id == 10824 replace nameshort = "BROOKE" if congress == 90 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 90 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN" if congress == 90 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 90 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MONDALE" if congress == 90 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 90 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 90 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 90 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 90 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "LONG, E." if congress == 90 & id == 5756 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 90 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 90 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 90 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 90 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 90 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 90 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 90 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 90 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 90 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 90 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 90 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA" if congress == 90 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 90 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "GOODELL" if congress == 90 & id == 3670 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 90 & id == 10809 replace nameshort = "JORDAN, B" if congress == 90 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 90 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 90 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 90 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, S." if congress == 90 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "LAUSCHE" if congress == 90 & id == 5500 replace nameshort = "MONRONEY" if congress == 90 & id == 6597 replace nameshort = "HARRIS" if congress == 90 & id == 10805 replace nameshort = "MORSE" if congress == 90 & id == 6738 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 90 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 90 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "CLARK" if congress == 90 & id == 1776 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 90 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 90 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 90 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 90 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 90 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 90 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "BAKER" if congress == 90 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 90 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 90 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 90 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 90 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 90 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 90 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 90 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "SPONG" if congress == 90 & id == 11206 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 90 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 90 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 90 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 90 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 90 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 90 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 90 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "HANSEN" if congress == 90 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 90 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "NIXON" if congress == 91 & id == 99904 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 91 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "ALLEN" if congress == 91 & id == 12100 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL" if congress == 91 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 91 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 91 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "FANNIN" if congress == 91 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 91 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 91 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "MURPHY" if congress == 91 & id == 10814 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 91 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT" if congress == 91 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 91 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 91 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 91 & id == 2636 replace nameshort = "BOGGS" if congress == 91 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 91 & id == 10163 replace nameshort = "GURNEY" if congress == 91 & id == 10593 replace nameshort = "HOLLAND" if congress == 91 & id == 4520 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL" if congress == 91 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 91 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 91 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 91 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "JORDAN,L." if congress == 91 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 91 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "DIRKSEN" if congress == 91 & id == 2609 replace nameshort = "PERCY" if congress == 91 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 91 & id == 12110 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 91 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 91 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 91 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "HUGHES" if congress == 91 & id == 12106 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 91 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 91 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 91 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "COOPER" if congress == 91 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "COOK" if congress == 91 & id == 12102 replace nameshort = "LONG" if congress == 91 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 91 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 91 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 91 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "TYDINGS" if congress == 91 & id == 10824 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 91 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "BROOKE" if congress == 91 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN" if congress == 91 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 91 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MCCARTHY" if congress == 91 & id == 6134 replace nameshort = "MONDALE" if congress == 91 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 91 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 91 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON" if congress == 91 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 91 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 91 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 91 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 91 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 91 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 91 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE" if congress == 91 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 91 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 91 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 91 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 91 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 91 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA" if congress == 91 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 91 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "GOODELL" if congress == 91 & id == 3670 replace nameshort = "ERVIN" if congress == 91 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN" if congress == 91 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 91 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M." if congress == 91 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "SAXBE" if congress == 91 & id == 12108 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, S." if congress == 91 & id == 10454 replace nameshort = "HARRIS" if congress == 91 & id == 10805 replace nameshort = "BELLMON" if congress == 91 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 91 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 91 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 91 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 91 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 91 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 91 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 91 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 91 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "MUNDT" if congress == 91 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 91 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "BAKER" if congress == 91 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 91 & id == 3704 replace nameshort = "YARBOROUG" if congress == 91 & id == 10414 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 91 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 91 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 91 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "PROUTY" if congress == 91 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "AIKEN" if congress == 91 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 91 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "SPONG" if congress == 91 & id == 11206 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 91 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 91 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 91 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 91 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 91 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 91 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "HANSEN" if congress == 91 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 91 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "NIXON" if congress == 92 & id == 99904 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 92 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "ALLEN J" if congress == 92 & id == 12100 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL M" if congress == 92 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "STEVENS T" if congress == 92 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "FANNIN P" if congress == 92 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 92 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 92 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 92 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "TUNNEY J" if congress == 92 & id == 10777 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 92 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "ALLOTT G" if congress == 92 & id == 142 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 92 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 92 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "WEICKER L" if congress == 92 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "BOGGS J" if congress == 92 & id == 823 replace nameshort = "ROTH W" if congress == 92 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GURNEY E" if congress == 92 & id == 10593 replace nameshort = "CHILES L" if congress == 92 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 92 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "RUSSELL R" if congress == 92 & id == 8138 replace nameshort = "GAMBRELL" if congress == 92 & id == 13103 replace nameshort = "FONG H" if congress == 92 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "INOUYE D" if congress == 92 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "JORDAN L" if congress == 92 & id == 10807 replace nameshort = "CHURCH F" if congress == 92 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 92 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "PERCY C" if congress == 92 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "HARTKE V" if congress == 92 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "BAYH B" if congress == 92 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "MILLER J" if congress == 92 & id == 10812 replace nameshort = "HUGHES H" if congress == 92 & id == 12106 replace nameshort = "DOLE R" if congress == 92 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "PEARSON J" if congress == 92 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "COOK M" if congress == 92 & id == 12102 replace nameshort = "COOPER J" if congress == 92 & id == 2052 replace nameshort = "ELLENDER" if congress == 92 & id == 2901 replace nameshort = "LONG R" if congress == 92 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "EDWARDS E" if congress == 92 & id == 13104 replace nameshort = "SMITH M" if congress == 92 & id == 8666 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE E" if congress == 92 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "BEALL G" if congress == 92 & id == 12002 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS C" if congress == 92 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "BROOKE E" if congress == 92 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY E" if congress == 92 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "HART P" if congress == 92 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN R" if congress == 92 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "MONDALE W" if congress == 92 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 92 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "STENNIS J" if congress == 92 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 92 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON" if congress == 92 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 92 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "METCALF L" if congress == 92 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 92 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA R" if congress == 92 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS C" if congress == 92 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON H" if congress == 92 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE A" if congress == 92 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 92 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "COTTON N" if congress == 92 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "CASE C" if congress == 92 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 92 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 92 & id == 165 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA J" if congress == 92 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "JAVITS J" if congress == 92 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "BUCKLEY J" if congress == 92 & id == 13100 replace nameshort = "ERVIN S" if congress == 92 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "JORDAN B" if congress == 92 & id == 5073 replace nameshort = "BURDICK Q" if congress == 92 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG M" if congress == 92 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "SAXBE W" if congress == 92 & id == 12108 replace nameshort = "TAFT R" if congress == 92 & id == 10630 replace nameshort = "BELLMON H" if congress == 92 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "HARRIS F" if congress == 92 & id == 10805 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 92 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 92 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 92 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "SCOTT H" if congress == 92 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "PASTORE J" if congress == 92 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "PELL C" if congress == 92 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 92 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 92 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 92 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "MUNDT K" if congress == 92 & id == 6796 replace nameshort = "BROCK W" if congress == 92 & id == 10571 replace nameshort = "BAKER H" if congress == 92 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "TOWER J" if congress == 92 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN L" if congress == 92 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "MOSS F" if congress == 92 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "BENNETT W" if congress == 92 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "AIKEN G" if congress == 92 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "PROUTY W" if congress == 92 & id == 7637 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD" if congress == 92 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "SPONG W" if congress == 92 & id == 11206 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H." if congress == 92 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 92 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON H" if congress == 92 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 92 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R." if congress == 92 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "NELSON G" if congress == 92 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 92 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "HANSEN C" if congress == 92 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "MCGEE G" if congress == 92 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "NIXON" if congress == 93 & id == 99904 replace nameshort = "FORD" if congress == 93 & id == 99905 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 93 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "ALLEN J" if congress == 93 & id == 12100 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL M" if congress == 93 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "STEVENS T" if congress == 93 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 93 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "FANNIN P" if congress == 93 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 93 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "FULBRIGHT" if congress == 93 & id == 3388 replace nameshort = "TUNNEY J" if congress == 93 & id == 10777 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 93 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "HASKELL F" if congress == 93 & id == 14104 replace nameshort = "DOMINICK" if congress == 93 & id == 10514 replace nameshort = "WEICKER L" if congress == 93 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 93 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "BIDEN J" if congress == 93 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH W" if congress == 93 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GURNEY E" if congress == 93 & id == 10593 replace nameshort = "CHILES L" if congress == 93 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 93 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "NUNN S" if congress == 93 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "FONG H" if congress == 93 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "INOUYE D" if congress == 93 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE J" if congress == 93 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "CHURCH F" if congress == 93 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 93 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "PERCY C" if congress == 93 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "BAYH B" if congress == 93 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "HARTKE V" if congress == 93 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "HUGHES H" if congress == 93 & id == 12106 replace nameshort = "CLARK D" if congress == 93 & id == 14102 replace nameshort = "PEARSON J" if congress == 93 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "DOLE R" if congress == 93 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 93 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "COOK M" if congress == 93 & id == 12102 replace nameshort = "LONG R" if congress == 93 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 93 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE E" if congress == 93 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "HATHAWAY" if congress == 93 & id == 10736 replace nameshort = "BEALL G" if congress == 93 & id == 12002 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS C" if congress == 93 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY E" if congress == 93 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "BROOKE E" if congress == 93 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN R" if congress == 93 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "HART P" if congress == 93 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "MONDALE W" if congress == 93 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 93 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "STENNIS J" if congress == 93 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 93 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON" if congress == 93 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 93 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "METCALF L" if congress == 93 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 93 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA R" if congress == 93 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CURTIS C" if congress == 93 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON H" if congress == 93 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "BIBLE A" if congress == 93 & id == 688 replace nameshort = "LAXALT" if congress == 93 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "COTTON N" if congress == 93 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 93 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "CASE C" if congress == 93 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 93 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 93 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA J" if congress == 93 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "JAVITS J" if congress == 93 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "BUCKLEY J" if congress == 93 & id == 13100 replace nameshort = "ERVIN S" if congress == 93 & id == 2987 replace nameshort = "HELMS J" if congress == 93 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "BURDICK Q" if congress == 93 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG M" if congress == 93 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "TAFT R" if congress == 93 & id == 10630 replace nameshort = "SAXBE W" if congress == 93 & id == 12108 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 93 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 93 & id == 14100 replace nameshort = "BELLMON H" if congress == 93 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 93 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 93 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "SCOTT H" if congress == 93 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 93 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "PELL C" if congress == 93 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "PASTORE J" if congress == 93 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 93 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 93 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "ABOUREZK" if congress == 93 & id == 13000 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 93 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "BAKER H" if congress == 93 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "BROCK B" if congress == 93 & id == 10571 replace nameshort = "TOWER J" if congress == 93 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN L" if congress == 93 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "MOSS F" if congress == 93 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "BENNETT W" if congress == 93 & id == 645 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD" if congress == 93 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "AIKEN G" if congress == 93 & id == 52 replace nameshort = "SCOTT W" if congress == 93 & id == 11048 replace nameshort = "BYRD H" if congress == 93 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 93 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON H" if congress == 93 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "BYRD R" if congress == 93 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 93 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 93 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "NELSON G" if congress == 93 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "MCGEE G" if congress == 93 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "HANSEN C" if congress == 93 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "FORD" if congress == 94 & id == 99905 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 94 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "ALLEN" if congress == 94 & id == 12100 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL" if congress == 94 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 94 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "FANNIN" if congress == 94 & id == 10804 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 94 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 94 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 94 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 94 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "TUNNEY" if congress == 94 & id == 10777 replace nameshort = "HASKELL" if congress == 94 & id == 14104 replace nameshort = "HART, G" if congress == 94 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "WEICKER" if congress == 94 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 94 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 94 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH" if congress == 94 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "STONE" if congress == 94 & id == 14309 replace nameshort = "CHILES" if congress == 94 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 94 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "NUNN" if congress == 94 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 94 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "FONG" if congress == 94 & id == 3255 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE" if congress == 94 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 94 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 94 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "PERCY" if congress == 94 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 94 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "HARTKE" if congress == 94 & id == 4154 replace nameshort = "CLARK" if congress == 94 & id == 14102 replace nameshort = "CULVER" if congress == 94 & id == 10715 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 94 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 94 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 94 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "FORD" if congress == 94 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 94 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "LONG" if congress == 94 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 94 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "HATHAWAY" if congress == 94 & id == 10736 replace nameshort = "BEALL" if congress == 94 & id == 12002 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS" if congress == 94 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 94 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "BROOKE" if congress == 94 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "HART, P" if congress == 94 & id == 4148 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN" if congress == 94 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "MONDALE" if congress == 94 & id == 10813 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY" if congress == 94 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 94 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 94 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON" if congress == 94 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "SYMINGTON" if congress == 94 & id == 9141 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 94 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "MANSFIELD" if congress == 94 & id == 5967 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 94 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "HRUSKA" if congress == 94 & id == 4660 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 94 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "LAXALT" if congress == 94 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 94 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "COTTON" if congress == 94 & id == 2087 replace nameshort = "DURKIN" if congress == 94 & id == 14310 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 94 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 94 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 94 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "MONTOYA" if congress == 94 & id == 6611 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 94 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "BUCKLEY" if congress == 94 & id == 13100 replace nameshort = "MORGAN" if congress == 94 & id == 14308 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 94 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 94 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 94 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 94 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "TAFT" if congress == 94 & id == 10630 replace nameshort = "BELLMON" if congress == 94 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 94 & id == 14100 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 94 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 94 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "SCOTT, H" if congress == 94 & id == 8301 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 94 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 94 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "PASTORE" if congress == 94 & id == 7229 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 94 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 94 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "ABOUREZK" if congress == 94 & id == 13000 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 94 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "BAKER" if congress == 94 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "BROCK" if congress == 94 & id == 10571 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN" if congress == 94 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 94 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "MOSS" if congress == 94 & id == 6754 replace nameshort = "GARN" if congress == 94 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD" if congress == 94 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 94 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "BYRD,H F" if congress == 94 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "SCOTT, W" if congress == 94 & id == 11048 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 94 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 94 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 94 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD,R C" if congress == 94 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 94 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 94 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "HANSEN" if congress == 94 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "MCGEE" if congress == 94 & id == 6249 replace nameshort = "CARTER" if congress == 95 & id == 99906 replace nameshort = "SPARKMAN" if congress == 95 & id == 8764 replace nameshort = "ALLEN, J." if congress == 95 & id == 12100 replace nameshort = "ALLEN, M." if congress == 95 & id == 14517 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 95 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL" if congress == 95 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 95 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 95 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 95 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "MCCLELLAN" if congress == 95 & id == 6151 replace nameshort = "HODGES" if congress == 95 & id == 14514 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 95 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "HAYAKAWA" if congress == 95 & id == 14504 replace nameshort = "HART" if congress == 95 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "HASKELL" if congress == 95 & id == 14104 replace nameshort = "WEICKER" if congress == 95 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF" if congress == 95 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "ROTH" if congress == 95 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 95 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "STONE" if congress == 95 & id == 14309 replace nameshort = "CHILES" if congress == 95 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE" if congress == 95 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "NUNN" if congress == 95 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 95 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 95 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CHURCH" if congress == 95 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE" if congress == 95 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 95 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "PERCY" if congress == 95 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 95 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 95 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "CULVER" if congress == 95 & id == 10715 replace nameshort = "CLARK" if congress == 95 & id == 14102 replace nameshort = "PEARSON" if congress == 95 & id == 10817 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 95 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 95 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "FORD" if congress == 95 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "LONG" if congress == 95 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 95 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "HATHAWAY" if congress == 95 & id == 10736 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE" if congress == 95 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 95 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS" if congress == 95 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 95 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "BROOKE" if congress == 95 & id == 11201 replace nameshort = "GRIFFIN" if congress == 95 & id == 3824 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE" if congress == 95 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 95 & id == 4728 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 95 & id == 14516 replace nameshort = "ANDERSON" if congress == 95 & id == 14513 replace nameshort = "EASTLAND" if congress == 95 & id == 2822 replace nameshort = "STENNIS" if congress == 95 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH" if congress == 95 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON" if congress == 95 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "MELCHER" if congress == 95 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "METCALF" if congress == 95 & id == 6442 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 95 & id == 14515 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY" if congress == 95 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "CURTIS" if congress == 95 & id == 2267 replace nameshort = "CANNON" if congress == 95 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "LAXALT" if congress == 95 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "DURKIN" if congress == 95 & id == 14310 replace nameshort = "MCINTYRE" if congress == 95 & id == 10810 replace nameshort = "CASE" if congress == 95 & id == 1569 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS" if congress == 95 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "SCHMITT" if congress == 95 & id == 14510 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 95 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "JAVITS" if congress == 95 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 95 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 95 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "MORGAN" if congress == 95 & id == 14308 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 95 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "YOUNG" if congress == 95 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 95 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 95 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "BELLMON" if congress == 95 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "BARTLETT" if congress == 95 & id == 14100 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 95 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 95 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HEINZ" if congress == 95 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 95 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 95 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 95 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 95 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 95 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN" if congress == 95 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "ABOUREZK" if congress == 95 & id == 13000 replace nameshort = "SASSER" if congress == 95 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BAKER" if congress == 95 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "TOWER" if congress == 95 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN" if congress == 95 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "GARN" if congress == 95 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 95 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD" if congress == 95 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 95 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "BYRD, H" if congress == 95 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "SCOTT" if congress == 95 & id == 11048 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON" if congress == 95 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON" if congress == 95 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "BYRD, R" if congress == 95 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH" if congress == 95 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 95 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE" if congress == 95 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "WALLOP" if congress == 95 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "HANSEN" if congress == 95 & id == 11202 replace nameshort = "CARTER" if congress == 96 & id == 99906 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 96 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "STEWART," if congress == 96 & id == 14711 replace nameshort = "GRAVEL, M" if congress == 96 & id == 12105 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 96 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 96 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 96 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, D" if congress == 96 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 96 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "HAYAKAWA," if congress == 96 & id == 14504 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 96 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "HART, G" if congress == 96 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 96 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "WEICKER," if congress == 96 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "RIBICOFF," if congress == 96 & id == 7847 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, W" if congress == 96 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "CHILES, L" if congress == 96 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "STONE, R" if congress == 96 & id == 14309 replace nameshort = "TALMADGE," if congress == 96 & id == 9174 replace nameshort = "NUNN, S" if congress == 96 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 96 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 96 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "CHURCH, F" if congress == 96 & id == 1721 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 96 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "STEVENSON" if congress == 96 & id == 13102 replace nameshort = "PERCY, C" if congress == 96 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "BAYH, B" if congress == 96 & id == 10800 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, R" if congress == 96 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "JEPSEN, R" if congress == 96 & id == 14707 replace nameshort = "CULVER, J" if congress == 96 & id == 10715 replace nameshort = "DOLE, R" if congress == 96 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 96 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, W" if congress == 96 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 96 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "LONG, R" if congress == 96 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 96 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN, W" if congress == 96 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MUSKIE, E" if congress == 96 & id == 6831 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 96 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 96 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS," if congress == 96 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "TSONGAS," if congress == 96 & id == 14279 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 96 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, C" if congress == 96 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 96 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 96 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 96 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 96 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "STENNIS," if congress == 96 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON," if congress == 96 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 96 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "MELCHER," if congress == 96 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 96 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "EXON, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY," if congress == 96 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "LAXALT, P" if congress == 96 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "CANNON, H" if congress == 96 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "DURKIN, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14310 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 96 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 96 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 96 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "SCHMITT," if congress == 96 & id == 14510 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 96 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "JAVITS, J" if congress == 96 & id == 4898 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 96 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "HELMS, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "MORGAN, R" if congress == 96 & id == 14308 replace nameshort = "YOUNG, M" if congress == 96 & id == 10450 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 96 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "GLENN, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 96 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BELLMON," if congress == 96 & id == 12101 replace nameshort = "BOREN, D" if congress == 96 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 96 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 96 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, J" if congress == 96 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "SCHWEIKER" if congress == 96 & id == 10557 replace nameshort = "PELL, C" if congress == 96 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 96 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 96 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "MCGOVERN," if congress == 96 & id == 6256 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 96 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BAKER, H" if congress == 96 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 96 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "TOWER, J" if congress == 96 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "HATCH, O" if congress == 96 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "GARN, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, P" if congress == 96 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD," if congress == 96 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 96 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "BYRD, HF" if congress == 96 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "MAGNUSON," if congress == 96 & id == 5913 replace nameshort = "JACKSON," if congress == 96 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH," if congress == 96 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, RC" if congress == 96 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "NELSON, G" if congress == 96 & id == 10816 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE," if congress == 96 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 96 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 96 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "REAGAN" if congress == 97 & id == 99907 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 97 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "DENTON, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14901 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 97 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 97 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 97 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 97 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, D" if congress == 97 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 97 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "HAYAKAWA," if congress == 97 & id == 14504 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 97 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "HART, G" if congress == 97 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 97 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "DODD, C J" if congress == 97 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "WEICKER," if congress == 97 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, W" if congress == 97 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "CHILES, L" if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "HAWKINS," if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace nameshort = "NUNN, S" if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "MATTINGLY" if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "SYMMS, S" if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "PERCY, C" if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "DIXON, A" if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "QUAYLE, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, R" if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY," if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "JEPSEN, R" if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace nameshort = "DOLE, R" if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, W" if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 97 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "LONG, R" if congress == 97 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 97 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "COHEN, W" if congress == 97 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS," if congress == 97 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 97 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 97 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "TSONGAS," if congress == 97 & id == 14279 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, C" if congress == 97 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 97 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 97 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 97 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 97 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "STENNIS," if congress == 97 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 97 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON," if congress == 97 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 97 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "MELCHER," if congress == 97 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "EXON, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY," if congress == 97 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "CANNON, H" if congress == 97 & id == 1482 replace nameshort = "LAXALT, P" if congress == 97 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN, W" if congress == 97 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 97 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "WILLIAMS," if congress == 97 & id == 10147 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 97 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "BRADY, N" if congress == 97 & id == 14911 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 97 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "SCHMITT," if congress == 97 & id == 14510 replace nameshort = "DAMATO, A" if congress == 97 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 97 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "EAST, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14903 replace nameshort = "HELMS, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "ANDREWS," if congress == 97 & id == 10569 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 97 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 97 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "GLENN, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 97 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "BOREN, D" if congress == 97 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 97 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 97 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "SPECTER," if congress == 97 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, J" if congress == 97 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "PELL, C" if congress == 97 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 97 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 97 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 97 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "ABDNOR, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14000 replace nameshort = "BAKER, H" if congress == 97 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 97 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "TOWER, J" if congress == 97 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "HATCH, O" if congress == 97 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "GARN, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD," if congress == 97 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, P" if congress == 97 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "BYRD, HF" if congress == 97 & id == 10802 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 97 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "JACKSON," if congress == 97 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "GORTON, S" if congress == 97 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH," if congress == 97 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, RC" if congress == 97 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE," if congress == 97 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "KASTEN, R" if congress == 97 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 97 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 97 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "REAGAN" if congress == 98 & id == 99907 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 98 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "DENTON, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14901 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 98 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 98 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 98 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 98 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, D" if congress == 98 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 98 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "WILSON" if congress == 98 & id == 14915 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 98 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "HART, G" if congress == 98 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 98 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "DODD, C J" if congress == 98 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "WEICKER," if congress == 98 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, W" if congress == 98 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "HAWKINS," if congress == 98 & id == 14905 replace nameshort = "CHILES, L" if congress == 98 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "MATTINGLY" if congress == 98 & id == 14906 replace nameshort = "NUNN, S" if congress == 98 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 98 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 98 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "SYMMS, S" if congress == 98 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 98 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "DIXON, A" if congress == 98 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "PERCY, C" if congress == 98 & id == 11205 replace nameshort = "QUAYLE, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14447 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, R" if congress == 98 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY," if congress == 98 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "JEPSEN, R" if congress == 98 & id == 14707 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 98 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "DOLE, R" if congress == 98 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "HUDDLESTO" if congress == 98 & id == 14106 replace nameshort = "FORD, W" if congress == 98 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "LONG, R" if congress == 98 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 98 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN, W" if congress == 98 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 98 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 98 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS," if congress == 98 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "TSONGAS," if congress == 98 & id == 14279 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 98 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, C" if congress == 98 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 98 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 98 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 98 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 98 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "STENNIS," if congress == 98 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON," if congress == 98 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 98 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 98 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "MELCHER," if congress == 98 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY," if congress == 98 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "EXON, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "HECHT" if congress == 98 & id == 14913 replace nameshort = "LAXALT, P" if congress == 98 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN, W" if congress == 98 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 98 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 98 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 98 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 98 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 98 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 98 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "DAMATO, A" if congress == 98 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "EAST, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14903 replace nameshort = "HELMS, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 98 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "ANDREWS," if congress == 98 & id == 10569 replace nameshort = "GLENN, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 98 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BOREN, D" if congress == 98 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 98 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 98 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 98 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "SPECTER," if congress == 98 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, J" if congress == 98 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "PELL, C" if congress == 98 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 98 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 98 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 98 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "ABDNOR, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14000 replace nameshort = "BAKER, H" if congress == 98 & id == 11200 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 98 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "TOWER, J" if congress == 98 & id == 10823 replace nameshort = "HATCH, O" if congress == 98 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "GARN, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD," if congress == 98 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, P" if congress == 98 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 98 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "TRIBLE, P" if congress == 98 & id == 14456 replace nameshort = "JACKSON," if congress == 98 & id == 4851 replace nameshort = "GORTON, S" if congress == 98 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "EVANS, D" if congress == 98 & id == 14916 replace nameshort = "RANDOLPH," if congress == 98 & id == 7722 replace nameshort = "BYRD, RC" if congress == 98 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "KASTEN, R" if congress == 98 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE," if congress == 98 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 98 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 98 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "REAGAN" if congress == 99 & id == 99907 replace nameshort = "DENTON, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14901 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 99 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 99 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 99 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 99 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "GOLDWATER" if congress == 99 & id == 3658 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 99 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, D" if congress == 99 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "WILSON" if congress == 99 & id == 14915 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 99 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 99 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "HART, G" if congress == 99 & id == 14305 replace nameshort = "DODD, C J" if congress == 99 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "WEICKER," if congress == 99 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, W" if congress == 99 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "HAWKINS," if congress == 99 & id == 14905 replace nameshort = "CHILES, L" if congress == 99 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "NUNN, S" if congress == 99 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "MATTINGLY" if congress == 99 & id == 14906 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 99 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 99 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 99 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "SYMMS, S" if congress == 99 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "DIXON, A" if congress == 99 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "SIMON, P" if congress == 99 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "QUAYLE, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14447 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, R" if congress == 99 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "HARKIN, T" if congress == 99 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY," if congress == 99 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 99 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "DOLE, R" if congress == 99 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 99 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "FORD, W" if congress == 99 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "LONG, R" if congress == 99 & id == 5767 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 99 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 99 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "COHEN, W" if congress == 99 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 99 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "MATHIAS," if congress == 99 & id == 10535 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 99 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, C" if congress == 99 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 99 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 99 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 99 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 99 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "STENNIS," if congress == 99 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 99 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "EAGLETON," if congress == 99 & id == 12104 replace nameshort = "MELCHER," if congress == 99 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 99 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY," if congress == 99 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "EXON, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "LAXALT, P" if congress == 99 & id == 14077 replace nameshort = "HECHT" if congress == 99 & id == 14913 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 99 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN, W" if congress == 99 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 99 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 99 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 99 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 99 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 99 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "DAMATO, A" if congress == 99 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "HELMS, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "EAST, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14903 replace nameshort = "BROYHILL," if congress == 99 & id == 10574 replace nameshort = "ANDREWS," if congress == 99 & id == 10569 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 99 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "GLENN, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 99 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BOREN, D" if congress == 99 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 99 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 99 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 99 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "SPECTER," if congress == 99 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, J" if congress == 99 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "PELL, C" if congress == 99 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 99 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 99 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "ABDNOR, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14000 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 99 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "GORE, A" if congress == 99 & id == 14423 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 99 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, P" if congress == 99 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "GARN, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "HATCH, O" if congress == 99 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD," if congress == 99 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, P" if congress == 99 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 99 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "TRIBLE, P" if congress == 99 & id == 14456 replace nameshort = "GORTON, S" if congress == 99 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "EVANS, D" if congress == 99 & id == 14916 replace nameshort = "BYRD, RC" if congress == 99 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 99 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE," if congress == 99 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "KASTEN, R" if congress == 99 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 99 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 99 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "REAGAN" if congress == 100 & id == 99907 replace nameshort = "SHELBY, R" if congress == 100 & id == 14659 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 100 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 100 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 100 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN, J" if congress == 100 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 100 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, D" if congress == 100 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 100 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "WILSON, P" if congress == 100 & id == 14915 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 100 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 100 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "WIRTH, T" if congress == 100 & id == 14282 replace nameshort = "DODD, C J" if congress == 100 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "WEICKER," if congress == 100 & id == 12032 replace nameshort = "ROTH, W" if congress == 100 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "CHILES, L" if congress == 100 & id == 13101 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 100 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "FOWLER, W" if congress == 100 & id == 14467 replace nameshort = "NUNN, S" if congress == 100 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 100 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 100 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "SYMMS, S" if congress == 100 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 100 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "DIXON, A" if congress == 100 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "SIMON, P" if congress == 100 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, R" if congress == 100 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "QUAYLE, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14447 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY," if congress == 100 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN, T" if congress == 100 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 100 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "DOLE, R" if congress == 100 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 100 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "FORD, W" if congress == 100 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON" if congress == 100 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "BREAUX, J" if congress == 100 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 100 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "COHEN, W" if congress == 100 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI," if congress == 100 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 100 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 100 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 100 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, C" if congress == 100 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 100 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 100 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "STENNIS," if congress == 100 & id == 8883 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 100 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "BOND, C" if congress == 100 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 100 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 100 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "MELCHER," if congress == 100 & id == 12039 replace nameshort = "EXON, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "ZORINSKY," if congress == 100 & id == 14512 replace nameshort = "KARNES,D" if congress == 100 & id == 15505 replace nameshort = "HECHT, C" if congress == 100 & id == 14913 replace nameshort = "REID, H" if congress == 100 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 100 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN, W" if congress == 100 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 100 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 100 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 100 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN," if congress == 100 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DAMATO, A" if congress == 100 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 100 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "SANFORD," if congress == 100 & id == 15504 replace nameshort = "HELMS, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 100 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "CONRAD, K" if congress == 100 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 100 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "GLENN, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 100 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "BOREN, D" if congress == 100 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 100 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 100 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "SPECTER," if congress == 100 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, J" if congress == 100 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "PELL, C" if congress == 100 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 100 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 100 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 100 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE," if congress == 100 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "GORE, A" if congress == 100 & id == 14423 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 100 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, P" if congress == 100 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "HATCH, O" if congress == 100 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "GARN, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "STAFFORD," if congress == 100 & id == 10562 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, P" if congress == 100 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "TRIBLE, P" if congress == 100 & id == 14456 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 100 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "ADAMS, B" if congress == 100 & id == 10700 replace nameshort = "EVANS, D" if congress == 100 & id == 14916 replace nameshort = "BYRD, RC" if congress == 100 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 100 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "PROXMIRE," if congress == 100 & id == 7638 replace nameshort = "KASTEN, R" if congress == 100 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 100 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 100 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 101 & id == 99908 replace nameshort = "SHELBY, R" if congress == 101 & id == 14659 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN, H" if congress == 101 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "STEVENS," if congress == 101 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 101 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 101 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN, J" if congress == 101 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR, DA" if congress == 101 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS," if congress == 101 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON," if congress == 101 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "WILSON, P" if congress == 101 & id == 14915 replace nameshort = "ARMSTRONG" if congress == 101 & id == 14002 replace nameshort = "WIRTH, TI" if congress == 101 & id == 14282 replace nameshort = "DODD, CHR" if congress == 101 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 101 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WIL" if congress == 101 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "BIDEN, JO" if congress == 101 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "MACK, CON" if congress == 101 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 101 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "FOWLER, W" if congress == 101 & id == 14467 replace nameshort = "INOUYE, D" if congress == 101 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "MATSUNAGA" if congress == 101 & id == 10605 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 101 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "MCCLURE," if congress == 101 & id == 11029 replace nameshort = "SYMMS, ST" if congress == 101 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "SIMON, PA" if congress == 101 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "DIXON, AL" if congress == 101 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "COATS, DA" if congress == 101 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR, RI" if congress == 101 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "QUAYLE, J" if congress == 101 & id == 14447 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY," if congress == 101 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN, T" if congress == 101 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 101 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 101 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, WEN" if congress == 101 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 101 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX, J" if congress == 101 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 101 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN, WI" if congress == 101 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 101 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "SARBANES," if congress == 101 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI," if congress == 101 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 101 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY,JOH" if congress == 101 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE, D" if congress == 101 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CA" if congress == 101 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "BOSCHWITZ" if congress == 101 & id == 14701 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 101 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN," if congress == 101 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT,TREN" if congress == 101 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH," if congress == 101 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "BOND, CHR" if congress == 101 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS, M" if congress == 101 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS, CO" if congress == 101 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "EXON, JOH" if congress == 101 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, R" if congress == 101 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "REID, HAR" if congress == 101 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RI" if congress == 101 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "HUMPHREY," if congress == 101 & id == 14706 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN, W" if congress == 101 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY," if congress == 101 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 101 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI," if congress == 101 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN," if congress == 101 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN," if congress == 101 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "D'AMATO," if congress == 101 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "HELMS, JE" if congress == 101 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "SANFORD," if congress == 101 & id == 15504 replace nameshort = "BURDICK," if congress == 101 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "CONRAD, K" if congress == 101 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 101 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "GLENN, JO" if congress == 101 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "BOREN, DA" if congress == 101 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 101 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD," if congress == 101 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD," if congress == 101 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HEINZ, H." if congress == 101 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "SPECTER," if congress == 101 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "PELL, CLA" if congress == 101 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE, J" if congress == 101 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "THURMOND," if congress == 101 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS," if congress == 101 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER," if congress == 101 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE," if congress == 101 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "GORE, ALB" if congress == 101 & id == 14423 replace nameshort = "SASSER, J" if congress == 101 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN," if congress == 101 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, WI" if congress == 101 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "GARN, JAK" if congress == 101 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "HATCH, OR" if congress == 101 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS," if congress == 101 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY, PA" if congress == 101 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WARNER, J" if congress == 101 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "ROBB, CHA" if congress == 101 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "ADAMS, BR" if congress == 101 & id == 10700 replace nameshort = "GORTON, S" if congress == 101 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROB" if congress == 101 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 101 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "KASTEN, R" if congress == 101 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "KOHL, HER" if congress == 101 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "WALLOP, M" if congress == 101 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON," if congress == 101 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 102 & id == 99908 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN" if congress == 102 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 102 & id == 14659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 102 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 102 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 102 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 102 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 102 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 102 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "CRANSTON" if congress == 102 & id == 12103 replace nameshort = "SEYMOUR" if congress == 102 & id == 49100 replace nameshort = "BROWN, HA" if congress == 102 & id == 14803 replace nameshort = "WIRTH" if congress == 102 & id == 14282 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 102 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 102 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 102 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WIL" if congress == 102 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 102 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "MACK" if congress == 102 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "FOWLER" if congress == 102 & id == 14467 replace nameshort = "NUNN" if congress == 102 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 102 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 102 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 102 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "SYMMS" if congress == 102 & id == 14056 replace nameshort = "DIXON, AL" if congress == 102 & id == 14902 replace nameshort = "SIMON" if congress == 102 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "COATS" if congress == 102 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 102 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 102 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 102 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 102 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 102 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, WEN" if congress == 102 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 102 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 102 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 102 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN" if congress == 102 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 102 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 102 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 102 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 102 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JO" if congress == 102 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CA" if congress == 102 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE" if congress == 102 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 102 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 102 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 102 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 102 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 102 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH" if congress == 102 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 102 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 102 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "EXON" if congress == 102 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, R" if congress == 102 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RI" if congress == 102 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 102 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "RUDMAN" if congress == 102 & id == 14909 replace nameshort = "SMITH, RO" if congress == 102 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY" if congress == 102 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 102 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 102 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 102 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "D'AMATO" if congress == 102 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 102 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 102 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "SANFORD" if congress == 102 & id == 15504 replace nameshort = "BURDICK" if congress == 102 & id == 1252 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 102 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "BURDICK2" if congress == 102 & id == 49103 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 102 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 102 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BOREN" if congress == 102 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 102 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 102 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 102 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "HEINZ" if congress == 102 & id == 13050 replace nameshort = "WOFFORD" if congress == 102 & id == 49104 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 102 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 102 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 102 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 102 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 102 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 102 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER" if congress == 102 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "GORE" if congress == 102 & id == 14423 replace nameshort = "SASSER" if congress == 102 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "BENTSEN" if congress == 102 & id == 660 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PH" if congress == 102 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "GARN" if congress == 102 & id == 14303 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 102 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 102 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 102 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ROBB" if congress == 102 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 102 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "ADAMS" if congress == 102 & id == 10700 replace nameshort = "GORTON" if congress == 102 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROB" if congress == 102 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 102 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "KASTEN" if congress == 102 & id == 14242 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 102 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON" if congress == 102 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "WALLOP" if congress == 102 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 103 & id == 99909 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN" if congress == 103 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 103 & id == 14659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 103 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 103 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "DECONCINI" if congress == 103 & id == 14502 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 103 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 103 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 103 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 103 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 103 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "BROWN, HA" if congress == 103 & id == 14803 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 103 & id == 15407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 103 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 103 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 103 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WIL" if congress == 103 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 103 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "MACK" if congress == 103 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "COVERDELL" if congress == 103 & id == 49301 replace nameshort = "NUNN" if congress == 103 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 103 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 103 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 103 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "KEMPTHORN" if congress == 103 & id == 49302 replace nameshort = "MOSELEY-B" if congress == 103 & id == 49303 replace nameshort = "SIMON" if congress == 103 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "COATS" if congress == 103 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 103 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 103 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 103 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 103 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 103 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, WEN" if congress == 103 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 103 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 103 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 103 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN" if congress == 103 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "MITCHELL," if congress == 103 & id == 14713 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 103 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 103 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 103 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JO" if congress == 103 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CA" if congress == 103 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "RIEGLE" if congress == 103 & id == 11043 replace nameshort = "DURENBERG" if congress == 103 & id == 14703 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 103 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 103 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 103 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 103 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "DANFORTH" if congress == 103 & id == 14501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 103 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 103 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "EXON" if congress == 103 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, R" if congress == 103 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RI" if congress == 103 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 103 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 103 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SMITH, RO" if congress == 103 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY" if congress == 103 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 103 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 103 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 103 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "D'AMATO" if congress == 103 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 103 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "FAIRCLOTH" if congress == 103 & id == 49304 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 103 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 103 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 103 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 103 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "METZENBAU" if congress == 103 & id == 14073 replace nameshort = "BOREN" if congress == 103 & id == 14700 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 103 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 103 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 103 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 103 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 103 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "WOFFORD" if congress == 103 & id == 49104 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 103 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 103 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 103 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 103 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 103 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER" if congress == 103 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "MATHEWS" if congress == 103 & id == 49305 replace nameshort = "SASSER" if congress == 103 & id == 14509 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 103 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PH" if congress == 103 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "KRUEGER" if congress == 103 & id == 14247 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 103 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 103 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 103 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 103 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ROBB" if congress == 103 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 103 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "GORTON" if congress == 103 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 103 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROB" if congress == 103 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 103 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 103 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 103 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON" if congress == 103 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "WALLOP" if congress == 103 & id == 14511 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 104 & id == 99909 replace nameshort = "HEFLIN" if congress == 104 & id == 14705 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 104 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 104 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 104 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 104 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 104 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 104 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 104 & id == 10791 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 104 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 104 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "BROWN, HA" if congress == 104 & id == 14803 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 104 & id == 15407 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 104 & id == 95407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 104 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 104 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 104 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WIL" if congress == 104 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 104 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "MACK" if congress == 104 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "COVERDELL" if congress == 104 & id == 49301 replace nameshort = "NUNN" if congress == 104 & id == 14108 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 104 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 104 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 104 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "KEMPTHORN" if congress == 104 & id == 49302 replace nameshort = "MOSELEY-B" if congress == 104 & id == 49303 replace nameshort = "SIMON" if congress == 104 & id == 14275 replace nameshort = "COATS" if congress == 104 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 104 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 104 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 104 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 104 & id == 10513 replace nameshort = "FRAHM" if congress == 104 & id == 49504 replace nameshort = "KASSEBAUM" if congress == 104 & id == 14708 replace nameshort = "FORD, WEN" if congress == 104 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 104 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 104 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "JOHNSTON," if congress == 104 & id == 14107 replace nameshort = "COHEN" if congress == 104 & id == 14010 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 104 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 104 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 104 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 104 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JO" if congress == 104 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "ABRAHAM" if congress == 104 & id == 49500 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CA" if congress == 104 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "GRAMS" if congress == 104 & id == 29367 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 104 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 104 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 104 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "ASHCROFT" if congress == 104 & id == 49501 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 104 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 104 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 104 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "EXON" if congress == 104 & id == 14704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, B" if congress == 104 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RI" if congress == 104 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 104 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 104 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SMITH, RO" if congress == 104 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "BRADLEY" if congress == 104 & id == 14702 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 104 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 104 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 104 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "D'AMATO" if congress == 104 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 104 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "FAIRCLOTH" if congress == 104 & id == 49304 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 104 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 104 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 104 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 104 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 104 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 104 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 104 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "HATFIELD" if congress == 104 & id == 11203 replace nameshort = "PACKWOOD" if congress == 104 & id == 12107 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 104 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 104 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 104 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 104 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "PELL" if congress == 104 & id == 10818 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 104 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 104 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 104 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "PRESSLER" if congress == 104 & id == 14268 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 104 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "THOMPSON" if congress == 104 & id == 49503 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PH" if congress == 104 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 104 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 104 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 104 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 104 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 104 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ROBB" if congress == 104 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 104 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "GORTON" if congress == 104 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 104 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROB" if congress == 104 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 104 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 104 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 104 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "SIMPSON" if congress == 104 & id == 14710 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 104 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 105 & id == 99909 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 105 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 105 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 105 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 105 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 105 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 105 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "BUMPERS" if congress == 105 & id == 14300 replace nameshort = "HUTCHINSO" if congress == 105 & id == 29306 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 105 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 105 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 105 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 105 & id == 95407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 105 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 105 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 105 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WIL" if congress == 105 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, B" if congress == 105 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "MACK" if congress == 105 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "CLELAND" if congress == 105 & id == 49701 replace nameshort = "COVERDELL" if congress == 105 & id == 49301 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 105 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 105 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 105 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "KEMPTHORN" if congress == 105 & id == 49302 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 105 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "MOSELEY-B" if congress == 105 & id == 49303 replace nameshort = "COATS" if congress == 105 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 105 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 105 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 105 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 105 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 105 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "FORD, WEN" if congress == 105 & id == 14302 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 105 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 105 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 105 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 105 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 105 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 105 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 105 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY," if congress == 105 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JO" if congress == 105 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "ABRAHAM" if congress == 105 & id == 49500 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CA" if congress == 105 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "GRAMS" if congress == 105 & id == 29367 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 105 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 105 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 105 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "ASHCROFT" if congress == 105 & id == 49501 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 105 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 105 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 105 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 105 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, B" if congress == 105 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RI" if congress == 105 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 105 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 105 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SMITH, RO" if congress == 105 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBER" if congress == 105 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "TORRICELL" if congress == 105 & id == 15071 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 105 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 105 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "D'AMATO" if congress == 105 & id == 14900 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 105 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "FAIRCLOTH" if congress == 105 & id == 49304 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 105 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 105 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 105 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 105 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "GLENN" if congress == 105 & id == 14304 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 105 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "NICKLES," if congress == 105 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "SMITH, GO" if congress == 105 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 105 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 105 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 105 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 105 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 105 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 105 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 105 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 105 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 105 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 105 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "THOMPSON" if congress == 105 & id == 49503 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PH" if congress == 105 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 105 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 105 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 105 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 105 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 105 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ROBB" if congress == 105 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 105 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "GORTON" if congress == 105 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 105 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROB" if congress == 105 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELL" if congress == 105 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 105 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 105 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 105 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 105 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 106 & id == 99909 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 106 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 106 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 106 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 106 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 106 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 106 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "HUTCHINSON," if congress == 106 & id == 29306 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 106 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 106 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 106 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 106 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 106 & id == 95407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 106 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 106 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 106 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "ROTH, WILLI" if congress == 106 & id == 11044 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 106 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "MACK" if congress == 106 & id == 15037 replace nameshort = "CLELAND" if congress == 106 & id == 49701 replace nameshort = "COVERDELL" if congress == 106 & id == 49301 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 106 & id == 49904 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 106 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 106 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 106 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 106 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 106 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "FITZGERALD" if congress == 106 & id == 49900 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 106 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 106 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 106 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 106 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 106 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 106 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 106 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 106 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 106 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 106 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 106 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 106 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 106 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 106 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY, ED" if congress == 106 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JOHN" if congress == 106 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "ABRAHAM" if congress == 106 & id == 49500 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CARL" if congress == 106 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "GRAMS" if congress == 106 & id == 29367 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 106 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 106 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 106 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "ASHCROFT" if congress == 106 & id == 49501 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 106 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 106 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 106 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 106 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "KERREY, BOB" if congress == 106 & id == 15702 replace nameshort = "BRYAN, RICH" if congress == 106 & id == 15700 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 106 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 106 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SMITH, ROBE" if congress == 106 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 106 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "TORRICELLI" if congress == 106 & id == 15071 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 106 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 106 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "MOYNIHAN" if congress == 106 & id == 14508 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 106 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "EDWARDS" if congress == 106 & id == 49902 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 106 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 106 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 106 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 106 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 106 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 106 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "NICKLES, DO" if congress == 106 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "SMITH, GORD" if congress == 106 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 106 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 106 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 106 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 106 & id == 14500 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 106 & id == 49905 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 106 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 106 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 106 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 106 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 106 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 106 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "THOMPSON" if congress == 106 & id == 49503 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PHIL" if congress == 106 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON," if congress == 106 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 106 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 106 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 106 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 106 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ROBB" if congress == 106 & id == 15705 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 106 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "GORTON" if congress == 106 & id == 14904 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 106 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROBER" if congress == 106 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 106 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 106 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 106 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 106 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 106 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 107 & id == 99910 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 107 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 107 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 107 & id == 14907 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 107 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 107 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 107 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "HUTCHINSON," if congress == 107 & id == 29306 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 107 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 107 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 107 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 107 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 107 & id == 95407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 107 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 107 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 107 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 107 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 107 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "NELSON, CLA" if congress == 107 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CLELAND" if congress == 107 & id == 49701 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 107 & id == 49904 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 107 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 107 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 107 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 107 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 107 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "FITZGERALD" if congress == 107 & id == 49900 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 107 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 107 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 107 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 107 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 107 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 107 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 107 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 107 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 107 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 107 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 107 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 107 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 107 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 107 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY, ED" if congress == 107 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY, JOHN" if congress == 107 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 107 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN, CARL" if congress == 107 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "DAYTON" if congress == 107 & id == 40101 replace nameshort = "WELLSTONE" if congress == 107 & id == 49101 replace nameshort = "BARKLEY" if congress == 107 & id == 40106 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 107 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 107 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "CARNAHAN" if congress == 107 & id == 40102 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 107 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 107 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 107 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 107 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 107 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 107 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 107 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 107 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SMITH, ROBE" if congress == 107 & id == 15116 replace nameshort = "CORZINE" if congress == 107 & id == 40104 replace nameshort = "TORRICELLI" if congress == 107 & id == 15071 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 107 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 107 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 107 & id == 40105 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 107 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "EDWARDS" if congress == 107 & id == 49902 replace nameshort = "HELMS" if congress == 107 & id == 14105 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 107 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 107 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 107 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 107 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 107 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "NICKLES, DO" if congress == 107 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "SMITH, GORD" if congress == 107 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 107 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 107 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 107 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 107 & id == 49905 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 107 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 107 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if congress == 107 & id == 9369 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 107 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 107 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 107 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "THOMPSON" if congress == 107 & id == 49503 replace nameshort = "GRAMM, PHIL" if congress == 107 & id == 14628 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON," if congress == 107 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 107 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 107 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 107 & id == 14240 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 107 & id == 94240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 107 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ALLEN" if congress == 107 & id == 29148 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 107 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 107 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 107 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD, ROBER" if congress == 107 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 107 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 107 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 107 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 107 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 107 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 108 & id == 99910 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 108 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 108 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 108 & id == 40300 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 108 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 108 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 108 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 108 & id == 40301 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 108 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 108 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 108 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 108 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "CAMPBELL" if congress == 108 & id == 95407 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 108 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 108 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 108 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 108 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 108 & id == 15503 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 108 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CHAMBLISS" if congress == 108 & id == 29512 replace nameshort = "MILLER" if congress == 108 & id == 49904 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 108 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 108 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 108 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 108 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 108 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "FITZGERALD" if congress == 108 & id == 49900 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 108 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 108 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 108 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 108 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 108 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 108 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 108 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 108 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "BREAUX" if congress == 108 & id == 13056 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 108 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 108 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 108 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 108 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 108 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 108 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY" if congress == 108 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 108 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN" if congress == 108 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "DAYTON" if congress == 108 & id == 40101 replace nameshort = "COLEMAN" if congress == 108 & id == 40302 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 108 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 108 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "TALENT" if congress == 108 & id == 29369 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 108 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 108 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 108 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 108 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 108 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 108 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 108 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 108 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SUNUNU" if congress == 108 & id == 29740 replace nameshort = "CORZINE" if congress == 108 & id == 40104 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 108 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 108 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 108 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 108 & id == 40105 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 108 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "EDWARDS" if congress == 108 & id == 49902 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 108 & id == 40303 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 108 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 108 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 108 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 108 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 108 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "NICKLES" if congress == 108 & id == 14908 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 108 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 108 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 108 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 108 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 108 & id == 49905 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 108 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "HOLLINGS" if congress == 108 & id == 11204 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 108 & id == 29566 replace nameshort = "DASCHLE" if congress == 108 & id == 14617 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 108 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 108 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "ALEXANDER" if congress == 108 & id == 40304 replace nameshort = "CORNYN" if congress == 108 & id == 40305 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 108 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 108 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 108 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 108 & id == 94240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 108 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ALLEN" if congress == 108 & id == 29148 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 108 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 108 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 108 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 108 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 108 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 108 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 108 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 108 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 108 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 109 & id == 99910 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 109 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 109 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 109 & id == 40300 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 109 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 109 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 109 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 109 & id == 40301 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 109 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 109 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 109 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 109 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "SALAZAR" if congress == 109 & id == 40500 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 109 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 109 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 109 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 109 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "MARTINEZ" if congress == 109 & id == 40501 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 109 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CHAMBLISS" if congress == 109 & id == 29512 replace nameshort = "ISAKSON" if congress == 109 & id == 29909 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 109 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 109 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 109 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 109 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 109 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "OBAMA" if congress == 109 & id == 40502 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 109 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 109 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 109 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 109 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 109 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 109 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 109 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 109 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "VITTER" if congress == 109 & id == 29918 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 109 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 109 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 109 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 109 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "SARBANES" if congress == 109 & id == 13039 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 109 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY" if congress == 109 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 109 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN" if congress == 109 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "DAYTON" if congress == 109 & id == 40101 replace nameshort = "COLEMAN" if congress == 109 & id == 40302 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 109 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 109 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "TALENT" if congress == 109 & id == 29369 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 109 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 109 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "BURNS" if congress == 109 & id == 15701 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 109 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 109 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 109 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 109 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 109 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SUNUNU" if congress == 109 & id == 29740 replace nameshort = "CORZINE" if congress == 109 & id == 40104 replace nameshort = "MENENDEZ" if congress == 109 & id == 29373 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 109 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 109 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 109 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 109 & id == 40105 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 109 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "BURR" if congress == 109 & id == 29548 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 109 & id == 40303 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 109 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 109 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "DEWINE" if congress == 109 & id == 15020 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 109 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 109 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "COBURN" if congress == 109 & id == 29555 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 109 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 109 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "SANTORUM" if congress == 109 & id == 29141 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 109 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "CHAFEE" if congress == 109 & id == 49905 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 109 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "DEMINT" if congress == 109 & id == 29936 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 109 & id == 29566 replace nameshort = "THUNE" if congress == 109 & id == 29754 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 109 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "FRIST" if congress == 109 & id == 49502 replace nameshort = "ALEXANDER" if congress == 109 & id == 40304 replace nameshort = "CORNYN" if congress == 109 & id == 40305 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 109 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 109 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 109 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "JEFFORDS" if congress == 109 & id == 94240 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 109 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "ALLEN" if congress == 109 & id == 29148 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 109 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 109 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 109 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 109 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 109 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 109 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 109 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 109 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 109 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "BUSH" if congress == 110 & id == 99910 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 110 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 110 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 110 & id == 40300 replace nameshort = "STEVENS" if congress == 110 & id == 12109 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 110 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 110 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 110 & id == 40301 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 110 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 110 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 110 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "ALLARD" if congress == 110 & id == 29108 replace nameshort = "SALAZAR" if congress == 110 & id == 40500 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 110 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "MARTINEZ" if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CHAMBLISS" if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace nameshort = "ISAKSON" if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "CRAIG" if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "OBAMA" if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "VITTER" if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "CARDIN" if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KERRY" if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN" if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "KLOBUCHAR" if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace nameshort = "COLEMAN" if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "LOTT" if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace nameshort = "WICKER" if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace nameshort = "MCCASKILL" if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "TESTER" if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace nameshort = "HAGEL" if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SUNUNU" if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace nameshort = "MENENDEZ" if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "DOMENICI" if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "BURR" if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace nameshort = "DOLE" if congress == 110 & id == 40303 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 110 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 110 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "BROWN" if congress == 110 & id == 29389 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 110 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 110 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "COBURN" if congress == 110 & id == 29555 replace nameshort = "SMITH" if congress == 110 & id == 49705 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 110 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "CASEY" if congress == 110 & id == 40703 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 110 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "WHITEHOUSE" if congress == 110 & id == 40704 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 110 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "DEMINT" if congress == 110 & id == 29936 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 110 & id == 29566 replace nameshort = "THUNE" if congress == 110 & id == 29754 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 110 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "CORKER" if congress == 110 & id == 40705 replace nameshort = "ALEXANDER" if congress == 110 & id == 40304 replace nameshort = "CORNYN" if congress == 110 & id == 40305 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 110 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 110 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 110 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "SANDERS" if congress == 110 & id == 29147 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 110 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WEBB" if congress == 110 & id == 40706 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 110 & id == 14712 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 110 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 110 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 110 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 110 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 110 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 110 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 110 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "THOMAS" if congress == 110 & id == 15633 replace nameshort = "BARRASSO" if congress == 110 & id == 40707 replace nameshort = "OBAMA" if congress == 111 & id == 99911 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSKI" if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace nameshort = "BEGICH" if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace nameshort = "LINCOLN" if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "UDALL" if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace nameshort = "SALAZAR" if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace nameshort = "BENNET" if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace nameshort = "DODD" if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "BIDEN" if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace nameshort = "KAUFMAN" if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace nameshort = "COONS" if congress == 111 & id == 40916 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 111 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "MARTINEZ" if congress == 111 & id == 40501 replace nameshort = "LEMIEUX" if congress == 111 & id == 40911 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 111 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CHAMBLISS" if congress == 111 & id == 29512 replace nameshort = "ISAKSON" if congress == 111 & id == 29909 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 111 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 111 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "RISCH" if congress == 111 & id == 40902 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 111 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 111 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "BURRIS" if congress == 111 & id == 40903 replace nameshort = "KIRK" if congress == 111 & id == 20115 replace nameshort = "BAYH" if congress == 111 & id == 49901 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 111 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 111 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 111 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "BROWNBACK" if congress == 111 & id == 29523 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 111 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "BUNNING" if congress == 111 & id == 15406 replace nameshort = "MCCONNELL" if congress == 111 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "VITTER" if congress == 111 & id == 29918 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 111 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 111 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 111 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 111 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "CARDIN" if congress == 111 & id == 15408 replace nameshort = "KENNEDY" if congress == 111 & id == 10808 replace nameshort = "KIRK" if congress == 111 & id == 40912 replace nameshort = "BROWN" if congress == 111 & id == 40913 replace nameshort = "KERRY" if congress == 111 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 111 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN" if congress == 111 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "KLOBUCHAR" if congress == 111 & id == 40700 replace nameshort = "FRANKEN" if congress == 111 & id == 40904 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "WICKER" if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace nameshort = "MCCASKILL" if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace nameshort = "BOND" if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "TESTER" if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace nameshort = "JOHANNS" if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace nameshort = "NELSON BEN" if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "GREGG" if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace nameshort = "SHAHEEN" if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace nameshort = "MENENDEZ" if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "UDALL" if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace nameshort = "CLINTON" if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace nameshort = "GILLIBRAND" if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "BURR" if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace nameshort = "HAGAN" if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "DORGAN" if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace nameshort = "BROWN" if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace nameshort = "VOINOVICH" if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "COBURN" if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace nameshort = "MERKLEY" if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "CASEY" if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace nameshort = "SPECTER" if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace nameshort = "WHITEHOUSE" if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "DEMINT" if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 111 & id == 29566 replace nameshort = "THUNE" if congress == 111 & id == 29754 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 111 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "CORKER" if congress == 111 & id == 40705 replace nameshort = "ALEXANDER" if congress == 111 & id == 40304 replace nameshort = "CORNYN" if congress == 111 & id == 40305 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 111 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "BENNETT" if congress == 111 & id == 49307 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 111 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "SANDERS" if congress == 111 & id == 29147 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 111 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WEBB" if congress == 111 & id == 40706 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 111 & id == 40909 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 111 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 111 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "BYRD" if congress == 111 & id == 1366 replace nameshort = "GOODWIN" if congress == 111 & id == 40914 replace nameshort = "MANCHIN" if congress == 111 & id == 40915 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 111 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "FEINGOLD" if congress == 111 & id == 49309 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 111 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 111 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "BARRASSO" if congress == 111 & id == 40707 replace nameshort = "OBAMA" if congress == 112 & id == 99911 replace nameshort = "SESSIONS" if congress == 112 & id == 49700 replace nameshort = "SHELBY" if congress == 112 & id == 94659 replace nameshort = "MURKOWSK" if congress == 112 & id == 40300 replace nameshort = "BEGICH" if congress == 112 & id == 40900 replace nameshort = "KYL" if congress == 112 & id == 15429 replace nameshort = "MCCAIN" if congress == 112 & id == 15039 replace nameshort = "PRYOR" if congress == 112 & id == 40301 replace nameshort = "BOOZMAN" if congress == 112 & id == 20101 replace nameshort = "BOXER" if congress == 112 & id == 15011 replace nameshort = "FEINSTEIN" if congress == 112 & id == 49300 replace nameshort = "UDALL" if congress == 112 & id == 29906 replace nameshort = "BENNET" if congress == 112 & id == 40910 replace nameshort = "BLUMENTHAL" if congress == 112 & id == 41101 replace nameshort = "LIEBERMAN" if congress == 112 & id == 15704 replace nameshort = "COONS" if congress == 112 & id == 40916 replace nameshort = "CARPER" if congress == 112 & id == 15015 replace nameshort = "RUBIO" if congress == 112 & id == 41102 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 112 & id == 14651 replace nameshort = "CHAMBLIS" if congress == 112 & id == 29512 replace nameshort = "ISAKSON" if congress == 112 & id == 29909 replace nameshort = "AKAKA" if congress == 112 & id == 14400 replace nameshort = "INOUYE" if congress == 112 & id == 4812 replace nameshort = "SCHATZ" if congress == 112 & id == 41112 replace nameshort = "RISCH" if congress == 112 & id == 40902 replace nameshort = "CRAPO" if congress == 112 & id == 29345 replace nameshort = "DURBIN" if congress == 112 & id == 15021 replace nameshort = "KIRK" if congress == 112 & id == 20115 replace nameshort = "COATS" if congress == 112 & id == 14806 replace nameshort = "LUGAR" if congress == 112 & id == 14506 replace nameshort = "GRASSLEY" if congress == 112 & id == 14226 replace nameshort = "HARKIN" if congress == 112 & id == 14230 replace nameshort = "MORAN" if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace nameshort = "ROBERTS" if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace nameshort = "PAUL" if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace nameshort = "MCCONNEL" if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace nameshort = "VITTER" if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace nameshort = "LANDRIEU" if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace nameshort = "COLLINS" if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace nameshort = "SNOWE" if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace nameshort = "MIKULSKI" if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace nameshort = "CARDIN" if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace nameshort = "BROWN" if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace nameshort = "KERRY" if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace nameshort = "STABENOW" if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace nameshort = "LEVIN" if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace nameshort = "KLOBUCHA" if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace nameshort = "FRANKEN" if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace nameshort = "COCHRAN" if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace nameshort = "WICKER" if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace nameshort = "MCCASKIL" if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace nameshort = "BLUNT" if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace nameshort = "BAUCUS" if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace nameshort = "TESTER" if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace nameshort = "JOHANNS" if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace nameshort = "NELSON" if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace nameshort = "ENSIGN" if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace nameshort = "HELLER" if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace nameshort = "REID" if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace nameshort = "AYOTTE" if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace nameshort = "SHAHEEN" if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace nameshort = "MENENDEZ" if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace nameshort = "LAUTENBERG" if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace nameshort = "BINGAMAN" if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace nameshort = "UDALL" if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace nameshort = "GILLIBRAND" if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace nameshort = "SCHUMER" if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace nameshort = "BURR" if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace nameshort = "HAGAN" if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace nameshort = "CONRAD" if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace nameshort = "HOEVEN" if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace nameshort = "BROWN" if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace nameshort = "PORTMAN" if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace nameshort = "INHOFE" if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace nameshort = "COBURN" if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace nameshort = "MERKLEY" if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace nameshort = "WYDEN" if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace nameshort = "CASEY" if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace nameshort = "TOOMEY" if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace nameshort = "WHITEHOUSE" if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace nameshort = "REED" if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace nameshort = "DEMINT" if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace nameshort = "GRAHAM" if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace nameshort = "THUNE" if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace nameshort = "CORKER" if congress == 112 & id == 40705 replace nameshort = "ALEXANDER" if congress == 112 & id == 40304 replace nameshort = "CORNYN" if congress == 112 & id == 40305 replace nameshort = "HUTCHISON" if congress == 112 & id == 49306 replace nameshort = "LEE" if congress == 112 & id == 41110 replace nameshort = "HATCH" if congress == 112 & id == 14503 replace nameshort = "SANDERS" if congress == 112 & id == 29147 replace nameshort = "LEAHY" if congress == 112 & id == 14307 replace nameshort = "WEBB" if congress == 112 & id == 40706 replace nameshort = "WARNER" if congress == 112 & id == 40909 replace nameshort = "CANTWELL" if congress == 112 & id == 39310 replace nameshort = "MURRAY" if congress == 112 & id == 49308 replace nameshort = "MANCHIN" if congress == 112 & id == 40915 replace nameshort = "ROCKEFELLER" if congress == 112 & id == 14922 replace nameshort = "JOHNSON" if congress == 112 & id == 41111 replace nameshort = "KOHL" if congress == 112 & id == 15703 replace nameshort = "ENZI" if congress == 112 & id == 49706 replace nameshort = "BARRASSO" if congress == 112 & id == 40707 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 82 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 82 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 82 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "MCFARLAND, ERNEST WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 6242 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 82 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "NIXON, RICHARD MILHOUS" if congress == 82 & id == 6939 replace namelong = "KNOWLAND, WILLIAM FIFE" if congress == 82 & id == 5343 replace namelong = "MILLIKIN, EUGENE DONALD" if congress == 82 & id == 6525 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, EDWIN CARL" if congress == 82 & id == 4949 replace namelong = "BENTON, WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 659 replace namelong = "MCMAHON, JAMES O@BRIEN" if congress == 82 & id == 6346 replace namelong = "FREAR, JOSEPH ALLEN JR." if congress == 82 & id == 3349 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 82 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 82 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 82 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "GEORGE, WALTER FRANKLIN" if congress == 82 & id == 3536 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 82 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "WELKER, HERMAN" if congress == 82 & id == 9930 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 82 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 82 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 82 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "JENNER, WILLIAM EZRA" if congress == 82 & id == 4922 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 82 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 82 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "GILLETTE, GUY MARK" if congress == 82 & id == 3603 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 82 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 82 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "CLEMENTS, EARLE C." if congress == 82 & id == 1831 replace namelong = "CHAPMAN, VIRGIL MUNDAY" if congress == 82 & id == 1659 replace namelong = "UNDERWOOD, THOMAS RUST" if congress == 82 & id == 9561 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 82 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 82 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 82 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BREWSTER, RALPH OWEN" if congress == 82 & id == 1021 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 82 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "O'CONOR, HERBERT" if congress == 82 & id == 7020 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 82 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "LODGE, HENRY CABOT JR." if congress == 82 & id == 5739 replace namelong = "FERGUSON, HOMER" if congress == 82 & id == 3110 replace namelong = "VANDENBERG, ARTHUR HENDRI" if congress == 82 & id == 9604 replace namelong = "MOODY, ARTHUR EDSON BLAIR" if congress == 82 & id == 6613 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 82 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "THYE, EDWARD JOHN" if congress == 82 & id == 9374 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 82 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 82 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "KEM, JAMES PRESTON" if congress == 82 & id == 5158 replace namelong = "HENNINGS, THOMAS CAREY JR" if congress == 82 & id == 4328 replace namelong = "ECTON, ZALES MELSON" if congress == 82 & id == 2838 replace namelong = "MURRAY, JAMES EDWARD" if congress == 82 & id == 6820 replace namelong = "BUTLER, HUGH ALFRED" if congress == 82 & id == 1338 replace namelong = "WHERRY, KENNETH SPICER" if congress == 82 & id == 9998 replace namelong = "SEATON, FREDERICK ANDREW" if congress == 82 & id == 8337 replace namelong = "MALONE, GEORGE WILSON" if congress == 82 & id == 5944 replace namelong = "MCCARRAN, PATRICK ANTHONY" if congress == 82 & id == 6132 replace namelong = "TOBEY, CHARLES WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 9401 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 82 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "SMITH, HOWARD ALEXANDER" if congress == 82 & id == 8635 replace namelong = "HENDRICKSON, ROBERT CLYME" if congress == 82 & id == 4321 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 82 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 82 & id == 165 replace namelong = "LEHMAN, HERBERT HENRY" if congress == 82 & id == 5591 replace namelong = "IVES, IRVING MCNEIL" if congress == 82 & id == 4834 replace namelong = "SMITH, WILLIS" if congress == 82 & id == 8708 replace namelong = "HOEY, CLYDE ROARK" if congress == 82 & id == 4483 replace namelong = "LANGER, WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 5452 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 82 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "TAFT, ROBERT ALPHONSO" if congress == 82 & id == 9152 replace namelong = "BRICKER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 1024 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 82 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 82 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "CORDON, GUY" if congress == 82 & id == 2066 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 82 & id == 96738 replace namelong = "DUFF, JAMES HENDERSON" if congress == 82 & id == 2745 replace namelong = "MARTIN, EDWARD" if congress == 82 & id == 6021 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 82 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "GREEN, THEODORE FRANCIS" if congress == 82 & id == 3783 replace namelong = "MAYBANK, BURNET RHETT" if congress == 82 & id == 6107 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 82 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 82 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 82 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 82 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "MCKELLAR, KENNETH DOUGLAS" if congress == 82 & id == 6293 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES" if congress == 82 & id == 4979 replace namelong = "CONNALLY, THOMAS TERRY%TO" if congress == 82 & id == 1986 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 82 & id == 645 replace namelong = "WATKINS, ARTHUR VIVIAN" if congress == 82 & id == 9865 replace namelong = "FLANDERS, RALPH EDWARD" if congress == 82 & id == 3206 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 82 & id == 52 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 82 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 82 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "CAIN, HARRY PULLIAM" if congress == 82 & id == 1395 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 82 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "NEELY, MATTHEW MANSFIELD" if congress == 82 & id == 6856 replace namelong = "KILGORE, HARLEY MARTIN" if congress == 82 & id == 5240 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 82 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, JOSEPH RAYMOND" if congress == 82 & id == 6137 replace namelong = "HUNT, LESTER CALLAWAY" if congress == 82 & id == 4747 replace namelong = "O'MAHONEY, JOSEPH" if congress == 82 & id == 7070 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 83 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 83 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 83 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 83 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 83 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 83 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "KNOWLAND, WILLIAM FIFE" if congress == 83 & id == 5343 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 83 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "MILLIKIN, EUGENE DONALD" if congress == 83 & id == 6525 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, EDWIN CARL" if congress == 83 & id == 4949 replace namelong = "PURTELL, WILLIAM ARTHUR" if congress == 83 & id == 7656 replace namelong = "BUSH, PRESCOTT SHELDON" if congress == 83 & id == 1329 replace namelong = "FREAR, JOSEPH ALLEN JR." if congress == 83 & id == 3349 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 83 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 83 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 83 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "GEORGE, WALTER FRANKLIN" if congress == 83 & id == 3536 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 83 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 83 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "WELKER, HERMAN" if congress == 83 & id == 9930 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 83 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 83 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 83 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "JENNER, WILLIAM EZRA" if congress == 83 & id == 4922 replace namelong = "GILLETTE, GUY MARK" if congress == 83 & id == 3603 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 83 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 83 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 83 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 83 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "CLEMENTS, EARLE C." if congress == 83 & id == 1831 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 83 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 83 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 83 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "PAYNE, FREDERICK GEORGE" if congress == 83 & id == 7271 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 83 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 83 & id == 546 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 83 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD" if congress == 83 & id == 5180 replace namelong = "FERGUSON, HOMER" if congress == 83 & id == 3110 replace namelong = "POTTER, CHARLES EDWARD" if congress == 83 & id == 7551 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 83 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "THYE, EDWARD JOHN" if congress == 83 & id == 9374 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 83 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 83 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 83 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "HENNINGS, THOMAS CAREY JR" if congress == 83 & id == 4328 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 83 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "MURRAY, JAMES EDWARD" if congress == 83 & id == 6820 replace namelong = "GRISWOLD, DWIGHT PALMER" if congress == 83 & id == 3839 replace namelong = "BUTLER, HUGH ALFRED" if congress == 83 & id == 1338 replace namelong = "BOWRING, EVA KELLY" if congress == 83 & id == 923 replace namelong = "REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAMS" if congress == 83 & id == 7837 replace namelong = "ABEL, HAZEL HEMPEL" if congress == 83 & id == 9 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 83 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "MALONE, GEORGE WILSON" if congress == 83 & id == 5944 replace namelong = "MCCARRAN, PATRICK ANTHONY" if congress == 83 & id == 6132 replace namelong = "BROWN, ERNEST S" if congress == 83 & id == 1106 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 83 & id == 688 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 83 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "TOBEY, CHARLES WILLIAM" if congress == 83 & id == 9401 replace namelong = "UPTON, ROBERT WILLIAM" if congress == 83 & id == 9576 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 83 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "SMITH, HOWARD ALEXANDER" if congress == 83 & id == 8635 replace namelong = "HENDRICKSON, ROBERT CLYME" if congress == 83 & id == 4321 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 83 & id == 165 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 83 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "LEHMAN, HERBERT HENRY" if congress == 83 & id == 5591 replace namelong = "IVES, IRVING MCNEIL" if congress == 83 & id == 4834 replace namelong = "SMITH, WILLIS" if congress == 83 & id == 8708 replace namelong = "HOEY, CLYDE ROARK" if congress == 83 & id == 4483 replace namelong = "LENNON, ALTON ASA" if congress == 83 & id == 5606 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 83 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM KERR" if congress == 83 & id == 8313 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 83 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LANGER, WILLIAM" if congress == 83 & id == 5452 replace namelong = "BRICKER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 83 & id == 1024 replace namelong = "TAFT, ROBERT ALPHONSO" if congress == 83 & id == 9152 replace namelong = "BURKE, THOMAS A." if congress == 83 & id == 1272 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 83 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 83 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "CORDON, GUY" if congress == 83 & id == 2066 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 83 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "MARTIN, EDWARD" if congress == 83 & id == 6021 replace namelong = "DUFF, JAMES HENDERSON" if congress == 83 & id == 2745 replace namelong = "GREEN, THEODORE FRANCIS" if congress == 83 & id == 3783 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 83 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 83 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "MAYBANK, BURNET RHETT" if congress == 83 & id == 6107 replace namelong = "DANIEL, CHARLES EZRA" if congress == 83 & id == 2322 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 83 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 83 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 83 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 83 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES" if congress == 83 & id == 4979 replace namelong = "DANIEL, PRICE MARION" if congress == 83 & id == 2326 replace namelong = "WATKINS, ARTHUR VIVIAN" if congress == 83 & id == 9865 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 83 & id == 645 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 83 & id == 52 replace namelong = "FLANDERS, RALPH EDWARD" if congress == 83 & id == 3206 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 83 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 83 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 83 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 83 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "NEELY, MATTHEW MANSFIELD" if congress == 83 & id == 6856 replace namelong = "KILGORE, HARLEY MARTIN" if congress == 83 & id == 5240 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 83 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, JOSEPH RAYMOND" if congress == 83 & id == 6137 replace namelong = "BARRETT, FRANK A." if congress == 83 & id == 464 replace namelong = "HUNT, LESTER CALLAWAY" if congress == 83 & id == 4747 replace namelong = "CRIPPA, EDWARD DAVID" if congress == 83 & id == 2175 replace namelong = "O'MAHONEY, JOSEPH" if congress == 83 & id == 7070 replace namelong = "" if congress == 84 & id == 99901 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 84 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 84 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 84 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 84 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 84 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 84 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "KNOWLAND, WILLIAM FIFE" if congress == 84 & id == 5343 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 84 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 84 & id == 142 replace namelong = "MILLIKIN, EUGENE DONALD" if congress == 84 & id == 6525 replace namelong = "PURTELL, WILLIAM ARTHUR" if congress == 84 & id == 7656 replace namelong = "BUSH, PRESCOTT SHELDON" if congress == 84 & id == 1329 replace namelong = "FREAR, JOSEPH ALLEN JR." if congress == 84 & id == 3349 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 84 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 84 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 84 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "GEORGE, WALTER FRANKLIN" if congress == 84 & id == 3536 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 84 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 84 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "WELKER, HERMAN" if congress == 84 & id == 9930 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 84 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 84 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 84 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "JENNER, WILLIAM EZRA" if congress == 84 & id == 4922 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 84 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "MARTIN, THOMAS ELLSWORTH" if congress == 84 & id == 6039 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 84 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 84 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "CLEMENTS, EARLE C." if congress == 84 & id == 1831 replace namelong = "BARKLEY, ALBEN WILLIAM" if congress == 84 & id == 437 replace namelong = "HUMPHREYS, ROBERT" if congress == 84 & id == 4737 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 84 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 84 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "PAYNE, FREDERICK GEORGE" if congress == 84 & id == 7271 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 84 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 84 & id == 546 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 84 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 84 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD" if congress == 84 & id == 5180 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 84 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "POTTER, CHARLES EDWARD" if congress == 84 & id == 7551 replace namelong = "THYE, EDWARD JOHN" if congress == 84 & id == 9374 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 84 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 84 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 84 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "HENNINGS, THOMAS CAREY JR" if congress == 84 & id == 4328 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 84 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "MURRAY, JAMES EDWARD" if congress == 84 & id == 6820 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 84 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 84 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 84 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "MALONE, GEORGE WILSON" if congress == 84 & id == 5944 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 84 & id == 688 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 84 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 84 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "SMITH, HOWARD ALEXANDER" if congress == 84 & id == 8635 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 84 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 84 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 84 & id == 165 replace namelong = "LEHMAN, HERBERT HENRY" if congress == 84 & id == 5591 replace namelong = "IVES, IRVING MCNEIL" if congress == 84 & id == 4834 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 84 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM KERR" if congress == 84 & id == 8313 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 84 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LANGER, WILLIAM" if congress == 84 & id == 5452 replace namelong = "BRICKER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 84 & id == 1024 replace namelong = "BENDER, GEORGE HARRISON" if congress == 84 & id == 621 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 84 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 84 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 84 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, RICHARD LEWIS" if congress == 84 & id == 6882 replace namelong = "MARTIN, EDWARD" if congress == 84 & id == 6021 replace namelong = "DUFF, JAMES HENDERSON" if congress == 84 & id == 2745 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 84 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "GREEN, THEODORE FRANCIS" if congress == 84 & id == 3783 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 84 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 84 & id == 99369 replace namelong = "WOFFORD, THOMAS ALBERT" if congress == 84 & id == 10301 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 84 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 84 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 84 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 84 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "DANIEL, PRICE MARION" if congress == 84 & id == 2326 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES" if congress == 84 & id == 4979 replace namelong = "WATKINS, ARTHUR VIVIAN" if congress == 84 & id == 9865 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 84 & id == 645 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 84 & id == 52 replace namelong = "FLANDERS, RALPH EDWARD" if congress == 84 & id == 3206 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 84 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 84 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 84 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 84 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "NEELY, MATTHEW MANSFIELD" if congress == 84 & id == 6856 replace namelong = "KILGORE, HARLEY MARTIN" if congress == 84 & id == 5240 replace namelong = "LAIRD, WILLIAM RAMSEY 3D" if congress == 84 & id == 5411 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, JOSEPH RAYMOND" if congress == 84 & id == 6137 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 84 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "BARRETT, FRANK A." if congress == 84 & id == 464 replace namelong = "O'MAHONEY, JOSEPH" if congress == 84 & id == 7070 replace namelong = "" if congress == 85 & id == 99901 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 85 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 85 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 85 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 85 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 85 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 85 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 85 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "KNOWLAND, WILLIAM FIFE" if congress == 85 & id == 5343 replace namelong = "CARROLL, JOHN ALBERT" if congress == 85 & id == 1540 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 85 & id == 142 replace namelong = "BUSH, PRESCOTT SHELDON" if congress == 85 & id == 1329 replace namelong = "PURTELL, WILLIAM ARTHUR" if congress == 85 & id == 7656 replace namelong = "FREAR, JOSEPH ALLEN JR." if congress == 85 & id == 3349 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 85 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 85 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 85 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 85 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 85 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 85 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 85 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 85 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 85 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "JENNER, WILLIAM EZRA" if congress == 85 & id == 4922 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 85 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 85 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "MARTIN, THOMAS ELLSWORTH" if congress == 85 & id == 6039 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 85 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 85 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 85 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 85 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 85 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 85 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "PAYNE, FREDERICK GEORGE" if congress == 85 & id == 7271 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 85 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 85 & id == 546 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 85 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 85 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD" if congress == 85 & id == 5180 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 85 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "POTTER, CHARLES EDWARD" if congress == 85 & id == 7551 replace namelong = "THYE, EDWARD JOHN" if congress == 85 & id == 9374 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 85 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 85 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 85 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "HENNINGS, THOMAS CAREY JR" if congress == 85 & id == 4328 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 85 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "MURRAY, JAMES EDWARD" if congress == 85 & id == 6820 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 85 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 85 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 85 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "MALONE, GEORGE WILSON" if congress == 85 & id == 5944 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 85 & id == 688 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 85 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 85 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 85 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "SMITH, HOWARD ALEXANDER" if congress == 85 & id == 8635 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 85 & id == 165 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 85 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "IVES, IRVING MCNEIL" if congress == 85 & id == 4834 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 85 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 85 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM KERR" if congress == 85 & id == 8313 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 85 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 85 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LANGER, WILLIAM" if congress == 85 & id == 5452 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 85 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "BRICKER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 85 & id == 1024 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 85 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 85 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, RICHARD LEWIS" if congress == 85 & id == 6882 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 85 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "MARTIN, EDWARD" if congress == 85 & id == 6021 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 85 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "GREEN, THEODORE FRANCIS" if congress == 85 & id == 3783 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 85 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 85 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 85 & id == 99369 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 85 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 85 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 85 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 85 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES" if congress == 85 & id == 4979 replace namelong = "DANIEL, PRICE MARION" if congress == 85 & id == 2326 replace namelong = "BLAKLEY, WILLIAM A." if congress == 85 & id == 777 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 85 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 85 & id == 645 replace namelong = "WATKINS, ARTHUR VIVIAN" if congress == 85 & id == 9865 replace namelong = "FLANDERS, RALPH EDWARD" if congress == 85 & id == 3206 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 85 & id == 52 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 85 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 85 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 85 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 85 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "REVERCOMB, WILLIAM CHAPMA" if congress == 85 & id == 7826 replace namelong = "NEELY, MATTHEW MANSFIELD" if congress == 85 & id == 6856 replace namelong = "HOBLITZELL, JOHN DEMPSEY" if congress == 85 & id == 4473 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 85 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, JOSEPH RAYMOND" if congress == 85 & id == 6137 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 85 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "O'MAHONEY, JOSEPH" if congress == 85 & id == 7070 replace namelong = "BARRETT, FRANK A." if congress == 85 & id == 464 replace namelong = "" if congress == 86 & id == 99901 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 86 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 86 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "GRUENING, ERNEST" if congress == 86 & id == 3864 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, EDWARD LEWIS" if congress == 86 & id == 486 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 86 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 86 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 86 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 86 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "ENGLE, CLAIR" if congress == 86 & id == 2965 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 86 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "CARROLL, JOHN ALBERT" if congress == 86 & id == 1540 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 86 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 86 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "BUSH, PRESCOTT SHELDON" if congress == 86 & id == 1329 replace namelong = "FREAR, JOSEPH ALLEN JR." if congress == 86 & id == 3349 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 86 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 86 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 86 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 86 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 86 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "LONG, OREN ETHELBIRT" if congress == 86 & id == 5764 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 86 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 86 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 86 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 86 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 86 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 86 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 86 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 86 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "MARTIN, THOMAS ELLSWORTH" if congress == 86 & id == 6039 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 86 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 86 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 86 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 86 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 86 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 86 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 86 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 86 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 86 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 86 & id == 546 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD" if congress == 86 & id == 5180 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 86 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 86 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 86 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 86 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 86 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 86 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 86 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "HENNINGS, THOMAS CAREY JR" if congress == 86 & id == 4328 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 86 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 86 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "MURRAY, JAMES EDWARD" if congress == 86 & id == 6820 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 86 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 86 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 86 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 86 & id == 688 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 86 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 86 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 86 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 86 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 86 & id == 165 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 86 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 86 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "KEATING, KENNETH BARNARD" if congress == 86 & id == 5116 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 86 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 86 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 86 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LANGER, WILLIAM" if congress == 86 & id == 5452 replace namelong = "BRUNSDALE, CLARENCE NORMA" if congress == 86 & id == 1167 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 86 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 86 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 86 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 86 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 86 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 86 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, RICHARD LEWIS" if congress == 86 & id == 6882 replace namelong = "LUSK, HALL STONER" if congress == 86 & id == 5843 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 86 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 86 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 86 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "GREEN, THEODORE FRANCIS" if congress == 86 & id == 3783 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 86 & id == 99369 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 86 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 86 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 86 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 86 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 86 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES" if congress == 86 & id == 4979 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 86 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 86 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 86 & id == 645 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 86 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 86 & id == 52 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 86 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 86 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 86 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 86 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 86 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 86 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 86 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 86 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "O'MAHONEY, JOSEPH" if congress == 86 & id == 7070 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 86 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 87 & id == 99902 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 87 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 87 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "GRUENING, ERNEST" if congress == 87 & id == 3864 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, EDWARD LEWIS" if congress == 87 & id == 486 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 87 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 87 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 87 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 87 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "ENGLE, CLAIR" if congress == 87 & id == 2965 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 87 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "CARROLL, JOHN ALBERT" if congress == 87 & id == 1540 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 87 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 87 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "BUSH, PRESCOTT SHELDON" if congress == 87 & id == 1329 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 87 & id == 823 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 87 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 87 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 87 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 87 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 87 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "LONG, OREN ETHELBIRT" if congress == 87 & id == 5764 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 87 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 87 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "DWORSHAK, HENRY CLARENCE" if congress == 87 & id == 2803 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 87 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 87 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 87 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 87 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "CAPEHART, HOMER EARL" if congress == 87 & id == 1489 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 87 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 87 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 87 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW FRANK" if congress == 87 & id == 8270 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 87 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 87 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 87 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 87 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 87 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 87 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 87 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 87 & id == 546 replace namelong = "BUTLER, JOHN MARSHALL" if congress == 87 & id == 1341 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 87 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "SMITH, BENJAMIN II" if congress == 87 & id == 10822 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 87 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 87 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 87 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 87 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 87 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 87 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 87 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "LONG, EDWARD VAUGHN" if congress == 87 & id == 5756 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 87 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 87 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 87 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 87 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 87 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 87 & id == 688 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 87 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "BRIDGES, HENRY STYLES" if congress == 87 & id == 1027 replace namelong = "MURPHY, MAURICE J." if congress == 87 & id == 10815 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 87 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 87 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 87 & id == 165 replace namelong = "CHAVEZ, DENNIS" if congress == 87 & id == 1678 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 87 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "KEATING, KENNETH BARNARD" if congress == 87 & id == 5116 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 87 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 87 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 87 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 87 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 87 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 87 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "KERR, ROBERT SAMUEL" if congress == 87 & id == 5213 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 87 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 87 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, MAURINE BROWN" if congress == 87 & id == 6881 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 87 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 87 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 87 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 87 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 87 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 87 & id == 99369 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 87 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "CASE, FRANCIS HIGBEE" if congress == 87 & id == 1570 replace namelong = "BOTTUM, JOE H." if congress == 87 & id == 10801 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 87 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 87 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 87 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "BLAKLEY, WILLIAM A." if congress == 87 & id == 777 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 87 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 87 & id == 645 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 87 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 87 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 87 & id == 52 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 87 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 87 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 87 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 87 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 87 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 87 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 87 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "WILEY, ALEXANDER" if congress == 87 & id == 10110 replace namelong = "HICKEY, J. J." if congress == 87 & id == 10806 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 87 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 88 & id == 99902 replace namelong = "" if congress == 88 & id == 99903 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 88 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 88 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "GRUENING, ERNEST" if congress == 88 & id == 3864 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, EDWARD LEWIS" if congress == 88 & id == 486 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 88 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 88 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 88 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 88 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 88 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "ENGLE, CLAIR" if congress == 88 & id == 2965 replace namelong = "SALINGER, PIERRE" if congress == 88 & id == 10821 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 88 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 88 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 88 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 88 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 88 & id == 823 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 88 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 88 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 88 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 88 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 88 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 88 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 88 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 88 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 88 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 88 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 88 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 88 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 88 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 88 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 88 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 88 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 88 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 88 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 88 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 88 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 88 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 88 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 88 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BREWSTER, DANIEL BAUGH" if congress == 88 & id == 1018 replace namelong = "BEALL, JAMES GLENN" if congress == 88 & id == 546 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 88 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 88 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 88 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 88 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 88 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 88 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 88 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 88 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "LONG, EDWARD VAUGHN" if congress == 88 & id == 5756 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 88 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 88 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 88 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 88 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 88 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 88 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 88 & id == 688 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 88 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 88 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 88 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 88 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 88 & id == 165 replace namelong = "MECHEM, EDWIN L." if congress == 88 & id == 10811 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 88 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "KEATING, KENNETH BARNARD" if congress == 88 & id == 5116 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 88 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 88 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 88 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 88 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 88 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 88 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 88 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "EDMONDSON, J. HOWARD" if congress == 88 & id == 10803 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 88 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, MAURINE BROWN" if congress == 88 & id == 6881 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 88 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 88 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 88 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 88 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 88 & id == 99369 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 88 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 88 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 88 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 88 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "KEFAUVER, CAREY ESTES" if congress == 88 & id == 5122 replace namelong = "WALTERS, HERBERT" if congress == 88 & id == 10825 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 88 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 88 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 88 & id == 645 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 88 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 88 & id == 52 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 88 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 88 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 88 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 88 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 88 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 88 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 88 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 88 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 88 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, MILWARD" if congress == 88 & id == 10820 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 88 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 89 & id == 99903 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 89 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 89 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "GRUENING, ERNEST" if congress == 89 & id == 3864 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, EDWARD LEWIS" if congress == 89 & id == 486 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 89 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 89 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 89 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 89 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 89 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "MURPHY, GEORGE" if congress == 89 & id == 10814 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 89 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 89 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 89 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 89 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 89 & id == 823 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 89 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 89 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 89 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 89 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 89 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 89 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 89 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 89 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 89 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 89 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD" if congress == 89 & id == 2691 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 89 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 89 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 89 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 89 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 89 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 89 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 89 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 89 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 89 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 89 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 89 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 89 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "TYDINGS, JOSEPH" if congress == 89 & id == 10824 replace namelong = "BREWSTER, DANIEL BAUGH" if congress == 89 & id == 1018 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 89 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT -MA" if congress == 89 & id == 8185 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 89 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MCNAMARA, PATRICK VINCENT" if congress == 89 & id == 6366 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 89 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 89 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 89 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 89 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 89 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 89 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "LONG, EDWARD VAUGHN" if congress == 89 & id == 5756 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 89 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 89 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 89 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 89 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 89 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 89 & id == 688 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 89 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 89 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 89 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 89 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 89 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 89 & id == 165 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, ROBERT F." if congress == 89 & id == 10809 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 89 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 89 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 89 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 89 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 89 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 89 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 89 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 89 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "HARRIS, FRED R." if congress == 89 & id == 10805 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 89 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "NEUBERGER, MAURINE BROWN" if congress == 89 & id == 6881 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 89 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 89 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 89 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 89 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 89 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, OLIN DEWITT TAL" if congress == 89 & id == 5009 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, DONALD" if congress == 89 & id == 10819 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 89 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 89 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 89 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "BASS, ROSS" if congress == 89 & id == 504 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 89 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 89 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 89 & id == 645 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 89 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 89 & id == 52 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 89 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "ROBERTSON, A. WILLIS" if congress == 89 & id == 7958 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY FLOOD" if congress == 89 & id == 1365 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 89 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 89 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 89 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 89 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 89 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 89 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 89 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, MILWARD" if congress == 89 & id == 10820 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 89 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 90 & id == 99903 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 90 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "HILL, LISTER" if congress == 90 & id == 4418 replace namelong = "GRUENING, ERNEST" if congress == 90 & id == 3864 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, EDWARD LEWIS" if congress == 90 & id == 486 replace namelong = "HAYDEN, CARL" if congress == 90 & id == 4227 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 90 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 90 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 90 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "KUCHEL, THOMAS HENRY" if congress == 90 & id == 5372 replace namelong = "MURPHY, GEORGE" if congress == 90 & id == 10814 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 90 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 90 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 90 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 90 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 90 & id == 823 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 90 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "SMATHERS, GEORGE ARMISTEA" if congress == 90 & id == 8593 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 90 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 90 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 90 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 90 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 90 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 90 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 90 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 90 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 90 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 90 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 90 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 90 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "HICKENLOOPER, BOURKE BLAK" if congress == 90 & id == 4382 replace namelong = "CARLSON, FRANK" if congress == 90 & id == 1510 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 90 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 90 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "MORTON, THRUSTON BALLARD" if congress == 90 & id == 6745 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 90 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 90 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 90 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 90 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "BREWSTER, DANIEL BAUGH" if congress == 90 & id == 1018 replace namelong = "TYDINGS, JOSEPH" if congress == 90 & id == 10824 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 90 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 90 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 90 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 90 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 90 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 90 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 90 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 90 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 90 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "LONG, EDWARD VAUGHN" if congress == 90 & id == 5756 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 90 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 90 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 90 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 90 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 90 & id == 688 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 90 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 90 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 90 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 90 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 90 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 90 & id == 165 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 90 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 90 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "GOODELL, CHARLES ELLSWORT" if congress == 90 & id == 3670 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, ROBERT F." if congress == 90 & id == 10809 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 90 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 90 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 90 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 90 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 90 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "LAUSCHE, FRANK JOHN" if congress == 90 & id == 5500 replace namelong = "MONRONEY, ALMER STILLWELL" if congress == 90 & id == 6597 replace namelong = "HARRIS, FRED R." if congress == 90 & id == 10805 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if congress == 90 & id == 6738 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 90 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 90 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "CLARK, JOSEPH SILL" if congress == 90 & id == 1776 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 90 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 90 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 90 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 90 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 90 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 90 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 90 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 90 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 90 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 90 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 90 & id == 645 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 90 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 90 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 90 & id == 52 replace namelong = "SPONG, WILLIAM B., JR." if congress == 90 & id == 11206 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 90 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 90 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 90 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 90 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 90 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 90 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 90 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 90 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 90 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 91 & id == 99904 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 91 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "ALLEN, JAMES B." if congress == 91 & id == 12100 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 91 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 91 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 91 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 91 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 91 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 91 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "MURPHY, GEORGE" if congress == 91 & id == 10814 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 91 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 91 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 91 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 91 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "DODD, THOMAS JOSEPH" if congress == 91 & id == 2636 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 91 & id == 823 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 91 & id == 10163 replace namelong = "GURNEY, EDWARD J." if congress == 91 & id == 10593 replace namelong = "HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY" if congress == 91 & id == 4520 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 91 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 91 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 91 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 91 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 91 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 91 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "DIRKSEN, EVERETT MCKINLEY" if congress == 91 & id == 2609 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 91 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "SMITH, RALPH T." if congress == 91 & id == 12110 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 91 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 91 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 91 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "HUGHES, HAROLD E." if congress == 91 & id == 12106 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 91 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 91 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 91 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 91 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "COOK, MARLOW W." if congress == 91 & id == 12102 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 91 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 91 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 91 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 91 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 91 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "TYDINGS, JOSEPH" if congress == 91 & id == 10824 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 91 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 91 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 91 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 91 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MCCARTHY, EUGENE JOSEPH" if congress == 91 & id == 6134 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 91 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 91 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 91 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 91 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 91 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 91 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 91 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 91 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 91 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 91 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 91 & id == 688 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 91 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 91 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 91 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 91 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 91 & id == 165 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 91 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 91 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "GOODELL, CHARLES ELLSWORT" if congress == 91 & id == 3670 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 91 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 91 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 91 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 91 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "SAXBE, WILLIAM B." if congress == 91 & id == 12108 replace namelong = "YOUNG, STEPHEN MARVIN" if congress == 91 & id == 10454 replace namelong = "HARRIS, FRED R." if congress == 91 & id == 10805 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 91 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 91 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 91 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 91 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 91 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 91 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 91 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 91 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 91 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 91 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 91 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 91 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT ARNOLD" if congress == 91 & id == 3704 replace namelong = "YARBOROUGH, RAPLH WEBSTER" if congress == 91 & id == 10414 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 91 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 91 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 91 & id == 645 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 91 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 91 & id == 52 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 91 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "SPONG, WILLIAM B., JR." if congress == 91 & id == 11206 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 91 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 91 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 91 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 91 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 91 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 91 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 91 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 91 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 92 & id == 99904 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 92 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "ALLEN, JAMES B." if congress == 92 & id == 12100 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 92 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 92 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 92 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 92 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 92 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 92 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "TUNNEY, JOHN V." if congress == 92 & id == 10777 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 92 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "ALLOTT, GORDON LLEWELLYN" if congress == 92 & id == 142 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 92 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 92 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 92 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "BOGGS, JAMES CALEB" if congress == 92 & id == 823 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 92 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GURNEY, EDWARD J." if congress == 92 & id == 10593 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 92 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 92 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "RUSSELL, RICHARD BREVARD" if congress == 92 & id == 8138 replace namelong = "GAMBRELL,DAVID H." if congress == 92 & id == 13103 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 92 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 92 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "JORDAN, LEN B." if congress == 92 & id == 10807 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 92 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 92 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 92 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 92 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 92 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "MILLER, JACK" if congress == 92 & id == 10812 replace namelong = "HUGHES, HAROLD E." if congress == 92 & id == 12106 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 92 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 92 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "COOK, MARLOW W." if congress == 92 & id == 12102 replace namelong = "COOPER, JOHN SHERMAN" if congress == 92 & id == 2052 replace namelong = "ELLENDER, ALLEN JOSEPH" if congress == 92 & id == 2901 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 92 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "EDWARDS, ELAINE S." if congress == 92 & id == 13104 replace namelong = "SMITH, MARGARET CHASE" if congress == 92 & id == 8666 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 92 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "BEALL, J. GLENN, JR." if congress == 92 & id == 12002 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 92 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 92 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 92 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 92 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 92 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 92 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 92 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 92 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 92 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 92 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 92 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 92 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 92 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 92 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 92 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 92 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 92 & id == 688 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 92 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 92 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 92 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 92 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, CLINTON PRESBA" if congress == 92 & id == 165 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 92 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 92 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "BUCKLEY, JAMES" if congress == 92 & id == 13100 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 92 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "JORDAN, B. EVERETT" if congress == 92 & id == 5073 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 92 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 92 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "SAXBE, WILLIAM B." if congress == 92 & id == 12108 replace namelong = "TAFT, ROBERT, JR." if congress == 92 & id == 10630 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 92 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "HARRIS, FRED R." if congress == 92 & id == 10805 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 92 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 92 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 92 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 92 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 92 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 92 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 92 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 92 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 92 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "MUNDT, KARL EARL" if congress == 92 & id == 6796 replace namelong = "BROCK, WILLIAM E., III" if congress == 92 & id == 10571 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 92 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 92 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 92 & id == 660 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 92 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 92 & id == 645 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 92 & id == 52 replace namelong = "PROUTY, WINSTON LEWIS" if congress == 92 & id == 7637 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 92 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "SPONG, WILLIAM B., JR." if congress == 92 & id == 11206 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 92 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 92 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 92 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 92 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 92 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 92 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 92 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 92 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 92 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 93 & id == 99904 replace namelong = "" if congress == 93 & id == 99905 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 93 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "ALLEN, JAMES B." if congress == 93 & id == 12100 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 93 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 93 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 93 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 93 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 93 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "FULBRIGHT, JAMES WILLIAM" if congress == 93 & id == 3388 replace namelong = "TUNNEY, JOHN V." if congress == 93 & id == 10777 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 93 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "HASKELL, FLOYD" if congress == 93 & id == 14104 replace namelong = "DOMINICK, PETER H." if congress == 93 & id == 10514 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 93 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 93 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 93 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 93 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GURNEY, EDWARD J." if congress == 93 & id == 10593 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 93 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 93 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 93 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 93 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 93 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 93 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 93 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 93 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 93 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 93 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 93 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "HUGHES, HAROLD E." if congress == 93 & id == 12106 replace namelong = "CLARK, DICK" if congress == 93 & id == 14102 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 93 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 93 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 93 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "COOK, MARLOW W." if congress == 93 & id == 12102 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 93 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 93 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 93 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "HATHAWAY, WILLIAM D." if congress == 93 & id == 10736 replace namelong = "BEALL, J. GLENN, JR." if congress == 93 & id == 12002 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 93 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 93 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 93 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 93 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 93 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 93 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 93 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 93 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 93 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 93 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 93 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 93 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 93 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 93 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 93 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 93 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "BIBLE, ALAN HARVEY" if congress == 93 & id == 688 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 93 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 93 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 93 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 93 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 93 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 93 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 93 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 93 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "BUCKLEY, JAMES" if congress == 93 & id == 13100 replace namelong = "ERVIN, SAMUEL JAMES JR." if congress == 93 & id == 2987 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 93 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 93 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 93 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "TAFT, ROBERT, JR." if congress == 93 & id == 10630 replace namelong = "SAXBE, WILLIAM B." if congress == 93 & id == 12108 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 93 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, DEWEY" if congress == 93 & id == 14100 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 93 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 93 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 93 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 93 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 93 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 93 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 93 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 93 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 93 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "ABOUREZK, JAMES" if congress == 93 & id == 13000 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 93 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 93 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "BROCK, WILLIAM E., III" if congress == 93 & id == 10571 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 93 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 93 & id == 660 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 93 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "BENNETT, WALLACE FOSTER" if congress == 93 & id == 645 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 93 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "AIKEN, GEORGE DAVID" if congress == 93 & id == 52 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM L." if congress == 93 & id == 11048 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 93 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 93 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 93 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 93 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 93 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 93 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 93 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 93 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 93 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "" if congress == 94 & id == 99905 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 94 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "ALLEN, JAMES B." if congress == 94 & id == 12100 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 94 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 94 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "FANNIN, PAUL J." if congress == 94 & id == 10804 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 94 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 94 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 94 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 94 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "TUNNEY, JOHN V." if congress == 94 & id == 10777 replace namelong = "HASKELL, FLOYD" if congress == 94 & id == 14104 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 94 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 94 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 94 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 94 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 94 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "STONE, RICHARD" if congress == 94 & id == 14309 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 94 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 94 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 94 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 94 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "FONG, HIRAM LEONG" if congress == 94 & id == 3255 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 94 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 94 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 94 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 94 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 94 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "HARTKE, RUPERT VANCE" if congress == 94 & id == 4154 replace namelong = "CLARK, DICK" if congress == 94 & id == 14102 replace namelong = "CULVER, JOHN C." if congress == 94 & id == 10715 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 94 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 94 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 94 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 94 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 94 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 94 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 94 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "HATHAWAY, WILLIAM D." if congress == 94 & id == 10736 replace namelong = "BEALL, J. GLENN, JR." if congress == 94 & id == 12002 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 94 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 94 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 94 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "HART, PHILIP A." if congress == 94 & id == 4148 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 94 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "MONDALE, WALTER F." if congress == 94 & id == 10813 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 94 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 94 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 94 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 94 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "SYMINGTON, WILLIAM STUART" if congress == 94 & id == 9141 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 94 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "MANSFIELD, MICHAEL JOSEPH" if congress == 94 & id == 5967 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 94 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "HRUSKA, ROMAN LEE" if congress == 94 & id == 4660 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 94 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 94 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 94 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "COTTON, NORRIS" if congress == 94 & id == 2087 replace namelong = "DURKIN, JOHN" if congress == 94 & id == 14310 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 94 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 94 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 94 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "MONTOYA, JOSEPH MANUEL" if congress == 94 & id == 6611 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 94 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "BUCKLEY, JAMES" if congress == 94 & id == 13100 replace namelong = "MORGAN, ROBERT" if congress == 94 & id == 14308 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 94 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 94 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 94 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 94 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "TAFT, ROBERT, JR." if congress == 94 & id == 10630 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 94 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, DEWEY" if congress == 94 & id == 14100 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 94 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 94 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "SCOTT, HUGH DOGGETT, JR." if congress == 94 & id == 8301 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 94 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 94 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "PASTORE, JOHN ORLANDO" if congress == 94 & id == 7229 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 94 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 94 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "ABOUREZK, JAMES" if congress == 94 & id == 13000 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 94 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 94 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "BROCK, WILLIAM E., III" if congress == 94 & id == 10571 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 94 & id == 660 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 94 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "MOSS, FRANK EDWARD" if congress == 94 & id == 6754 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 94 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 94 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 94 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 94 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM L." if congress == 94 & id == 11048 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 94 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 94 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 94 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 94 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 94 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 94 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 94 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "MCGEE, GALE WILLIAM" if congress == 94 & id == 6249 replace namelong = "" if congress == 95 & id == 99906 replace namelong = "SPARKMAN, JOHN JACKSON" if congress == 95 & id == 8764 replace namelong = "ALLEN, JAMES B." if congress == 95 & id == 12100 replace namelong = "###NOT IN ICPSR FILE###" if congress == 95 & id == 14517 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 95 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 95 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 95 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 95 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 95 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "MCCLELLAN, JOHN LITTLE" if congress == 95 & id == 6151 replace namelong = "HODGES, KANEASTER" if congress == 95 & id == 14514 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 95 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "HAYAKAWA, S. I." if congress == 95 & id == 14504 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 95 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "HASKELL, FLOYD" if congress == 95 & id == 14104 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 95 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 95 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 95 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 95 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "STONE, RICHARD" if congress == 95 & id == 14309 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 95 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 95 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 95 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 95 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 95 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 95 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 95 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 95 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 95 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 95 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 95 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "CULVER, JOHN C." if congress == 95 & id == 10715 replace namelong = "CLARK, DICK" if congress == 95 & id == 14102 replace namelong = "PEARSON, JAMES B." if congress == 95 & id == 10817 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 95 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 95 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 95 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 95 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 95 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "HATHAWAY, WILLIAM D." if congress == 95 & id == 10736 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 95 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 95 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 95 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 95 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "BROOKE, EDWARD A." if congress == 95 & id == 11201 replace namelong = "GRIFFIN, ROBERT PAUL" if congress == 95 & id == 3824 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 95 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, HUBERT HORATIO" if congress == 95 & id == 4728 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, MURIEL" if congress == 95 & id == 14516 replace namelong = "ANDERSON, WENDELL" if congress == 95 & id == 14513 replace namelong = "EASTLAND, JAMES OLIVER" if congress == 95 & id == 2822 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 95 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 95 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "METCALF, LEE" if congress == 95 & id == 6442 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, PAUL" if congress == 95 & id == 14515 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 95 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "CURTIS, CARL THOMAS" if congress == 95 & id == 2267 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 95 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 95 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "DURKIN, JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 14310 replace namelong = "MCINTYRE, THOMAS" if congress == 95 & id == 10810 replace namelong = "CASE, CLIFFORD PHILLIP" if congress == 95 & id == 1569 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 95 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "SCHMITT, HARRISON" if congress == 95 & id == 14510 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 95 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 95 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 95 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 95 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "MORGAN, ROBERT" if congress == 95 & id == 14308 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 95 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 95 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 95 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 95 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "BARTLETT, DEWEY" if congress == 95 & id == 14100 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 95 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 95 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 95 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 95 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 95 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 95 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 95 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 95 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "ABOUREZK, JAMES" if congress == 95 & id == 13000 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 95 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 95 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 95 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 95 & id == 660 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 95 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 95 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 95 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 95 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 95 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "SCOTT, WILLIAM L." if congress == 95 & id == 11048 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 95 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 95 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 95 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 95 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 95 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 95 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 95 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "HANSEN, CLIFFORD P." if congress == 95 & id == 11202 replace namelong = "" if congress == 96 & id == 99906 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 96 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "STEWART, DONALD WILBUR" if congress == 96 & id == 14711 replace namelong = "GRAVEL, MIKE" if congress == 96 & id == 12105 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 96 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 96 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 96 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 96 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 96 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "HAYAKAWA, S. I." if congress == 96 & id == 14504 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 96 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 96 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 96 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "RIBICOFF, ABRAHAM A." if congress == 96 & id == 7847 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 96 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 96 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 96 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "STONE, RICHARD" if congress == 96 & id == 14309 replace namelong = "TALMADGE, HERMAN EUGENE" if congress == 96 & id == 9174 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 96 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 96 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "CHURCH, FRANK FORRESTER" if congress == 96 & id == 1721 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 96 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "STEVENSON, ADLAI E." if congress == 96 & id == 13102 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 96 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "BAYH, BIRCH" if congress == 96 & id == 10800 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 96 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "JEPSEN, ROGER WILLIAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14707 replace namelong = "CULVER, JOHN C." if congress == 96 & id == 10715 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 96 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 96 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 96 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 96 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 96 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 96 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MUSKIE, EDMUND SIXTUS" if congress == 96 & id == 6831 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 96 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 96 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 96 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "TSONGAS, PAUL" if congress == 96 & id == 14279 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 96 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 96 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 96 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 96 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 96 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 96 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 96 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 96 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 96 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 96 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 96 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 96 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 96 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "DURKIN, JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 14310 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 96 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 96 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 96 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "SCHMITT, HARRISON" if congress == 96 & id == 14510 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 96 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "JAVITS, JACOB KOPPEL" if congress == 96 & id == 4898 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 96 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 96 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "MORGAN, ROBERT" if congress == 96 & id == 14308 replace namelong = "YOUNG, MILTON RUBEN" if congress == 96 & id == 10450 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 96 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 96 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BELLMON, HENRY" if congress == 96 & id == 12101 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 96 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 96 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 96 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "SCHWEIKER, RICHARD S." if congress == 96 & id == 10557 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 96 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 96 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 96 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 96 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "MCGOVERN, GEORGE STANLEY" if congress == 96 & id == 6256 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 96 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 96 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 96 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 96 & id == 660 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 96 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 96 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 96 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 96 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 96 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 96 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 96 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "MAGNUSON, WARREN GRANT" if congress == 96 & id == 5913 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 96 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 96 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 96 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "NELSON, GAYLORD" if congress == 96 & id == 10816 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 96 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 96 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 96 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 97 & id == 99907 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 97 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "DENTON, JEREMIAH" if congress == 97 & id == 14901 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 97 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 97 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 97 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 97 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 97 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 97 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "HAYAKAWA, S. I." if congress == 97 & id == 14504 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 97 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 97 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 97 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 97 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 97 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 97 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 97 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "HAWKINS, PAULA" if congress == 97 & id == 14905 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "MATTINGLY, MACK" if congress == 97 & id == 14906 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 97 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 97 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 97 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 97 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 97 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 97 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "QUAYLE, J. DANFORTH" if congress == 97 & id == 14447 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 97 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 97 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "JEPSEN, ROGER WILLIAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14707 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 97 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 97 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 97 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 97 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 97 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 97 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 97 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 97 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 97 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 97 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "TSONGAS, PAUL" if congress == 97 & id == 14279 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 97 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 97 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 97 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 97 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 97 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 97 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 97 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 97 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 97 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 97 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 97 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 97 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "CANNON, HOWARD WALTER" if congress == 97 & id == 1482 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 97 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 97 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 97 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "WILLIAMS, HARRISON ARLING" if congress == 97 & id == 10147 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 97 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "###NOT IN ICPSR FILE###" if congress == 97 & id == 14911 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 97 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "SCHMITT, HARRISON" if congress == 97 & id == 14510 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 97 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 97 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "EAST, JOHN P." if congress == 97 & id == 14903 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 97 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "ANDREWS, MARK" if congress == 97 & id == 10569 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 97 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 97 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 97 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 97 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 97 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 97 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 97 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 97 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 97 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 97 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 97 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 97 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 97 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 97 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "ABDNOR, JAMES" if congress == 97 & id == 14000 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 97 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 97 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 97 & id == 660 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 97 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 97 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 97 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 97 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 97 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "BYRD, HARRY F., JR." if congress == 97 & id == 10802 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 97 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 97 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 97 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 97 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 97 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 97 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 97 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 97 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 97 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 98 & id == 99907 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 98 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "DENTON, JEREMIAH" if congress == 98 & id == 14901 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 98 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 98 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 98 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 98 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 98 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 98 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "WILSON, PETE" if congress == 98 & id == 14915 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 98 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 98 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 98 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 98 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 98 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 98 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "HAWKINS, PAULA" if congress == 98 & id == 14905 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 98 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "MATTINGLY, MACK" if congress == 98 & id == 14906 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 98 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 98 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 98 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 98 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 98 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "PERCY, CHARLES H." if congress == 98 & id == 11205 replace namelong = "QUAYLE, J. DANFORTH" if congress == 98 & id == 14447 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 98 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 98 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "JEPSEN, ROGER WILLIAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14707 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 98 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 98 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "HUDDLESTON, WALTER" if congress == 98 & id == 14106 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 98 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 98 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 98 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 98 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 98 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 98 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "TSONGAS, PAUL" if congress == 98 & id == 14279 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 98 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 98 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 98 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 98 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 98 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 98 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 98 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 98 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 98 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 98 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 98 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 98 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 98 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "HECHT, JACOB (CHIC)" if congress == 98 & id == 14913 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 98 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 98 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 98 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 98 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 98 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 98 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 98 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 98 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 98 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "EAST, JOHN P." if congress == 98 & id == 14903 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 98 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 98 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "ANDREWS, MARK" if congress == 98 & id == 10569 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 98 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 98 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 98 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 98 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 98 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 98 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 98 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 98 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 98 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 98 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 98 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 98 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 98 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "ABDNOR, JAMES" if congress == 98 & id == 14000 replace namelong = "BAKER, HOWARD H., JR." if congress == 98 & id == 11200 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 98 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 98 & id == 660 replace namelong = "TOWER, JOHN G." if congress == 98 & id == 10823 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 98 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 98 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 98 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 98 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 98 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "TRIBLE, PAUL" if congress == 98 & id == 14456 replace namelong = "JACKSON, HENRY MARTIN" if congress == 98 & id == 4851 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 98 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "EVANS, DANIEL" if congress == 98 & id == 14916 replace namelong = "RANDOLPH, JENNINGS" if congress == 98 & id == 7722 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 98 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 98 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 98 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 98 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 98 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 99 & id == 99907 replace namelong = "DENTON, JEREMIAH" if congress == 99 & id == 14901 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 99 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 99 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 99 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 99 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "GOLDWATER, BARRY MORRIS" if congress == 99 & id == 3658 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 99 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 99 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "WILSON, PETE" if congress == 99 & id == 14915 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 99 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "HART, GARY" if congress == 99 & id == 14305 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 99 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 99 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 99 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 99 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "HAWKINS, PAULA" if congress == 99 & id == 14905 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 99 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "MATTINGLY, MACK" if congress == 99 & id == 14906 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 99 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 99 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 99 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 99 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 99 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 99 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "QUAYLE, J. DANFORTH" if congress == 99 & id == 14447 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 99 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 99 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 99 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 99 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 99 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 99 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 99 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "LONG, RUSSELL BILIU" if congress == 99 & id == 5767 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 99 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 99 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 99 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "MATHIAS, CHARLES MCC." if congress == 99 & id == 10535 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 99 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 99 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 99 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 99 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 99 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 99 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 99 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 99 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 99 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "EAGLETON, THOMAS F." if congress == 99 & id == 12104 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 99 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 99 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 99 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 99 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "LAXALT, PAUL" if congress == 99 & id == 14077 replace namelong = "HECHT, JACOB (CHIC)" if congress == 99 & id == 14913 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 99 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 99 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 99 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 99 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 99 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 99 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 99 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 99 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 99 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "EAST, JOHN P." if congress == 99 & id == 14903 replace namelong = "BROYHILL, JAMES T." if congress == 99 & id == 10574 replace namelong = "ANDREWS, MARK" if congress == 99 & id == 10569 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 99 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 99 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 99 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 99 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 99 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 99 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 99 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 99 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 99 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 99 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 99 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 99 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 99 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "ABDNOR, JAMES" if congress == 99 & id == 14000 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 99 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT, JR." if congress == 99 & id == 14423 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 99 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 99 & id == 660 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 99 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 99 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 99 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 99 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 99 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 99 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "TRIBLE, PAUL" if congress == 99 & id == 14456 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 99 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "EVANS, DANIEL" if congress == 99 & id == 14916 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 99 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 99 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 99 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 99 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 99 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 99 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 100 & id == 99907 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 100 & id == 14659 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 100 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 100 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 100 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 100 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 100 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 100 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 100 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "WILSON, PETE" if congress == 100 & id == 14915 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 100 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "WIRTH, TIMOTHY" if congress == 100 & id == 14282 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 100 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "WEICKER, LOWELL P." if congress == 100 & id == 12032 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 100 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 100 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "CHILES, LAWTON" if congress == 100 & id == 13101 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 100 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "FOWLER, WYCHE, JR." if congress == 100 & id == 14467 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 100 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 100 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 100 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 100 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 100 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 100 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 100 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "QUAYLE, JOHN D." if congress == 100 & id == 14447 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 100 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 100 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 100 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 100 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 100 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 100 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 100 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 100 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 100 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 100 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 100 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 100 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 100 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 100 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 100 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 100 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 100 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "STENNIS, JOHN CORNELIUS" if congress == 100 & id == 8883 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 100 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 100 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 100 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 100 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "MELCHER, JOHN" if congress == 100 & id == 12039 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 100 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "ZORINSKY, EDWARD" if congress == 100 & id == 14512 replace namelong = "KARNES, DAVID K." if congress == 100 & id == 15505 replace namelong = "HECHT, JACOB (CHIC)" if congress == 100 & id == 14913 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 100 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 100 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 100 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 100 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 100 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 100 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 100 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 100 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 100 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "SANFORD, TERRY" if congress == 100 & id == 15504 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 100 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 100 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 100 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 100 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 100 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 100 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 100 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 100 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 100 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 100 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 100 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 100 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 100 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 100 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 100 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 100 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 100 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 100 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT, JR." if congress == 100 & id == 14423 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 100 & id == 660 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 100 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 100 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 100 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "STAFFORD, ROBERT T." if congress == 100 & id == 10562 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 100 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "TRIBLE, PAUL" if congress == 100 & id == 14456 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 100 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "ADAMS, BROCK" if congress == 100 & id == 10700 replace namelong = "EVANS, DANIEL" if congress == 100 & id == 14916 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 100 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 100 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "PROXMIRE, WILLIAM" if congress == 100 & id == 7638 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 100 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 100 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 100 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 101 & id == 99908 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 101 & id == 14659 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 101 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 101 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 101 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 101 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 101 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 101 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 101 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 101 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "WILSON, PETE" if congress == 101 & id == 14915 replace namelong = "ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14002 replace namelong = "WIRTH, TIMOTHY" if congress == 101 & id == 14282 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 101 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 101 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 101 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 101 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 101 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 101 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "FOWLER, WYCHE, JR." if congress == 101 & id == 14467 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 101 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "MATSUNAGA, SPARK M." if congress == 101 & id == 10605 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 101 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "MCCLURE, JAMES A." if congress == 101 & id == 11029 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 101 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 101 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 101 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "COATS, DANIEL" if congress == 101 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 101 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "QUAYLE, JOHN D." if congress == 101 & id == 14447 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 101 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 101 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 101 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 101 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 101 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 101 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 101 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 101 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 101 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 101 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 101 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 101 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 101 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 101 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 101 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "BOSCHWITZ, RUDOLF ELY" if congress == 101 & id == 14701 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 101 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 101 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 101 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 101 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 101 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 101 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 101 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 101 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 101 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 101 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 101 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "HUMPHREY, GORDON J." if congress == 101 & id == 14706 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 101 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 101 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 101 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 101 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 101 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 101 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 101 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 101 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "SANFORD, TERRY" if congress == 101 & id == 15504 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 101 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 101 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 101 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 101 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 101 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 101 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 101 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 101 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 101 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 101 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 101 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 101 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 101 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 101 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 101 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 101 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT, JR." if congress == 101 & id == 14423 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 101 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 101 & id == 660 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 101 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 101 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 101 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 101 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 101 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 101 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 101 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "ADAMS, BROCK" if congress == 101 & id == 10700 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 101 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 101 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 101 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 101 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 101 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 101 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 101 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "" if congress == 102 & id == 99908 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 102 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 102 & id == 14659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 102 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 102 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 102 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 102 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 102 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 102 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "CRANSTON, ALAN" if congress == 102 & id == 12103 replace namelong = "SEYMOUR, JOHN" if congress == 102 & id == 49100 replace namelong = "BROWN, HANK" if congress == 102 & id == 14803 replace namelong = "WIRTH, TIMOTHY" if congress == 102 & id == 14282 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 102 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 102 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 102 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 102 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 102 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 102 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "FOWLER, WYCHE, JR." if congress == 102 & id == 14467 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 102 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 102 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 102 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 102 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "SYMMS, STEVEN D." if congress == 102 & id == 14056 replace namelong = "DIXON, ALAN J." if congress == 102 & id == 14902 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 102 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "COATS, DANIEL" if congress == 102 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 102 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 102 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 102 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 102 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 102 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 102 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 102 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 102 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 102 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 102 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 102 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 102 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 102 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 102 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 102 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 102 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 102 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 102 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 102 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 102 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 102 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 102 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 102 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 102 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 102 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 102 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 102 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 102 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 102 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "RUDMAN, WARREN" if congress == 102 & id == 14909 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 102 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 102 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 102 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 102 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 102 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 102 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 102 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 102 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "SANFORD, TERRY" if congress == 102 & id == 15504 replace namelong = "BURDICK, QUENTIN NORTHROP" if congress == 102 & id == 1252 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 102 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "BURDICK, JOYCELYN BIRCH" if congress == 102 & id == 49103 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 102 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 102 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 102 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 102 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 102 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 102 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "HEINZ, H. JOHN" if congress == 102 & id == 13050 replace namelong = "WOFFORD, HARRIS" if congress == 102 & id == 49104 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 102 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 102 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 102 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 102 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 102 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 102 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 102 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "GORE, ALBERT, JR." if congress == 102 & id == 14423 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 102 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "BENTSEN, LLOYD MILLARD JR" if congress == 102 & id == 660 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 102 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "GARN, JAKE" if congress == 102 & id == 14303 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 102 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 102 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 102 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 102 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 102 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "ADAMS, BROCK" if congress == 102 & id == 10700 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 102 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 102 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 102 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "KASTEN, ROBERT W., JR." if congress == 102 & id == 14242 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 102 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 102 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 102 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "" if congress == 103 & id == 99909 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 103 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 103 & id == 14659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 103 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 103 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "DECONCINI, DENNIS" if congress == 103 & id == 14502 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 103 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 103 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 103 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 103 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 103 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "BROWN, HANK" if congress == 103 & id == 14803 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 103 & id == 15407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 103 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 103 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 103 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 103 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 103 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 103 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "COVERDELL, PAUL" if congress == 103 & id == 49301 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 103 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 103 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 103 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 103 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "KEMPTHORNE, DIRK" if congress == 103 & id == 49302 replace namelong = "BRAUN, CAROL MOSELEY" if congress == 103 & id == 49303 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 103 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "COATS, DANIEL" if congress == 103 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 103 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 103 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 103 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 103 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 103 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 103 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 103 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 103 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 103 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 103 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "MITCHELL, GEORGE" if congress == 103 & id == 14713 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 103 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 103 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 103 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 103 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 103 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "RIEGLE, DONALD W., JR." if congress == 103 & id == 11043 replace namelong = "DURENBERGER, DAVID FERDIN" if congress == 103 & id == 14703 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 103 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 103 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 103 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 103 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "DANFORTH, JOHN" if congress == 103 & id == 14501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 103 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 103 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 103 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 103 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 103 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 103 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 103 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 103 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 103 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 103 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 103 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 103 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 103 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 103 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "FAIRCLOTH, D.M. "LAUCH"" if congress == 103 & id == 49304 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 103 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 103 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 103 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 103 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "METZENBAUM, HOWARD M." if congress == 103 & id == 14073 replace namelong = "BOREN, DAVID LYLE" if congress == 103 & id == 14700 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 103 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 103 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 103 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 103 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 103 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "WOFFORD, HARRIS" if congress == 103 & id == 49104 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 103 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 103 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 103 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 103 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 103 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 103 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "MATHEWS, HARLAN" if congress == 103 & id == 49305 replace namelong = "SASSER, JAMES" if congress == 103 & id == 14509 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 103 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 103 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "KRUEGER,ROBERT" if congress == 103 & id == 14247 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 103 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 103 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 103 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 103 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 103 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 103 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 103 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 103 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 103 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 103 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 103 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 103 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 103 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "WALLOP, MALCOLM" if congress == 103 & id == 14511 replace namelong = "" if congress == 104 & id == 99909 replace namelong = "HEFLIN, HOWELL THOMAS" if congress == 104 & id == 14705 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 104 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 104 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 104 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 104 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 104 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 104 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "PRYOR, DAVID" if congress == 104 & id == 10791 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 104 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 104 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "BROWN, HANK" if congress == 104 & id == 14803 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 104 & id == 15407 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 104 & id == 95407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 104 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 104 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 104 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 104 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 104 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 104 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "COVERDELL, PAUL" if congress == 104 & id == 49301 replace namelong = "NUNN, SAM" if congress == 104 & id == 14108 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 104 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 104 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 104 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "KEMPTHORNE, DIRK" if congress == 104 & id == 49302 replace namelong = "BRAUN, CAROL MOSELEY" if congress == 104 & id == 49303 replace namelong = "SIMON, PAUL" if congress == 104 & id == 14275 replace namelong = "COATS, DANIEL" if congress == 104 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 104 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 104 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 104 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "DOLE, BOB" if congress == 104 & id == 10513 replace namelong = "FRAHM, SHEILA" if congress == 104 & id == 49504 replace namelong = "KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON" if congress == 104 & id == 14708 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 104 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 104 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 104 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "JOHNSTON, J. BENNETT" if congress == 104 & id == 14107 replace namelong = "COHEN, WILLIAM" if congress == 104 & id == 14010 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 104 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 104 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 104 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 104 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 104 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "ABRAHAM, SPENCER" if congress == 104 & id == 49500 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 104 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "GRAMS, ROD" if congress == 104 & id == 29367 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 104 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 104 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 104 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "ASHCROFT, JOHN" if congress == 104 & id == 49501 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 104 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 104 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 104 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "EXON, JOHN JAMES" if congress == 104 & id == 14704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 104 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 104 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 104 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 104 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 104 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "BRADLEY, WILLIAM WARREN" if congress == 104 & id == 14702 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 104 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 104 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 104 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 104 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 104 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "FAIRCLOTH, D.M. "LAUCH"" if congress == 104 & id == 49304 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 104 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 104 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 104 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 104 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 104 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 104 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 104 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "HATFIELD, MARK I." if congress == 104 & id == 11203 replace namelong = "PACKWOOD, ROBERT W." if congress == 104 & id == 12107 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 104 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 104 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 104 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 104 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "PELL, CLAIBORNE" if congress == 104 & id == 10818 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 104 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 104 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 104 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "PRESSLER, LARRY" if congress == 104 & id == 14268 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 104 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "THOMPSON, FRED" if congress == 104 & id == 49503 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 104 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 104 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 104 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 104 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 104 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 104 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 104 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 104 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 104 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 104 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 104 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 104 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 104 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 104 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "SIMPSON, ALAN KOOI" if congress == 104 & id == 14710 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 104 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "" if congress == 105 & id == 99909 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 105 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 105 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 105 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 105 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 105 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 105 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "BUMPERS, DALE" if congress == 105 & id == 14300 replace namelong = "HUTCHINSON, TIM" if congress == 105 & id == 29306 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 105 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 105 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 105 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 105 & id == 95407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 105 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 105 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 105 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 105 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 105 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 105 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "CLELAND, MAX" if congress == 105 & id == 49701 replace namelong = "COVERDELL, PAUL" if congress == 105 & id == 49301 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 105 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 105 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 105 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "KEMPTHORNE, DIRK" if congress == 105 & id == 49302 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 105 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "BRAUN, CAROL MOSELEY" if congress == 105 & id == 49303 replace namelong = "COATS, DANIEL" if congress == 105 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 105 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 105 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 105 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 105 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 105 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "FORD, WENDELL" if congress == 105 & id == 14302 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 105 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 105 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 105 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 105 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 105 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 105 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 105 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 105 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 105 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "ABRAHAM, SPENCER" if congress == 105 & id == 49500 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 105 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "GRAMS, ROD" if congress == 105 & id == 29367 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 105 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 105 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 105 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "ASHCROFT, JOHN" if congress == 105 & id == 49501 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 105 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 105 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 105 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 105 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 105 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 105 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 105 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 105 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 105 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 105 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "TORRICELLI, ROBERT G." if congress == 105 & id == 15071 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 105 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 105 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "D'AMATO, ALFONSE M." if congress == 105 & id == 14900 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 105 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "FAIRCLOTH, D.M. "LAUCH"" if congress == 105 & id == 49304 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 105 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 105 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 105 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 105 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "GLENN, JOHN" if congress == 105 & id == 14304 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 105 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 105 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 105 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 105 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 105 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 105 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 105 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 105 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 105 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 105 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 105 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 105 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 105 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "THOMPSON, FRED" if congress == 105 & id == 49503 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 105 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 105 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 105 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 105 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 105 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 105 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 105 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 105 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 105 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 105 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 105 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 105 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 105 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 105 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 105 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 105 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "" if congress == 106 & id == 99909 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 106 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 106 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 106 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 106 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 106 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 106 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "HUTCHINSON, TIM" if congress == 106 & id == 29306 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 106 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 106 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 106 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 106 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 106 & id == 95407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 106 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 106 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 106 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "ROTH, WILLIAM V., JR." if congress == 106 & id == 11044 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 106 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "MACK, CONNIE" if congress == 106 & id == 15037 replace namelong = "CLELAND, MAX" if congress == 106 & id == 49701 replace namelong = "COVERDELL, PAUL" if congress == 106 & id == 49301 replace namelong = "MILLER, ZELL" if congress == 106 & id == 49904 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 106 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 106 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 106 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 106 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 106 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "FITZGERALD, PETER G." if congress == 106 & id == 49900 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 106 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 106 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 106 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 106 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 106 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 106 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 106 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 106 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 106 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 106 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 106 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 106 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 106 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 106 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 106 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 106 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "ABRAHAM, SPENCER" if congress == 106 & id == 49500 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 106 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "GRAMS, ROD" if congress == 106 & id == 29367 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 106 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 106 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 106 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "ASHCROFT, JOHN" if congress == 106 & id == 49501 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 106 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 106 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 106 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 106 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "KERREY, ROBERT" if congress == 106 & id == 15702 replace namelong = "BRYAN, RICHARD H." if congress == 106 & id == 15700 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 106 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 106 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 106 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 106 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "TORRICELLI, ROBERT G." if congress == 106 & id == 15071 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 106 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 106 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "MOYNIHAN, DANIEL" if congress == 106 & id == 14508 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 106 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "EDWARDS, JOHN" if congress == 106 & id == 49902 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 106 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 106 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 106 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 106 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 106 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 106 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 106 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 106 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 106 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 106 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 106 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, JOHN" if congress == 106 & id == 14500 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, LINCOLN" if congress == 106 & id == 49905 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 106 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 106 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 106 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 106 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 106 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 106 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "THOMPSON, FRED" if congress == 106 & id == 49503 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 106 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 106 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 106 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 106 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 106 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 106 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ROBB, CHARLES S." if congress == 106 & id == 15705 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 106 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "GORTON, SLADE" if congress == 106 & id == 14904 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 106 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 106 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 106 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 106 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 106 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 106 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 106 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "" if congress == 107 & id == 99910 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 107 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 107 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, FRANK H." if congress == 107 & id == 14907 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 107 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 107 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 107 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "HUTCHINSON, TIM" if congress == 107 & id == 29306 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 107 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 107 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 107 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 107 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 107 & id == 95407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 107 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 107 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 107 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 107 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 107 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "NELSON, CLARENCE WILLIAM" if congress == 107 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CLELAND, MAX" if congress == 107 & id == 49701 replace namelong = "MILLER, ZELL" if congress == 107 & id == 49904 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 107 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 107 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 107 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 107 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 107 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "FITZGERALD, PETER G." if congress == 107 & id == 49900 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 107 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 107 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 107 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 107 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 107 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 107 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 107 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 107 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 107 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 107 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 107 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 107 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 107 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 107 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 107 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 107 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 107 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 107 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "DAYTON, MARK" if congress == 107 & id == 40101 replace namelong = "WELLSTONE, PAUL" if congress == 107 & id == 49101 replace namelong = "BARKLEY, DEAN" if congress == 107 & id == 40106 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 107 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 107 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "CARNAHAN, JEAN" if congress == 107 & id == 40102 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 107 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 107 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 107 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 107 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 107 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 107 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 107 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 107 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SMITH, ROBERT C." if congress == 107 & id == 15116 replace namelong = "CORZINE, JON" if congress == 107 & id == 40104 replace namelong = "TORRICELLI, ROBERT G." if congress == 107 & id == 15071 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 107 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 107 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM" if congress == 107 & id == 40105 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 107 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "EDWARDS, JOHN" if congress == 107 & id == 49902 replace namelong = "HELMS, JESSE" if congress == 107 & id == 14105 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 107 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 107 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 107 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 107 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 107 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 107 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 107 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 107 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 107 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 107 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, LINCOLN" if congress == 107 & id == 49905 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 107 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 107 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if congress == 107 & id == 9369 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 107 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 107 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 107 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "THOMPSON, FRED" if congress == 107 & id == 49503 replace namelong = "GRAMM, WILLIAM PHILIP" if congress == 107 & id == 14628 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 107 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 107 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 107 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 107 & id == 14240 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 107 & id == 94240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 107 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ALLEN, GEORGE F." if congress == 107 & id == 29148 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 107 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 107 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 107 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 107 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 107 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 107 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 107 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 107 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 107 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "BUSH, GEORGE W." if congress == 108 & id == 99910 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 108 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 108 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, LISA" if congress == 108 & id == 40300 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 108 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 108 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 108 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, MARK" if congress == 108 & id == 40301 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 108 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 108 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 108 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 108 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "CAMPBELL, BEN NIGHTHORSE" if congress == 108 & id == 95407 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 108 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 108 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 108 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 108 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, BOB" if congress == 108 & id == 15503 replace namelong = "NELSON, CLARENCE WILLIAM" if congress == 108 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CHAMBLISS, SAXBY" if congress == 108 & id == 29512 replace namelong = "MILLER, ZELL" if congress == 108 & id == 49904 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 108 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 108 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 108 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 108 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 108 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "FITZGERALD, PETER G." if congress == 108 & id == 49900 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 108 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 108 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 108 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 108 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 108 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 108 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 108 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 108 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "BREAUX, JOHN B." if congress == 108 & id == 13056 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 108 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 108 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE, OLYMPIA" if congress == 108 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 108 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 108 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 108 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 108 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 108 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 108 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "DAYTON, MARK" if congress == 108 & id == 40101 replace namelong = "COLEMAN, NORM" if congress == 108 & id == 40302 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 108 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT, TRENT" if congress == 108 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "TALENT, JAMES M." if congress == 108 & id == 29369 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 108 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 108 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 108 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 108 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 108 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 108 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 108 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 108 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SUNUNU,JOHN" if congress == 108 & id == 29740 replace namelong = "CORZINE, JON" if congress == 108 & id == 40104 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 108 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 108 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 108 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM" if congress == 108 & id == 40105 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 108 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "EDWARDS, JOHN" if congress == 108 & id == 49902 replace namelong = "DOLE, ELIZABETH" if congress == 108 & id == 40303 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 108 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 108 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 108 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 108 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 108 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "NICKLES, DON" if congress == 108 & id == 14908 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 108 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 108 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 108 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 108 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, LINCOLN" if congress == 108 & id == 49905 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 108 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "HOLLINGS, ERNEST F." if congress == 108 & id == 11204 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, LINDSEY O." if congress == 108 & id == 29566 replace namelong = "DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW" if congress == 108 & id == 14617 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 108 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 108 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "ALEXANDER, LAMAR" if congress == 108 & id == 40304 replace namelong = "CORNYN, JOHN" if congress == 108 & id == 40305 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 108 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 108 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 108 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 108 & id == 94240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 108 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ALLEN, GEORGE F." if congress == 108 & id == 29148 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 108 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 108 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 108 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 108 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 108 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 108 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 108 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 108 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 108 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "BUSH, GEORGE W." if congress == 109 & id == 99910 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 109 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 109 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, LISA" if congress == 109 & id == 40300 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 109 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 109 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 109 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, MARK" if congress == 109 & id == 40301 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 109 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 109 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 109 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 109 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "SALAZAR, KEN" if congress == 109 & id == 40500 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 109 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 109 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 109 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 109 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "MARTINEZ, MEL" if congress == 109 & id == 40501 replace namelong = "NELSON, CLARENCE WILLIAM" if congress == 109 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CHAMBLISS, SAXBY" if congress == 109 & id == 29512 replace namelong = "ISAKSON, JOHNNY" if congress == 109 & id == 29909 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 109 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 109 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 109 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 109 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 109 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "OBAMA, BARACK" if congress == 109 & id == 40502 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 109 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 109 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 109 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 109 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 109 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 109 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 109 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 109 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "VITTER, DAVID" if congress == 109 & id == 29918 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 109 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 109 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 109 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 109 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "SARBANES, PAUL" if congress == 109 & id == 13039 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 109 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 109 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 109 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 109 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "DAYTON, MARK" if congress == 109 & id == 40101 replace namelong = "COLEMAN, NORM" if congress == 109 & id == 40302 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 109 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 109 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "TALENT, JAMES M." if congress == 109 & id == 29369 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 109 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 109 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "BURNS, CONRAD" if congress == 109 & id == 15701 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 109 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 109 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 109 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 109 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 109 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SUNUNU,JOHN" if congress == 109 & id == 29740 replace namelong = "CORZINE, JON" if congress == 109 & id == 40104 replace namelong = "MENENDEZ, ROBERT" if congress == 109 & id == 29373 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 109 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 109 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 109 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM" if congress == 109 & id == 40105 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 109 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "BURR, RICHARD M." if congress == 109 & id == 29548 replace namelong = "DOLE, ELIZABETH" if congress == 109 & id == 40303 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 109 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 109 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "DEWINE, MICHAEL" if congress == 109 & id == 15020 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 109 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 109 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "COBURN, TOM" if congress == 109 & id == 29555 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 109 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 109 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "SANTORUM, RICK" if congress == 109 & id == 29141 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 109 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "CHAFEE, LINCOLN" if congress == 109 & id == 49905 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 109 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "DEMINT, JIM" if congress == 109 & id == 29936 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, LINDSEY O." if congress == 109 & id == 29566 replace namelong = "THUNE, JOHN" if congress == 109 & id == 29754 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 109 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "FRIST, BILL" if congress == 109 & id == 49502 replace namelong = "ALEXANDER, LAMAR" if congress == 109 & id == 40304 replace namelong = "CORNYN, JOHN" if congress == 109 & id == 40305 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 109 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 109 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 109 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "JEFFORDS, JAMES" if congress == 109 & id == 94240 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 109 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "ALLEN, GEORGE F." if congress == 109 & id == 29148 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 109 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 109 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 109 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 109 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 109 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 109 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 109 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 109 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 109 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "BUSH, GEORGE W." if congress == 110 & id == 99910 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 110 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 110 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, LISA" if congress == 110 & id == 40300 replace namelong = "STEVENS, THEODORE F." if congress == 110 & id == 12109 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 110 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 110 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, MARK" if congress == 110 & id == 40301 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 110 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 110 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 110 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "ALLARD, WAYNE" if congress == 110 & id == 29108 replace namelong = "SALAZAR, KEN" if congress == 110 & id == 40500 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 110 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 110 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 110 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 110 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "MARTINEZ, MEL" if congress == 110 & id == 40501 replace namelong = "NELSON, CLARENCE WILLIAM" if congress == 110 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CHAMBLISS, SAXBY" if congress == 110 & id == 29512 replace namelong = "ISAKSON, JOHNNY" if congress == 110 & id == 29909 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 110 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 110 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "CRAIG, LARRY" if congress == 110 & id == 14809 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 110 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 110 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "OBAMA, BARACK" if congress == 110 & id == 40502 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 110 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 110 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 110 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 110 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 110 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 110 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 110 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 110 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "VITTER, DAVID" if congress == 110 & id == 29918 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 110 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 110 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 110 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 110 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "CARDIN, BENJAMIN L." if congress == 110 & id == 15408 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 110 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 110 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 110 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 110 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "KLOBUCHAR, AMY" if congress == 110 & id == 40700 replace namelong = "COLEMAN, NORM" if congress == 110 & id == 40302 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 110 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "LOTT,TRENT" if congress == 110 & id == 14031 replace namelong = "WICKER, ROGER F." if congress == 110 & id == 29534 replace namelong = "MCCASKILL, CLAIRE" if congress == 110 & id == 40701 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 110 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 110 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "TESTER, JON" if congress == 110 & id == 40702 replace namelong = "HAGEL, CHUCK" if congress == 110 & id == 49704 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 110 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 110 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 110 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 110 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SUNUNU,JOHN" if congress == 110 & id == 29740 replace namelong = "MENENDEZ, ROBERT" if congress == 110 & id == 29373 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 110 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 110 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "DOMENICI, PETE V." if congress == 110 & id == 14103 replace namelong = "CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM" if congress == 110 & id == 40105 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 110 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "BURR, RICHARD M." if congress == 110 & id == 29548 replace namelong = "DOLE, ELIZABETH" if congress == 110 & id == 40303 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 110 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 110 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "BROWN, SHERROD" if congress == 110 & id == 29389 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 110 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 110 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "COBURN, TOM" if congress == 110 & id == 29555 replace namelong = "SMITH, GORDON H." if congress == 110 & id == 49705 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 110 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "CASEY, ROBERT P., JR." if congress == 110 & id == 40703 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 110 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "WHITEHOUSE, SHELDON" if congress == 110 & id == 40704 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 110 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "DEMINT, JIM" if congress == 110 & id == 29936 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, LINDSEY O." if congress == 110 & id == 29566 replace namelong = "THUNE, JOHN" if congress == 110 & id == 29754 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 110 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "CORKER, BOB" if congress == 110 & id == 40705 replace namelong = "ALEXANDER, LAMAR" if congress == 110 & id == 40304 replace namelong = "CORNYN, JOHN" if congress == 110 & id == 40305 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 110 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 110 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 110 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "SANDERS, BERNARD" if congress == 110 & id == 29147 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 110 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WEBB, JIM" if congress == 110 & id == 40706 replace namelong = "WARNER, JOHN WILLIAM" if congress == 110 & id == 14712 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 110 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 110 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 110 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 110 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 110 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 110 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 110 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "THOMAS, CRAIG" if congress == 110 & id == 15633 replace namelong = "BARRASSO, JOHN" if congress == 110 & id == 40707 replace namelong = "OBAMA, BARACK" if congress == 111 & id == 99911 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 111 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 111 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, LISA" if congress == 111 & id == 40300 replace namelong = "BEGICH, MARK" if congress == 111 & id == 40900 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 111 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 111 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, MARK" if congress == 111 & id == 40301 replace namelong = "LAMBERT, BLANCHE" if congress == 111 & id == 29305 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 111 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNE" if congress == 111 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "UDALL, MARK" if congress == 111 & id == 29906 replace namelong = "SALAZAR, KEN" if congress == 111 & id == 40500 replace namelong = "BENNET, MICHAEL" if congress == 111 & id == 40910 replace namelong = "DODD, CHRISTOPHER J." if congress == 111 & id == 14213 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I." if congress == 111 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "BIDEN, JOSEPH R." if congress == 111 & id == 14101 replace namelong = "KAUFMAN, TED" if congress == 111 & id == 40901 replace namelong = "COONS, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 111 & id == 40916 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 111 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "MARTINEZ, MEL" if congress == 111 & id == 40501 replace namelong = "LEMIEUX, GEORGE" if congress == 111 & id == 40911 replace namelong = "NELSON, CLARENCE WILLIAM" if congress == 111 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CHAMBLISS, SAXBY" if congress == 111 & id == 29512 replace namelong = "ISAKSON, JOHNNY" if congress == 111 & id == 29909 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 111 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 111 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "RISCH, JAMES E." if congress == 111 & id == 40902 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 111 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 111 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "BURRIS, ROLAND" if congress == 111 & id == 40903 replace namelong = "KIRK, MARK" if congress == 111 & id == 20115 replace namelong = "BAYH, EVAN" if congress == 111 & id == 49901 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 111 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 111 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 111 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "BROWNBACK, SAM" if congress == 111 & id == 29523 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 111 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "BUNNING, JIM" if congress == 111 & id == 15406 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 111 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "VITTER, DAVID" if congress == 111 & id == 29918 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 111 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 111 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE, OLYMPIA" if congress == 111 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 111 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "CARDIN, BENJAMIN L." if congress == 111 & id == 15408 replace namelong = "KENNEDY, EDWARD M." if congress == 111 & id == 10808 replace namelong = "KIRK, PAUL G." if congress == 111 & id == 40912 replace namelong = "BROWN, SCOTT" if congress == 111 & id == 40913 replace namelong = "KERRY, JOHN F." if congress == 111 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 111 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 111 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "KLOBUCHAR, AMY" if congress == 111 & id == 40700 replace namelong = "FRANKEN, AL" if congress == 111 & id == 40904 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 111 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "WICKER, ROGER F." if congress == 111 & id == 29534 replace namelong = "MCCASKILL, CLAIRE" if congress == 111 & id == 40701 replace namelong = "BOND, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 111 & id == 15501 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 111 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "TESTER, JON" if congress == 111 & id == 40702 replace namelong = "JOHANNS, MIKE" if congress == 111 & id == 40905 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 111 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 111 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 111 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "GREGG, JUDD" if congress == 111 & id == 14826 replace namelong = "SHAHEEN, JEAN" if congress == 111 & id == 40906 replace namelong = "MENENDEZ, ROBERT" if congress == 111 & id == 29373 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 111 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 111 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "UDALL, TOM" if congress == 111 & id == 29924 replace namelong = "CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM" if congress == 111 & id == 40105 replace namelong = "GILLIBRAND, KIRSTEN E." if congress == 111 & id == 20735 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 111 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "BURR, RICHARD M." if congress == 111 & id == 29548 replace namelong = "HAGEN, KAY" if congress == 111 & id == 40907 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 111 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "DORGAN, BYRON" if congress == 111 & id == 14812 replace namelong = "BROWN, SHERROD" if congress == 111 & id == 29389 replace namelong = "VOINOVICH, GEORGE" if congress == 111 & id == 49903 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 111 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "COBURN, TOM" if congress == 111 & id == 29555 replace namelong = "MERKLEY, JEFF" if congress == 111 & id == 40908 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 111 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "CASEY, ROBERT P., JR." if congress == 111 & id == 40703 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 111 & id == 14910 replace namelong = "SPECTER, ARLEN" if congress == 111 & id == 94910 replace namelong = "WHITEHOUSE, SHELDON" if congress == 111 & id == 40704 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 111 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "DEMINT, JIM" if congress == 111 & id == 29936 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, LINDSEY O." if congress == 111 & id == 29566 replace namelong = "THUNE, JOHN" if congress == 111 & id == 29754 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 111 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "CORKER, BOB" if congress == 111 & id == 40705 replace namelong = "ALEXANDER, LAMAR" if congress == 111 & id == 40304 replace namelong = "CORNYN, JOHN" if congress == 111 & id == 40305 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 111 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "BENNETT, ROBERT F." if congress == 111 & id == 49307 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 111 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "SANDERS, BERNARD" if congress == 111 & id == 29147 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 111 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WEBB, JIM" if congress == 111 & id == 40706 replace namelong = "WARNER, MARK" if congress == 111 & id == 40909 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 111 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 111 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "BYRD, ROBERT CARYLE" if congress == 111 & id == 1366 replace namelong = "GOODWIN, CARTE" if congress == 111 & id == 40914 replace namelong = "MANCHIN, JOE" if congress == 111 & id == 40915 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER,JOHN D." if congress == 111 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "FEINGOLD, RUSSELL D." if congress == 111 & id == 49309 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 111 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 111 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "BARRASSO, JOHN" if congress == 111 & id == 40707 replace namelong = "OBAMA, BARACK" if congress == 112 & id == 99911 replace namelong = "SESSIONS, JEFF" if congress == 112 & id == 49700 replace namelong = "SHELBY, RICHARD CRAIG" if congress == 112 & id == 94659 replace namelong = "MURKOWSKI, LISAI" if congress == 112 & id == 40300 replace namelong = "BEGICH, MARK" if congress == 112 & id == 40900 replace namelong = "KYL, JON" if congress == 112 & id == 15429 replace namelong = "MCCAIN, JOHN S" if congress == 112 & id == 15039 replace namelong = "PRYOR, MARK" if congress == 112 & id == 40301 replace namelong = "BOOZMAN, JOHN" if congress == 112 & id == 20101 replace namelong = "BOXER, BARBARA" if congress == 112 & id == 15011 replace namelong = "FEINSTEIN, DIANNEN" if congress == 112 & id == 49300 replace namelong = "UDALL, MARK" if congress == 112 & id == 29906 replace namelong = "BENNET, MICHAEL" if congress == 112 & id == 40910 replace namelong = "BLUMENTHAL, RICHARDAL" if congress == 112 & id == 41101 replace namelong = "LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I.N" if congress == 112 & id == 15704 replace namelong = "COONS, CHRISTOPHER" if congress == 112 & id == 40916 replace namelong = "CARPER, THOMAS" if congress == 112 & id == 15015 replace namelong = "RUBIO, MARCO" if congress == 112 & id == 41102 replace namelong = "NELSON, BILL" if congress == 112 & id == 14651 replace namelong = "CHAMBLISS, SAXBY" if congress == 112 & id == 29512 replace namelong = "ISAKSON, JOHNNY" if congress == 112 & id == 29909 replace namelong = "AKAKA, DANIEL" if congress == 112 & id == 14400 replace namelong = "INOUYE, DANIEL KEN" if congress == 112 & id == 4812 replace namelong = "SCHATZ, BRIAN EMANUEL" if congress == 112 & id == 41112 replace namelong = "RISCH, JAMES E." if congress == 112 & id == 40902 replace namelong = "CRAPO, MICHAEL D." if congress == 112 & id == 29345 replace namelong = "DURBIN, RICHARD J." if congress == 112 & id == 15021 replace namelong = "KIRK, MARK" if congress == 112 & id == 20115 replace namelong = "COATS, DAN" if congress == 112 & id == 14806 replace namelong = "LUGAR, RICHARD" if congress == 112 & id == 14506 replace namelong = "GRASSLEY, CHARLES E." if congress == 112 & id == 14226 replace namelong = "HARKIN, TOM" if congress == 112 & id == 14230 replace namelong = "MORAN, JERRY" if congress == 112 & id == 29722 replace namelong = "ROBERTS, PAT" if congress == 112 & id == 14852 replace namelong = "PAUL, RAND" if congress == 112 & id == 41104 replace namelong = "MCCONNELL JR., MITCH" if congress == 112 & id == 14921 replace namelong = "VITTER, DAVID" if congress == 112 & id == 29918 replace namelong = "LANDRIEU, MARY L." if congress == 112 & id == 49702 replace namelong = "COLLINS, SUSAN M." if congress == 112 & id == 49703 replace namelong = "SNOWE,OLYMPIA" if congress == 112 & id == 14661 replace namelong = "MIKULSKI, BARBARA" if congress == 112 & id == 14440 replace namelong = "CARDIN, BENJAMIN L." if congress == 112 & id == 15408 replace namelong = "BROWN, SCOTT" if congress == 112 & id == 40913 replace namelong = "KERRY,JOHN F." if congress == 112 & id == 14920 replace namelong = "STABENOW, DEBORAH ANN" if congress == 112 & id == 29732 replace namelong = "LEVIN, CARL MILTON" if congress == 112 & id == 14709 replace namelong = "KLOBUCHAR, AMY" if congress == 112 & id == 40700 replace namelong = "FRANKEN, AL" if congress == 112 & id == 40904 replace namelong = "COCHRAN, THAD" if congress == 112 & id == 14009 replace namelong = "WICKER, ROGER" if congress == 112 & id == 29534 replace namelong = "MCCASKILL, CLAIRE" if congress == 112 & id == 40701 replace namelong = "BLUNT, ROY D." if congress == 112 & id == 29735 replace namelong = "BAUCUS, MAX" if congress == 112 & id == 14203 replace namelong = "TESTER, JON" if congress == 112 & id == 40702 replace namelong = "JOHANNS, MIKE" if congress == 112 & id == 40905 replace namelong = "NELSON, BEN" if congress == 112 & id == 40103 replace namelong = "ENSIGN, JOHN E." if congress == 112 & id == 29537 replace namelong = "HELLER, DEAN" if congress == 112 & id == 20730 replace namelong = "REID, HARRY M." if congress == 112 & id == 15054 replace namelong = "AYOTTE, KELLY" if congress == 112 & id == 41106 replace namelong = "SHAHEEN, JEAN" if congress == 112 & id == 40906 replace namelong = "MENENDEZ, ROBERT" if congress == 112 & id == 29373 replace namelong = "LAUTENBERG, FRANK R." if congress == 112 & id == 14914 replace namelong = "BINGAMAN, JEFF" if congress == 112 & id == 14912 replace namelong = "UDALL, TOM" if congress == 112 & id == 29924 replace namelong = "GILLIBRAND, KIRSTEN E." if congress == 112 & id == 20735 replace namelong = "SCHUMER, CHARLES E." if congress == 112 & id == 14858 replace namelong = "BURR, RICHARD" if congress == 112 & id == 29548 replace namelong = "HAGAN, KAY" if congress == 112 & id == 40907 replace namelong = "CONRAD, KENT" if congress == 112 & id == 15502 replace namelong = "HOEVEN, JOHN" if congress == 112 & id == 41107 replace namelong = "BROWN, SHERROD" if congress == 112 & id == 29389 replace namelong = "PORTMAN, ROB" if congress == 112 & id == 29386 replace namelong = "INHOFE, JAMES M" if congress == 112 & id == 15424 replace namelong = "COBURN, TOM" if congress == 112 & id == 29555 replace namelong = "MERKLEY, JEFF" if congress == 112 & id == 40908 replace namelong = "WYDEN, RON" if congress == 112 & id == 14871 replace namelong = "CASEY, ROBERT P., JR." if congress == 112 & id == 40703 replace namelong = "TOOMEY, PATRICK J." if congress == 112 & id == 29935 replace namelong = "WHITEHOUSE, SHELDON" if congress == 112 & id == 40704 replace namelong = "REED, JOHN F." if congress == 112 & id == 29142 replace namelong = "DEMINT, JIM" if congress == 112 & id == 29936 replace namelong = "GRAHAM, LINDSEY" if congress == 112 & id == 29566 replace namelong = "THUNE, JOHN R." if congress == 112 & id == 29754 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, TIM" if congress == 112 & id == 15425 replace namelong = "CORKER, BOB" if congress == 112 & id == 40705 replace namelong = "ALEXANDER, LAMAR" if congress == 112 & id == 40304 replace namelong = "CORNYN, JOHN" if congress == 112 & id == 40305 replace namelong = "HUTCHISON, KAY BAILEY" if congress == 112 & id == 49306 replace namelong = "LEE, MIKE" if congress == 112 & id == 41110 replace namelong = "HATCH, ORRIN" if congress == 112 & id == 14503 replace namelong = "SANDERS, BERNARD" if congress == 112 & id == 29147 replace namelong = "LEAHY, PATRICK" if congress == 112 & id == 14307 replace namelong = "WEBB, JIM" if congress == 112 & id == 40706 replace namelong = "WARNER, MARK" if congress == 112 & id == 40909 replace namelong = "CANTWELL, MARIA" if congress == 112 & id == 39310 replace namelong = "MURRAY, PATTY" if congress == 112 & id == 49308 replace namelong = "MANCHIN, JOE" if congress == 112 & id == 40915 replace namelong = "ROCKEFELLER, JOHN D." if congress == 112 & id == 14922 replace namelong = "JOHNSON, RON" if congress == 112 & id == 41111 replace namelong = "KOHL, HERBERT" if congress == 112 & id == 15703 replace namelong = "ENZI, MICHAEL B." if congress == 112 & id == 49706 replace namelong = "BARRASSO, JOHN" if congress == 112 & id == 40707 replace statecode = 48 if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace district = 0 if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace statename = "SOUTH C" if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace partycode = 100 if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace nameshort = "THURMOND" if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace namelong = "THURMOND, JAMES STROM" if id == 9369 & year <= 1964 replace statecode = 72 if id == 6738 & year <= 1952 replace district = 0 if id == 6738 & year <= 1952 replace statename = "OREGON" if id == 6738 & year <= 1952 replace partycode = 100 if id == 6738 & (year >= 1955 & year <=1968) replace partycode = 328 if id == 6738 & (year >= 1953 & year <=1954) replace partycode = 200 if id == 6738 & (year >= 1951 & year <= 1952) replace nameshort = "MORSE" if id == 6738 & year <= 1952 replace namelong = "MORSE, WAYNE LYMAN" if id == 6738 & year <= 1952 gen south = 0 /* this generates a variable that will be filled with 1 for southern states and 0 for non-southern states; see Vital Statistics on Congress and here: http://www.voteview.com/state_codes_icpsr.htm */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 41 /* Alabama */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 42 /* Arkansas */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 43 /* Florida */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 44 /* Georgia */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 45 /* Louisiana */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 46 /* Mississippi */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 47 /* North Carolina */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 48 /* South Carolina */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 54 /* Tennessee */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 49 /* Texas */ replace south = 1 if statecode == 40 /* Virginia */ replace name = "Inouye" if year == 2012 & id == 4812 egen gop = mean(idealpoint) if party==200, by(year) egen demsouth = mean(idealpoint) if party==100 & south==1, by(year) egen demnonsouth = mean(idealpoint) if party==100 & south==0, by(year) egen dem = mean(idealpoint) if party==100, by(year) twoway (scatter gop year, mcolor(red)) (scatter demsouth year, mcolor(dknavy)) (scatter demnonsouth year, mcolor(ltblue)) twoway (scatter gop year, mcolor(red)) (scatter dem year, mcolor(blue)) gen demID = idealpoint if party==100 gen gopID = idealpoint if party==200 twoway (scatter gopID year, mcolor(red)) (scatter demID year, mcolor(ltblue))