The above tweet links to this article discussing a study of hiring outcomes for 598 job finalists in finalist groups of 3 to 11 members.

The finalist groups in the sample ranged from 3 to 11 members, but the data in the figure are restricted to an unreported number of groups with exactly 4 members. The likelihoods in the figure of 0%, 50%, and 67% did not suggest large samples, so I emailed the faculty authors at Stefanie.Johnson [at] (on April 26) and david.hekman [at] (on May 2) asking for the data or for information on the sample sizes for the figure likelihoods. I also asked whether a woman was hired from a pool of any size in which only one finalist was a woman. I later tweeted a question to the faculty author who I found on Twitter.

I have not yet received a reply from either of these faculty authors.

I acknowledge researchers who provide data, code, and/or information upon request, so I thought it would be a good idea to note the researchers who don't.

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I happened across the Saucier et al. 2005 meta-analysis "Differences in Helping Whites and Blacks: A Meta-Analysis" (ungated), and I decided to plot the effect size against the standard error in a funnel plot to assess the possibility of publication bias.The funnel plot is below.

Saucier wt al. 2005 Funnel PlotFunnel plot asymmetry was not detected in Begg's test (p=0.486) but was detected in the higher-powered Egger's test (p=0.009)



1. Saucier et al. 2005 reported sample sizes but not effect sizes standard errors for each study, so I estimated the standard errors with formula 7.30 of Hunter and Schmidt (2004: 286).

2. Code here.

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I previously discussed Filindra and Kaplan 2016 in terms of the current state of political science research transparency, but this post will discuss the article more substantively.

Let's start with a re-quote regarding the purpose and research design of the Filindra and Kaplan 2016 experiment:

To determine whether racial prejudice depresses white support for gun control, we designed a priming experiment which exposed respondents to pictures of blacks and whites drawn from the IAT. Results show that exposure to the prime suppressed support for gun control compared to the control, conditional upon a respondent's level of racial resentment (p. 255).

Under the guise of a cognitive test, we exposed 600 survey participants who self-identified as white to three pictures of the faces of black individuals and another three of white individuals (p. 261).

For predicting the two gun-related outcome variable scales for the experiment, Table 1 indicates in separate models that the treatment alone, the treatment and a measure of symbolic racism alone, and the interaction of the treatment and symbolic racism all reach statistical significance at at least p<0.10 with a two-tailed test.

But the outcome variable scales are built from a subset of measured gun-related items. Filindra and Kaplan 2016 reported an exploratory factor analysis used to select items for outcome variable scales: 7 of 13 policy items about guns and 8 of 9 belief items about guns were selected for inclusion in the scales. The dataset for the article uploaded to the Dataverse did not contain data for the omitted policy and belief items, so I requested these data from Dr. Filindra. I did not receive access to these data.

It's reasonable to use factor analysis to decide which items to include in a scale, but this permits researcher flexibility about whether to perform the factor analysis in the first place and, if so, about whether to place all items in a single factor analysis or to, as in Filindra and Kaplan 2016, separate the items into groups and conduct a factor analysis for each group.


But the main problem with the experiment is not the flexibility in building the outcome variable scales. The main problem is that the research design does not permit an inference of racial prejudice.

The Filindra and Kaplan 2016 experimental design of a control and a single treatment of the black/white photo combination permits at most only the inference of a "causal relationship between racial considerations and gun policy preferences among whites" (p. 263, emphasis added). However, Filindra and Kaplan 2016 also discussed the experiment as if the treatment had been only photos of blacks (p. 263):

Our priming experiment shows that mere short exposure to pictures of blacks can drive opposition to gun control.

The Filindra and Kaplan experimental design does not permit assigning the measured effect to the photos of blacks isolated from the photos of whites, so I'm not sure why peer reviewers would have permitted that claim, which appeared in exactly the same form on page 9 of Filindra and Kaplan's 2015 MPSA paper.


Filindra and Kaplan 2016 supplement the experiment with a correlational study using symbolic racism to predict the ANES gun control item. But, as other researchers and I have noted, there is an inferential problem using symbolic racism in correlational studies, because symbolic racism conflates racial prejudice and nonracial attitudes; for example, knowing only that a person believes that blacks should not receive special favors cannot tell us whether that person's belief is motivated by antiblack bias, nonracial opposition to special favors, or some combination of the two.

My article here provides a sense of how strong a residual post-statistical-control correlation between symbolic racism and an outcome variable must be before one can confidently claim that the correlation is tapping antiblack bias. To illustrate this, I used linear regression on the 2012 ANES Time Series Study data, weighted and limited to white respondents, to predict responses to the gun control item, which was coded on a standardized scale so that the lowest value is the response that the federal government should make it more difficult to buy a gun, the middle response is that the rules should be kept the same, and the highest value is that the federal government should make it easier to buy a gun.

The standardized symbolic racism scale produced a 0.068 (p=0.012) residual correlation with the standardized gun control item, with the model including the full set of statistical control as described in the note below. That was about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized scale measuring conservative attitudes toward women (0.108, p<0.001), about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized abortion scale (-0.087, p<0.001), and about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized item about whether people should be permitted to place Social Security payroll taxes into personal accounts (0.070, p=0.007).

So, based on these data alone, racial prejudice as measured with symbolic racism has about as much "effect" on attitudes about gun control as it does on attitudes about women, abortion, and private accounts for Social Security. I think it's unlikely that bias against blacks causes conservative attitudes toward women, so I don't think that the 2012 ANES data can resolve whether or the extent to which bias against blacks causes support for gun control.

I would bet that there is some connection between antiblack prejudice and gun control, but I wouldn't argue that Filindra and Kaplan 2016 provide convincing evidence of this. Of course, it looks like a version of the Filindra and Kaplan 2016 paper won a national award, so what do I know?



1. Code for my analysis reported above is here.

2. The full set of statistical control has controls for: respondent sex, marital status, age group, education level, household income, employment status, Republican party membership, Democratic Party membership, self-reported political ideology, and items measuring attitudes about whether jobs should be guaranteed, limited government, moral traditionalism, authoritarianism, and egalitarianism.

3. Filindra and Kaplan 2016 Table 2 reports a larger effect size for symbolic racism in the 2004 and 2008 ANES data than in the 2012 ANES data, with respective values for the maximum change in probability of support of -0.23, -0.25, and -0.16. The mean of the 2004 and 2008 estimate is 50% larger than the 2012 estimate, so increasing the 2012 residual correlation of 0.068 by 50% produces 0.102, which is still about the same residual correlation as for conservative attitudes about women. Based on Table 6 of my article, I would not be comfortable alleging an effect for racial bias with anything under a 0.15 residual correlation with a full set of statistical control.

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Journals requiring the posting of data and code for published articles is a major improvement in the conduct of social science because it increases the ability of researchers to assess the correctness and robustness of reported results and because it presumably produces more careful analyses by researchers aware that their data and code will be made public.

But the DA-RT agreement to "[r]equire authors to ensure that cited data are available at the time of publication through a trusted digital repository" does not address selective reporting. For example, the current replication policy for the journal Political Behavior requires only that "[a]uthors of accepted manuscripts will be required to deposit all of the data and script files needed to replicate the published results in a trusted data repository such as ICPSR or Dataverse" (emphasis added).

This permits researchers to selectively report experiments, experimental conditions, and potential outcome variables, and to then delete the corresponding data from the dataset that is made public. Readers thus often cannot be sure whether the reported research has been selectively reported.


Consider uncertainty about the survey experiment reported in Filindra and Kaplan 2016, described in the article's abstract as follows (p. 255):

To determine whether racial prejudice depresses white support for gun control, we designed a priming experiment which exposed respondents to pictures of blacks and whites drawn from the IAT. Results show that exposure to the prime suppressed support for gun control compared to the control, conditional upon a respondent's level of racial resentment.

But here is a description of the experimental treatment (p. 261):

Under the guise of a cognitive test, we exposed 600 survey participants who self-identified as white to three pictures of the faces of black individuals and another three of white individuals.

I wasn't sure why a survey experiment intended "[t]o determine whether racial prejudice depresses white support for gun control" would have as its only treatment a prime that consisted of photos of both blacks and whites. It seems more logical for a "racial prejudice" experiment to have one condition in which participants were shown photos of blacks and another condition in which participants were shown photos of whites; then responses to gun control items that followed the photo primes could be compared for the black photo and white photo conditions.

Readers of Filindra and Kaplan 2016 might suspect that there were unreported experimental conditions in which participants were shown photos of blacks or were shown photos of whites. But readers cannot know from the article whether there were unreported conditions.


I didn't know of an easier way to eliminate the uncertainty about whether there were unreported conditions in Filindra and Kaplan 2016 other than asking the researchers, so I sent the corresponding author an email asking about the presence of unreported experimental conditions involving items about guns and photos of blacks and/or whites. Dr. Filindra indicated that there were no unreported conditions involving photos of blacks and/or whites, but there were unreported conditions for non-photo conditions that are planned for forthcoming work.


My correspondence with Dr. Filindra made me more confident in their reported results, but such correspondence is a suboptimal way to increase confidence in reported results: it took time from Drs. Filindra and Kaplan and from me, and the information from our correspondence is, as far as I am aware, available only to persons reading this blog post.

There are multiple ways for journals and researchers to remove uncertainty about selective reporting and thus increase research transparency, such as journals requiring the posting of all collected data, journals requiring researchers to make disclosures about the lack of selective reporting, and researchers preregistering plans to collect and analyze data.

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Pursuant to a request from Nathaniel Bechhofer, in this post I discuss the research reported in "The Effect of Gender Norms in Sitcoms on Support for Access to Abortion and Contraception", by Nathaniel Swigger. See here for a post about the study and here for the publication.


Disclosure: For what it's worth, I met Nathaniel Swigger when I was on the job market.


1. I agree with Nathaniel Bechhofer that the Limitations section of Swigger 2016 is good.

2. The article does a good job with disclosures, at least implied disclosures:

I don't think that there are omitted outcome variables because the bottom paragraph of page 9 and Table 1 report on multiple outcome variables that do not reach statistical significance (the first Results paragraph reports the lack of statistical significance for the items about federal insurance paying for abortion and spending on women's shelters). After reading the blog post, I thought it was odd to devote seven items to abortion and one item to contraception insurance, but in a prior publication Swigger used seven items for abortion, one item for contraception insurance, and items for government insurance for abortion.

I don't think that there are omitted conditions. The logic of the experiment does not suggest a missing condition (like here). Moreover, the article notes that results are "not quite in the way anticipated by the hypotheses" (p. 11), so I'm generally not skeptical about underreporting for this experiment, especially given the disclosure of items for which a difference was not detected.

3. I'm less certain that this was the only experiment ever conducted testing these hypotheses, but I'm basing this on underreporting in social science generally and not on any evidence regarding this experiment. I'd like for political science journals to adopt the requirement for—or for researchers to offer—disclosure regarding the completeness of the reporting of experimental conditions, potential outcome and explanatory variables, and stopping rules for data collection.

4. The estimated effect size for the abortion index is very large. Based on Table 1, the standard deviation for the abortion index was 4.82 (from a simple mean of the conditions because I did not see an indication of the number of cases per condition). For the full sample, the difference between the How I Met Your Mother and Parks and Recreation conditions was 5.57 for the abortion index, which corresponds to an estimate of d of 1.16, which—based on this source—falls between the effect size for men being heavier than women (d=1.04) and liberals liking Michelle Obama more than conservatives do (d=1.26). For another comparison, the How I Met Your Mother versus Parks and Recreation difference caused a 5.57 difference on the abortion index, which is less than the 4.47 difference between Catholics and persons who are not Christian or Muslim.

The experiment had 87 participants after exclusions, across three conditions. A power calculation indicated that 29 participants per condition would permit detection of a relatively large d=0.74 effect size 80 percent of the time. Another way to think of the observed d=1.16 effect size is that, if the experiment were conducted over and over again with 29 participants per condition, 99 times of 100 the experiment would be expected to detect a difference on the abortion index between the How I Met Your Mother and Parks and Recreation conditions.

Table 3 output for the dichotomous contraception insurance item is in logit coefficients, but Table 1 indicates the effect sizes more intuitively, with means for the How I Met Your Mother and Parks and Recreation conditions of 0.19 and 0.50, which is about a difference of a factor of 2.6. The control condition mean is 0.69, which corresponds to a factor of 3.6 difference compared to the How I Met Your Mother condition.


In conclusion, I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the reported analyses, but the effect sizes are larger than I would expect. Theoretically, the article notes on page 7 that the How I Met Your Mother and Parks and Recreation stimuli differ in many ways, so it's impossible to isolate the reason for any detected effect, so it's probably best to describe the results in more general terms about the effect of sitcoms, as Sean McElwee did.

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